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This is an open access book. Linguistics as a field of study discussing languages plays a fundamental role in the life of humans. It affects the human way of thinking in various aspects. In turn, there is a pervasive influence of language on our daily lives. The impact is that the work of linguists is no longer only managing language in one discipline, but relating and interconnecting the linguistics with other fields at a further level. Linguistic studies have now been carried out in various fields including psychology, anthropology, neuroscience, law, philosophy, computer science, communications, and education. Linguistics enthusiasts find practical solutions for their linguistic training ...
We are delighted to deliver the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Education, Science and Culture (ICIESC). This conference was organized by Research and Community Service Centre of Universitas Negeri Medan (LPPM UNIMED) held virtually on 31 August 2021. By raise up the main theme of Leading Recovery: “The New Innovation in Education, Science and Culture After a Global Pandemic”, the 3rd ICIESC conference shows up several interested topics as a Science Education, Vocational Education, Social Science and Humanities, Management Innovation and Heritage Culture. Some of the topics been interested topic and important to be discussed. With the number participant i...
Psikologi perkembangan adalah cabang dari ilmu psikologi yang mempelajari perkembangan dan perubahan aspek kejiwaan manusia sejak dilahirkan sampai dengan meninggal. Terapan dari ilmu psikologi perkembangan digunakan di berbagai bidang seperti pendidikan dan pengasuhan, organisasi industri, pengoptimalan kualitas hidup dewasa tua, dan penanganan remaja.
Buku ini merupakan hasil pengalaman penulis sebagai pengampu matakuliah microteaching. Isi dari buku ini mendiskripsikan tujuan, urgensi, signifikansi, novelty, kajian terdahulu yang relevan, penyusunan Rencana Pembelajaran Semester (RPS), pengantar teori pembelajaran microteaching, praktek mengajar dan refleksi diri serta feedback. Buku ini melibatkan mahasiswa dalam penyusunan RPS, praktek mengajar secara individu dan refleksi diri mahasiswa setelah melakukan praktek mengajar dengan bimbingan penulis. Dengan demikian buku ini dapat menjadi best practices bagi para mahasiswa yang sedang mengambil matakuliah microteaching. Buku “Microteaching Berorientasi Kinerja/Unjuk kerja Calon Guru IPA” ini semoga dapat memberikan panduan dan solusi bagi mahasiswa calon Guru IPA sebagai bekal Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) dan senantiasa menjadi guru IPA yang profesional. Semoga buku ini juga dapat bermanfaat bagi pembaca dan mahasiswa sebagai literartur perkuliahan microteaching
Ke mana lagi hubungan AKU dan KAU dibawa kalau bukan untuk diresmikan ke KUA? Tapi kenapa ada yang sampai bertahun-tahun tak jua kunjung dipersatukan di sana? Nah, segera temukan jawabannya dalam buku ini. Dikemas dengan bahasa yang ringan dan segar, buku yang berawal dari kicauan @tweetnikah di twitter ini akan membahas komplit seputar pernikahan. Tenang saja, ini tidak seperti buku pernikahan yang anda bayangkan. Dengan bahasa khas @tweetnikah, Anda akan diajak melihat pernikahan dalam perspektif yang sedikit berbeda, bahkan mungkin belum pernah Anda bayangkan selama ini.
This book presents high-quality peer-reviewed papers from the International Conference on Electronics, Biomedical Engineering, and Health Informatics (ICEBEHI) 2021 held at Surabaya, Indonesia, virtually. The contents are broadly divided into three parts: (i) electronics, (ii) biomedical engineering, and (iii) health informatics. The major focus is on emerging technologies and their applications in the domain of biomedical engineering. It includes papers based on original theoretical, practical, and experimental simulations, development, applications, measurements, and testing. Featuring the latest advances in the field of biomedical engineering applications, this book serves as a definitive reference resource for researchers, professors, and practitioners interested in exploring advanced techniques in the field of electronics, biomedical engineering, and health informatics. The applications and solutions discussed here provide excellent reference material for future product development.
This is an open access book. The National Research and Innovation Agency (Acronymized in Bahasa as BRIN, Badan Riset and Inovasi Nasional), the Republic of Indonesia was launched in 2021 and has been the only one of Indonesia authorized research institution since. The Agency embodies throughout department and non-department research bodies in Indonesia and answers and thus responsible directly to the President of Indonesia. Despite its juvenile age, BRIN is in a tight competition with urgencies of untangling unresolved issues in various aspects in collective life as a nation and a state spanning socioeconomic and culture to medicine and its translational derivatives. To function as effective...
The increasingly rapid destruction of the ecological systems that support life is calling into question some of the fundamental stories that we live by: stories of unlimited economic growth, of consumerism, progress, individualism, success, and the human domination of nature. Ecolinguistics shows how linguistic analysis can help reveal the stories we live by, open them up to question, and contribute to the search for new stories. Bringing together the latest ecolinguistic studies with new theoretical insights and practical analyses, this book charts a new course for ecolinguistics as an engaged form of critical enquiry. Featuring: A framework for understanding the theory of ecolinguistics an...
Written 30 years ago as the first synthesis of European and Anglo-American methods in vegetation ecology, this text remains as current and topical today as it was a quarter of a century ago, because the progress that has been made in vegetation science is in the computer-based treatment of sample data, not in the creation of new sampling protocols.