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This book is written in a friendly, beginner's guide style with plenty of step-by-step instructions for installing, configuring, and using Magento to run your own e-commerce site. We will set up an example store in the book with enough information to adapt the instructions according to your needs.This book is for anyone who wants to create an online store using Magento. If you are a non-technical person and are discouraged by the complexity of this powerful e-commerce application, this book is ideal for you. This book would also suit someone with e-commerce knowledge but requires a guide to getting started with Magento.
Transform your WordPress website into a fully-featured e-commerce store with the power of WooCommerce About This Book Offers do-it-yourself e-commerce solution using WordPress and WooCommerce Discover the new Onboarding wizard that makes complex processes user-friendly Manage your online store and expand its functions using plugins Who This Book Is For This book is suitable for everybody running their own WordPress website, such as small business owners and marketers. It has been written for users, not for programmers, who want to add e-commerce functionality to their existing WordPress website. The book will also appeal to Web design agencies working with WordPress and looking for ways to i...
Harness the power of Magento 2 – The most recent version of the world's favourite e-Commerce platform for your online store About This Book Set up, configure, and power up your Magento environment from development to production Master the use of Web API to communicate with the Magento system and create custom services Create custom modules from scratch to extend the core functionality of the Magento system Who This Book Is For This book is intended primarily for intermediate to professional-level PHP developers who are interested in Magento development. For backend developers, several topics are covered that will enable you to modify and extend your Magento 2 store. Frontend developers wil...
Buku dengan judul Sistem Informasi Manajemen dapat selesai disusun dan berhasil diterbitkan. Kehadiran Buku Sistem Informasi Manajemen ini disusun olehArivetulatif, S.E., M.M., Sulastri, S.E., M.Si., Dr. Lili Salfina, S.E., M.M. Walaupun jauh dari kesempurnaan, tetapi kami mengharapkan buku ini dapat dijadikan referensi atau bacaan serta rujukan bagi akademisi ataupun para profesional. Sistematika penulisan buku ini diuraikan dalam tujuh bab yang memuat tentang sistem informasi manajemen, manajemen dan sistem informasi manajemen, perdagangan elektronik (e-commerce), konsep dasar pengambilan keputusan, sistem penunjang keputusan, aplikasi sistem informasi di fungsi-fungsi organisasi, dan sistem informasi eksekutif.
Docenten krijgen steeds meer te maken met LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Prezi en Google+, maar vaak weten ze niet hoe ze hier het beste mee om kunnen gaan. Wat zijn social media en waar zijn ze voor bedoeld? Wanneer moet je social media stimuleren of weigeren? En hoe kun je social media het beste in de les gebruiken? Inge van Erkel legt kort en helder uit hoe docenten hun voordeel kunnen halen uit social media. Met vele praktijkvoorbeelden, interviews, weetjes en cijfers wordt het voor iedere docent duidelijk hoe het nieuwe en het verbeterde lesgeven anno nu eruit gaat zien.
Social media, zoals Hyves en Facebook, zijn niet alleen leuk voor het maken van vrienden. Je kunt deze juist ook tijdens je studie gebruiken voor opdrachten en stages. Maar er is meer dan Hyves en Facebook. Wat dacht je van LinkedIn en Twitter? Met een paar berichten heb je respondenten voor je onderzoek gevonden, je kunt vragen stellen over een stageplek en wie weet kom je al in contact met je toekomstige werkgever. Met je blog kun je jezelf profi leren en met Prezi op een bijzondere manier presenteren. Inge van Erkel en Simone Levie helpen je met @DeStudentcoach al deze social media te ontdekken en toe te passen. Praktisch en vooral heel compleet. @IngeVANErkel, eigenaar van Ivané Loopbaanperspectief, is een ervaren loopbaanprofessional en trainer, erop gericht dat mensen alles uit henzelf leren halen voor een volgende carrièrestap. Social media zijn hierin een niet meer weg te denken onderdeel. @SimoneLevie is eigenaar van Socialmedium en een ervaren strategisch internetconsultant. Zij helpt bedrijven en organisaties social media te integreren in hun marketing- en communicatieactiviteiten.
Transform your WordPress website into a fully-featured e-commerce store with the power of WooCommerceAbout This Book• Offers do-it-yourself e-commerce solution using WordPress and WooCommerce• Discover the new Onboarding wizard that makes complex processes user-friendly• Manage your online store and expand its functions using pluginsWho This Book Is ForThis book is suitable for everybody running their own WordPress website, such as small business owners and marketers. It has been written for users, not for programmers, who want to add e-commerce functionality to their existing WordPress website. The book will also appeal to Web design agencies working with WordPress and looking for way...
Basisbeginselen van het opensource softwareprogramma.
Understand all aspects of building a successful online store which is search-engine-optimized, using theme management and one-page checkout features Key Features Extend your WordPress knowledge to build fully functional e-commerce websites using WooCommerce and its plugins Implement payment gateway, shipping, and inventory management solutions Improve the speed and performance of your websites by optimizing images and caching static information Book DescriptionWooCommerce is one of the most flexible platforms for building online stores. With its flexibility, you can offer virtually any feature to a client using the WordPress system. WooCommerce is also self-hosted, so the ownership of data l...
A guide to invocations, rituals, and histories at the intersection of magic and feminism, as informed by history's witches--and the sociopolitical culture that gave rise to them. When you start looking for witches, you find them everywhere. As seekers and practitioners reclaim and restore magic to its rightful place among powerful forces for social, personal, and political transformation, more people than ever are claiming the identity of "Witch." But our knowledge of witchcraft and magic has been marred by erasure, sensationalism, and sterilization, the true stories of history's witches left untold. Through meditations, stories, and practices, authors Risa Dickens and Amy Torok offer an int...