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Pine forests face a global threat of pine wilt disease, which is being spread by vector beetles carrying pathogenic nematodes from dead trees to healthy ones. Among the host pines there are varying degrees of susceptibility, and nematode strains also contain a variety of virulences, both of which factors help to determine whether infected host trees will die or survive. As well, biotic and abiotic environmental factors influence the fate of infected trees. This book describes the history of the disease, pathogenic nematodes, vector beetles, the etiology and ecology of the disease, microorganisms involved, and control methods that utilize host resistance and biological control agents. Concrete, comprehensive, and the most up-to-date knowledge about this worldwide forest epidemic is presented for readers, enabling them to understand the nature and epidemic threat of pine wilt disease.
Pine wilt disease (PWD) is unquestionably a major threat to forest ecosystems worldwide. After seriously affecting Eastern Asian countries, the challenge is now in Europe, following its detection in Portugal in 1999 and its subsequent spread. For foresters, these were really very bad news and, in order for adequate action to be taken, scientists had to teach politicians about the seriousness of the problem. That is never an easy task, but it was successfully done at that time, mainly by the continued effort of Professor Manuel Mota. The challenge of having political decisions based on good science is fundamental for the success of any program, but especially in dif?cult situations such as th...
Kehadiran Atsiri Research Center (ARC) Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK) di akhir 2016 telah memberi warna baru dalam perjalanan industri nilam di Aceh. Melalui kolaborasi penta helix dari perguruan tinggi, pemerintah, dunia usaha, masyarakat dan media telah memungkinkan terjadinya sinergi hulu-hilir agroindustri nilam Aceh dan membuka jalan baru industri nilam Aceh yang lebih berkeadilan dan berkelanjutan. Keberhasilan ARC bertransformasi menjadi Pusat Unggulan Iptek Perguruan Tinggi (PUIPT) pada 2019 telah menjadikan ARC salah satu rujukan nasional untuk inovasi hulu-hilir industri nilam. Beberapa intervensi hulu-hilir secara fundamental telah dilakukan oleh ARC seperti pengembangan bibit ungg...
Buku ini diawali dari kumpulan beberapa hasil penelitian tentang eksplorasi Trichoderma isolat asal Aceh hingga pengujian potensinya sebagai agen pengendalian hayati, biodekomposer dan zat perangsang tumbuh. Sejak tahun 2009 sampai sekarang dari berbagai sumber dana, penulis telah melakukan penelitian terhadap teknik perbanyakan Trichoderma, aspek aspek pengendalian biologi beberapa penyakit tumbuhan terutama tanaman perkebunan dengan memanfaatkan agen pengendalian hayati isolat lokal yaitu jamur Trichoderma. Melalui buku ini maka petani dan masyaarakat umunya diharapakan memiliki pedoman bagaimana cara memperbanyak Trichoderma secaramandiri di rumah, di kebunsertabagaimanacaraaplikasinya.
Penyakit tumbuhan sangat berperanan dalam kaitannya dengan ketersediaan pangan. Diantara agens utama yang menyebabkan terjadinya penyakit pada tanaman yang mempunyai nilai ekonomis, diketahui bahwa fungsi patogen merupakan agens penyebab penyakit yang paling penting. Namun demikian, penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri patogen tumbuhan ternyata juga dapat menimbulkan kerugian yang tidak kalah pentingnya bila dibandingkan dengan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh cendawan patogen, khususnya yang disebabkan oleh Ralstonia (Pseudomonas) solanacearum yang merupakan contoh yang nyata tentang potensi kerusakan yang ditimbulkan oleh bakteri fitopatogen.
Buku ini menceritakan bagaimana Topgan—demikian nama panggilan Taufiq A. Gani, membangun impian, bekerja keras, dan membentuk komunitas dalam menghasilkan perubahan dan “warisan bernilai” yang membekas di Perpustakaan Universitas Syiah Kuala sebelum beliau melanjutkan karier di Syiah Kuala University Press dan Pusat Data dan Informasi, Perpustakaan Nasional RI. Dengan latar belakang hidup di Aceh, merantau, menimba ilmu dan pengalaman profesional di Surabaya, Kuala Lumpur, dan Penang, hingga memiliki kemampuan dalam ilmu Teknologi Informasi, ia membuat berbagai terobosan di Unit Pelaksanaan Terpadu yang ia pimpin, mulai dari berhasil memenuhi standar mutu nasional (akreditasi A, SNI Award) hingga berstandar Internasional. Buku ini juga turut memberikan trik dan tips bagaimana menghadapi perubahan kebijakan penganggaran yang kerap terjadi di universitas, hingga perubahan-perubahan berbasis risiko yang harus dihadapi.
On conflict management and peace agreement in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.
Controlled Release Fertilizers for Sustainable Agriculture provides a comprehensive examination of precision fertilizer applications using the 4-R approach—the right amount of fertilizer at the right time to the right plant at the correct stage of plant growth. This volume consolidates detailed information on each aspect of controlled release fertilizers, including up-to-date literature citations, the current market for controlled release fertilizers and patents. Presenting the tremendous advances in experimental and theoretical studies on sustainable agriculture and related areas, this book provides in-depth insight into state-of-the-art controlled release mechanisms of fertilizers, techn...
Recent changes in the pattern of agricultural practices from use of hazardous pesticides to natural (organic) cultivation has brought into focus the use of agriculturally important microorganisms for carrying out analogous functions. The reputation of plant growth promoting rhizomicroorganisms (PGPRs) is due to their antagonistic mechanisms against most of the fungal and bacterial phytopathogens. The biocontrol potential of agriculturally important microorganisms is mostly attributed to their bioactive secondary metabolites. However, low shelf life of many potential agriculturally important microorganisms impairs their use in agriculture and adoption by farmers. The focal theme of this book ...