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This book contains the best papers accepted for presentation at the 3rd Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-3). The book is divided into three parts to distinguish research studies from the fields of (1) geological and geotechnical engineering, (2) geomechanical studies based on numerical and analytical methods, and (3) geo-informatics and remote sensing. The content of these papers provides new scientific knowledge for further understanding on landslides, new stabilization techniques, importance of geophysics for engineering geology investigations as well as new empirical approaches for easily predicting some physical and hydrogeomechanical properties of geomater...
This book gives a general overview on current research focusing on geoenvironmental issues and challenges in hydrogeosciences in the Middle East and Mediterranean region and surrounding areas. The book is based on the accepted papers for oral/poster presentations at the 3rd Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-3). Studies discuss the latest advances in geoenvironmental and hydrogeosciences from diverse backgrounds including climate change, geoecology, biogeochemistry, water resources management, and environmental monitoring and assessment. It shares insights on how the understanding of ecological, climatological, oceanic, and hydrological processes is the key for improving practices in environment management. It is of interest to scientists, engineers, practitioners, and policymakers in the field of environmental sciences including climatology, oceanography, ecology, biogeochemistry, environmental management, hydrology, hydrogeology, and geosciences in general. In particular, this book is of great value to students and environment-related professionals for further investigations on the state of earth systems.
This volume includes the papers presented during the 1st Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI) which was held in Sousse, Tunisia in November 2017. This conference was jointly organized by the editorial office of the Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration in Sfax, Tunisia and Springer (MENA Publishing Program) in Germany. It aimed to give a more concrete expression to the Euro-Mediterranean integration process by supplementing existing North-South programs and agreements with a new multilateral scientific forum that emphasizes in particular the vulnerability and proactive remediation of the Euro-Mediterranean region from an environmental point o...
The Book explores the intricate balance of preserving cultural heritage while fostering sustainable urban growth. This comprehensive volume presents a diverse array of chapters, each exploring unique facets of this critical intersection. From the contextual preservation methods in Italy's military landscapes and advanced data fusion techniques in Selinunte, to the phenomenological exploration of Bahrain's architectural identity and the environmental frameworks for its primary health care centers, the book offers multifaceted insights. It navigates through the urban transformations in historic sites like Thamugadi and Tripoli, the digitization for conservation in Algeria, and the sustainable ...
Neuropsychology has become a very important aspect for neurologists in clinical practice as well as in research. Being a specialized field in psychology, its long history is based on different historical developments in brain science and clinical neurology. In this volume, we want to show how present concepts of neuropsychology originated and were established by outlining the most important developments since the end of the 19th century. The articles of this book that cover topics such as aphasia, amnesia and dementia show a great multicultural influence due to an editorship and authorship that spans all developmental initiatives in Europe, Asia, and America. This book gives a better understanding of the development of higher brain function studies and is an interesting read for neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, neurosurgeons, historians, and anyone else interested in the history of neuropsychology.
Charlie has taken his 24 years of experience of prison dwelling and condensed it into one handy and comprehensive volume. Moved regularly around the prisons of the British Isles he has sampled all that prison life has to offer, taking in both the historic and pre-historic buildings that comprise Britain's infamous prison system. It's all in here from the correct way to brew vintage prison 'hooch' and how to keep the screws from finding it, to the indispensable culinary methods required to make prison food edible. Read about Charlie's special taming techniques for prison wildlife such as spiders, rats and cockroaches, creatures that may be your only friends on long stretches in solitary. Also Charlie shows how to plan and prepare for marriage inside what can be seen as a less than romantic setting. With over 70,000 people (and rising) currently residing at Her Majesty's pleasure, Charlie Bronson's "Good Prison Guide" is essential for young offenders and 'old lags' alike. Make sure you don't get nicked without it.
Unlike crosswords of just a few years ago, today's crosswords, as exemplified by those in The New York Times, are filled with lively words and phrases that can't be found in a standard dictionary or any other single reference source - until now. The Crossword Answer Book is the first-ever puzzler's reference based on actual crossword answers. Multi-word phrases, abbreviations, famous people from all fields, place names, fictional characters, brand names, and more - all get "equal time" for the first time in this book.
- NEW! Updated content throughout the text reflects the current state of primary care and physical therapy practice. - NEW! New chapter on electrodiagnostic testing helps familiarize physical therapists with indications for electrodiagnostic testing and implications of test results to their clinical decision-making. - NEW! New chapter on patients with a history of trauma emphasizes the red flags that physical therapists need to recognize for timely patient referral for appropriate tests. - NEW! Updated information on how to screen and examine the healthy population enhances understanding of the foundations of practice and the role that physical therapists can fill in primary care models.