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Comentários à Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 574

Comentários à Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados

  • Categories: Law
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-07-17
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  • Publisher: Editora Foco

Sobre a obra Comentários à Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Sob a Perspectiva do Direito Médico e da Saúde - 1a Ed 2023 "Aqui se vê a importância da presente obra. Um livro de comentários à LGPD tendo a saúde como enfoque coloca uma lente especial sobre a norma protetiva de dados, porque as complexas relações de saúde são o ponto de partida para a análise do tema. Assim, a interpretação dos artigos da Lei é feita por um grupo de profissionais, juristas, professores e advogados especialistas na área, que se valem de uma lupa muito singular como técnica hermenêutica para explicar como a LGPD afeta e passa a compor as relações de saúde. Diante dessas características, a p...

Direito, Tecnologia e Justiça Digital
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 252

Direito, Tecnologia e Justiça Digital

  • Categories: Law
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-12-13
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  • Publisher: LTr Editora

Após quatro gerações da Revolução Industrial, vive-se agora na Era Digital, em uma sociedade em rede. A tecnologia também chegou ao Direito. A adoção de meios digitais pelos sistemas de justiça resultou nos conceitos de Justiça Digital ou Justiça Eletrônica. Os sistemas de justiça migraram para os meios processuais eletrônicos, fazendo uso crescente de ferramentas digitais e de aplicação de inteligência artificial. O processo judicial eletrônico criou novas formas de interação entre magistrados, advogados, servidores e litigantes, de modo mais rápido e eficiente por meio da internet, levando a uma nítida reconfiguração do modelo de acesso à e-Justiça. Afinal, o Mund...

Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 591

Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-11-19
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  • Publisher: Springer

The two volume set LNAI 9413 + LNAI 9414 constitutes the proceedings of the 14th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2015, held in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, in October 2015. The total of 98 papers presented in these proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 297 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: natural language processing; logic and multi-agent systems; bioinspired algorithms; neural networks; evolutionary algorithms; fuzzy logic; machine learning and data mining; natural language processing applications; educational applications; biomedical applications; image processing and computer vision; search and optimization; forecasting; and intelligent applications.

Advances in Soft Computing
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 565

Advances in Soft Computing

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-08-01
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  • Publisher: Springer

The two-volume set LNAI 10061 and 10062 constitutes the proceedings of the 15th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2016, held in Cancún, Mexico, in October 2016. The total of 86 papers presented in these two volumes was carefully reviewed and selected from 238 submissions. The contributions were organized in the following topical sections: Part I: natural language processing; social networks and opinion mining; fuzzy logic; time series analysis and forecasting; planning and scheduling; image processing and computer vision; robotics. Part II: general; reasoning and multi-agent systems; neural networks and deep learning; evolutionary algorithms; machine learning; classification and clustering; optimization; data mining; graph-based algorithms; and intelligent learning environments.

Direito, Tecnologia e Inovação
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 214

Direito, Tecnologia e Inovação

  • Categories: Law

A paixão pela vida acadêmica e curiosidade sobre os novos caminhos no Direito nos levou à organização do Simpósio de Direito, Tecnologia e Inovação UNIFACEAR, junto com os então professores do curso de Direito da casa, Sérgio Fernando Ferreira de Lima e Nicolas Addor, assim como professores do curso de Sistemas de Informação e Análise de Sistemas. Nos anos de 2018 e 2019 realizamos o I Simpósio de Direito, Tecnologia e Inovação UNIFACEAR, respectivamente, com a participação de nossos alunos, professores e profissionais do Direito, lotando o auditório do Campus Araucária com mais de quatrocentas pessoas. O evento de 2018 originou uma edição especial da Revista Eletrônic...

The Global Challenge Posed by the Multiresistant International Clones of Bacterial Pathogens
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 293

The Global Challenge Posed by the Multiresistant International Clones of Bacterial Pathogens

Multiresistant bacterial pathogens pose a serious problem worldwide making the appropriate treatment of patients with healthcare-associated infections a challenge. The spread of antibiotic resistance is either mediated by mobile genetic elements (MGEs) or the dissemination of genetically-related groups of pathogens, “high-risk clonal complexes”. Interestingly most multiresistant healthcare-associated bacteria command just a few dominant international clonal complexes causing infections in various geographical areas. It is of utmost importance to identify the determinants associated with and promoting the spread of antibiotic resistance and the dissemination of these multiresistant pathog...

Advances in Computational Intelligence
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 568

Advances in Computational Intelligence

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-08-02
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  • Publisher: Springer

The two-volume set LNAI 10061 and 10062 constitutes the proceedings of the 15th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2016, held in Cancún, Mexico, in October 2016. The total of 86 papers presented in these two volumes was carefully reviewed and selected from 238 submissions. The contributions were organized in the following topical sections: Part I: natural language processing; social networks and opinion mining; fuzzy logic; time series analysis and forecasting; planning and scheduling; image processing and computer vision; robotics. Part II: general; reasoning and multi-agent systems; neural networks and deep learning; evolutionary algorithms; machine learning; classification and clustering; optimization; data mining; graph-based algorithms; and intelligent learning environments.

Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Symmetries
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 419

Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Symmetries

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-01-09
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  • Publisher: Springer

This proceedings records the 31st International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (“Group 31”). Plenary-invited articles propose new approaches to the moduli spaces in gauge theories (V. Pestun, 2016 Weyl Prize Awardee), the phenomenology of neutrinos in non-commutative space-time, the use of Hardy spaces in quantum physics, contradictions in the use of statistical methods on complex systems, and alternative models of supersymmetry. This volume’s survey articles broaden the colloquia’s scope out into Majorana neutrino behavior, the dynamics of radiating charges, statistical pattern recognition of amino acids, and a variety of applications of gauge theory, among other...

Research Anthology on Agile Software, Software Development, and Testing
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 2206

Research Anthology on Agile Software, Software Development, and Testing

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-11-26
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  • Publisher: IGI Global

Software development continues to be an ever-evolving field as organizations require new and innovative programs that can be implemented to make processes more efficient, productive, and cost-effective. Agile practices particularly have shown great benefits for improving the effectiveness of software development and its maintenance due to their ability to adapt to change. It is integral to remain up to date with the most emerging tactics and techniques involved in the development of new and innovative software. The Research Anthology on Agile Software, Software Development, and Testing is a comprehensive resource on the emerging trends of software development and testing. This text discusses the newest developments in agile software and its usage spanning multiple industries. Featuring a collection of insights from diverse authors, this research anthology offers international perspectives on agile software. Covering topics such as global software engineering, knowledge management, and product development, this comprehensive resource is valuable to software developers, software engineers, computer engineers, IT directors, students, managers, faculty, researchers, and academicians.