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This is an open access book. The 2nd International Conference Social-Humanities in Maritime and Border Area (SHIMBA) 2023 is our response to issues on the development of maritime and border area. This will be a great opportunity among the stakeholders (private sectors, academia, researchers, governments, non-government, etc) who have roles, interests, and contributions to the related issues.
We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of the first International Conference on Social-Humanities in Maritime and Border Area (SHIMBA) 2022. This conference has brought researchers, developers and practitioners around the world who are interested in issues around maritime and border area. smart grid technology for a smarter and more resilient grid. The theme of SHIMBA 2022 was “Acceleration Strategy for Maritime and Border Area”. The technical program of SHIMBA 2022 consisted of 32 full papers. The conference clusters were: Cluster 1 - Acceleration Strategy for Public Administration and Governance; Cluster 2 - Acceleration Strategy for Sociology and Culture; and Cluster 3 - Acceleration Strategy for Law and International Relations. Aside from the high quality paper presentations, the program also featured nine invited speeches. We strongly believe that SHIMBA conference provides a good forum for all researcher, developers and practitioners to discuss all aspects that are relevant to maritime and border area. We also expect that the future SHIMBA conference will be as successful and stimulating, as indicated by the contributions presented in this volume.
Kawasan perbatasan yang terletak di wilayah daratan pedesaan, kawasan perbatasan negara yang berada di lautan belum secara tegas ditetapkan norma pengelolaannya dalam berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan, meskipun saat ini wilayah perbatasan yang berada di lautan merupakan kawasan strategis nasional yang mempunyai fungsi pertahanan dan keamanan negara. Selain kawasan perdesaaan juga menyimpan potensi sumber daya alam yang besar, kawasan perdesaan juga tersedia sumber daya manusia yang potensial untuk dimanfaatkan. Semua potensi ini harus menjadi potensi yang pengelolaannya harus tetap diprioritaskan. Pengelolaan yang baik dan terintegrasi merupakan cermin mempertahankan keutuhan NKRI dan ha...
Buku “Pengelolaan Pariwisata Maritim : Pendekatan Terpadu untuk Keberlanjutan” oleh Anastasia Wiwik Swastiwi menawarkan panduan komprehensif mengenai pariwisata maritim, sektor yang semakin berkembang pesat di Indonesia dan dunia. Melalui pembahasan yang mendalam, buku ini mengeksplorasi konsep dasar pariwisata maritim, mulai dari definisi, klasifikasi, hingga regulasi yang berlaku. Pembaca akan dibawa memahami ekosistem yang kompleks dan bagaimana aspek hukum memainkan peran penting dalam pengelolaan sumber daya maritim. Tidak hanya berfokus pada teori, buku ini juga menyajikan studi kasus nyata dari destinasi wisata maritim unggulan, menjelaskan strategi pengelolaan sumber daya alam da...
Institutional constraints and weak capacity often hamper the ability of local governments in developing countries to steer urbanization. As a result, there are not enough cities to accommodate an unabated rural-urban migration and many of those that exist are messy, sprawling, and disconnected. The flipside is the emergence of entire cities--more than gated communities or industrial parks--led in whole or in part by private actors. To date, little systematic research has been conducted on the conditions that are necessary for such unusual entities to emerge, on the roles played by private actors, or on the consequences for efficiency and equity. 'Private Cities: Outstanding Examples from Dev...
Buku ini berusaha mengungkapkan berbagai sudut pandang terhadap kasus atau peristiwa seputar HAM, yang terkait aneka aspek di berbagai belahan dunia. Dewasa ini, masih banyak ditemukan kasus mengenai pelanggaran HAM (Hak Asasi Manusia). Baik dalam lingkup nasional maupun internasional. Hak-hak dasar seperti hak untuk hidup, keamanan, kebebasan masih belum sepenuhnya didapatkan oleh sebagian masyarakat secara layak. Oleh karena itu buku ini membahas mengenai beberapa isu pelanggaran HAM yang ada di dunia dan bagaimana kemudian generasi muda menyajikan perspektifnya. Sebagai buah karya tulis ilmiah besar harapan kami bahwa buku ini dapat menambah wawasan bagi para pembaca di berbagai kalangan, akademisi maupun umum, terkait eksistensi isu-isu HAM di dunia. Terlepas dari itu semua, kami meyadari sepenuhnya bahwa masih ada keterbatasan dalam buku ini. Sehingga kami terbuka untuk segala diskusi lebih lanjut mengenai buku ini. Semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat untuk khalayak ramai, dan dapat dinikmati oleh mereka yang peduli dengan eksistensi penegakan HAM di berbagai ranah kehidupan manusia, di berbagai belahan dunia.
Analyses changing patterns of international military cooperation and assistance and shows that Western defence diplomacy is increasingly being directed towards new goals. The new defence diplomacy runs alongside the old and there are tensions between the two, in particular between the new goal of promoting democracy and the old imperative of supporting authoritarian allies.
Nation Branding: Concepts, Issues, Practice was the ground-breaking first textbook to provide an overview of this recently established but fast-growing practice, in which the principles of brand management are applied to countries rather than companies. Many governments have invested in nation branding in order to strengthen their country's influence, improve its reputation, or boost tourism, trade and investment. This new edition has been comprehensively revised and its influential original framework modified to reflect the very latest changes to this still-developing field. It remains an accessible blend of theory and practice rich with international examples and contributions. Updates to ...
Belajar Buku Masuk PTN BUKU EMAS
Institutional weaknesses limit the capacity of local governments to support efficient urbanization in developing countries. They also lead to the emergence of large developers with the clout to build entire cities. This paper analyzes the urbanization process when local governments are weak and large developers are powerful. Results from a non-cooperative game setting with minimal assumptions show that multiple equilibria can emerge depending on key institutional parameters of the model and the nature of the game, but all of them are inefficient. In this simple setting, increasing the capacity of the local government may not lead to better outcomes, because it may crowd out urban land develo...