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Dr. Hubertus Strughold was an early pioneer of aerospace medicine. He was the Director of the Aeromedical Research Institute of the German Air Ministry in Berlin during World War II. After the war, he was brought to the U.S. as a part of "Operation Paperclip" and was instrumental in the early development of space medicine. His contributions were so fundamental that he is called "The Father of Space Medicine" and the Hubertus Strughold Award is given yearly by the Space Medicine Association for individual achievement in space medicine. Following his death, criticism of his possible involvement in World War II atrocities has emerged and most of his honors have been removed. This book is a detailed and well referenced biography of Dr. Strughold. The details concerning the controversy of his activities in World War II are covered comprehensively for the first time. "We knew only a small part, and remained silent. We know more now and this along with the consciousness: if we would have known it, we would have also been silent." Existential philosopher K. Jaspers, Heidelberg 1947
As space medicine evolved from the late 1950s onward, the need arose for a ready reference for students and practitioners on the basic concepts of this new specialty. Through three editions edited by leaders in the development of space medicine, this classic text has met the need. This fourth edition of Space Physiology and Medicine provides succinct, evidence-based summaries of the current knowledge base in space medicine and serves as a source of information on the space environment, responses, and practices. Additionally, there is extensive online material available for each chapter, featuring overviews and self-study questions.
With a prologue by Melchor J AntuA ano (Civil Aerospace Medical Institute, Oklahoma City, USA) The book provides an up-to-date overview of the history of aviation medicine and the development of medical requirements for licensing. Also the physiological foundation for flight, the physiology of the sensory organs, exposure to cosmic radiation, the preventative aspects of aviation medicine, the role of medical factors in accident investigation, and passenger health issues are covered.The bulk of the book is the clinical part which contains several chapters and sub-chapters on clinical aviation medicine with detailed guidance, written by Medical Examiners for Medical Examiners, on how to examin...
This last volume of the SpringerBriefs in Space Life Sciences series is setup in 5 main parts. The 1st part shortly summarizes the history of life science research in space from the late 40s until today with focus on Europe and Germany, followed by a part on describing flight opportunities including the Space Shuttle/Spacelab system and the International Space Station ISS; in the 3rd part it focuses on extraordinary success stories of this constantly challenging research program and highlights some important key findings in space life science research. The book introduces in the 4th part innovative developments in non-invasive biomedical diagnostics and training methods for astronauts that emerge from this program and are of benefit for people on Earth especially in the aging society. Last but not least in its 5th part it closes with an outlook on the future of space life sciences in the upcoming era of space exploration. The book is intended for students and research scientists in the life sciences and biomedicine as well as for interested lay persons, who wish to get an overview of space life science research: its ́ early days, current status and future directions.
Zu diesem Buch: Der qualifizierte Lufttransport Kranker, Verletzter und Verwundeter stellt einen der bedeutsamsten Neuerungen im Sanitätsdienst der deutschen Luftwaffe (1935-1945) dar. Im 2. Weltkrieg wurden vor allem auf Seiten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und Deutschlands umfassende Erfahrungen im taktischen und strategischen Verwundetenlufttransport gesammelt. Während in den USA die eigenen Leistungen detailliert aufgearbeitet sind, fehlt hierzulande eine derartige Übersichtsarbeit. Die Lücke zu schließen ist Anliegen dieser ersten Monographie zu dem Sanitätsflugdienst der Luftwaffe bis 1945. Ausgehend von den Anfängen des Lufttransportes Kranker und Verwundeter in Deutschla...
The Yearbook of Transnational History is dedicated to disseminating pioneering research in the field of transnational history. This fourth volume is focused to the theme of exile. Authors from across the historical discipline provide insights into central aspects of research into the phenomenon of exile in the nineteenth and twentieth century. Both centuries have seen large numbers of people fleeing revolutions, oppression, persecution, and extermination. This volume is the first publication to provide a comprehensive overview over exiles of various political and ethnic groups beginning with the French Revolution and ending with the transfer of Nazi scientists from post-World-War-II Germany to the United States. This volume contains contributions about the refugees created by the French Revolution, the Forty-Eighters who were forced out of Germany after the failed Revolution of 1848/49, the anarchists Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman, Vietnamese anti-colonial activists in France, the exiles of Nazi Germany, and the transfer of Nazi scientists such as Wernher von Braun to the United States after World War II.
Der Luftfahrtmediziner Hermann von Schrötter (1870-1928) beschäftigte sich zeitlebens mit den physiologischen Auswirkungen von Änderungen des Luftdruckes. Als Bedeutendster Beitrag auf diesem Gebiet gilt sein bereits 1903 vorgestelltes Konzept der Druckkabine für Stratosphärenfahrten, ohne die moderne Luftfahrt undenkbar wäre. Aber auch seine Beiträge zur hyperbaren Medizin (Caissonkrankheit einschließlich arbeitsmedizinischer Aspekte), der klinischen Medizin (Endoskopie), der Balneologie und Medizinischen Klimatologie (Tuberkulosebehandlung) und Militärmedizin (Hygiene der Luftfahrt) sind Beispiele für ein schaffensreiches Leben. Dieser Abhandlung sind zwei mittlerweile seltene Buchquellen zur Hygiene der Aeronautik" aus 1909 und "Über sanitäre Erfordernisse für den Flugdienst" aus 1919 beigefügt.
Der Flugmediziner Theodor Benzinger (1905-1999) leitete die Medizinische Abteilung der Erpoubungsstelle der Luftwaffe Rechlin (EMed) in den Jahren 1934-1944. Diese Abhandlung untersucht die Arbeit der EMed schwerpunktmässig unter dem Gesichtspunkt ihres Beitrages zur höhenphysiologischen Forschung bis Kriegsende. Medizinethische Brisanz und Bedeutung gewinnt die Studie unter dem Gesichtspunkt, dass Benzinger später als US-Bürger Angriffen ausgesetzt war, als "NS-Mediziner" an unethischen Versuchen im 3. Reich beteiligt gewesen zu sein. Anhand der technischen Erprobung von Schleudersitzen wird der Bezug zur EMed hergestellt und Zuständigkeiten, Verantwortungen und Entscheidungsprozesse der luftfahrtmedizinischen Forschung herausgearbeitet. Neben Interviews von Zeitzeugen wurden vom Verfasser die einschlägigen Archive auch in den USA aufgesucht.