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Love Never Fails, Second Edition
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 150

Love Never Fails, Second Edition

Love Never Fails is Robert Vande Kappelle's biographical tribute to Jacob and Bertha Vande Kappelle, career missionaries to Latin America. The book introduces the reader to two contrasting nations, placid Costa Rica and turbulent Colombia. During Jake and Bert's seven terms as missionaries, democracy and Marxism contended for the soul of Latin America. Against this backdrop, Catholic and Protestant traditions clashed, and then cooperated, in their struggle against poverty and disbelief. The book narrates the spiritual conflict while highlighting the opportunities created when individuals of faith contend against forces of superstition and despair. Love Never Fails will cause all readers to evaluate the meaning of faith and look for renewal of heart and mind. This second edition, an updated and abbreviated version of the popular first version, eliminates the photographs of the original version while adding new material to the preface and abbreviating the ending. Nevertheless, it contains the vivid narrative and the inspiring stories of the original, all designed to make the volume more affordable to the public.

Into Thin Places
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 432

Into Thin Places

In this third volume of his "Adventures in Spirituality" trilogy, Dr. Robert Vande Kappelle travels from Amsterdam to Cairo in search of his cultural and spiritual roots, inviting readers to join him in exploring fabled places across the Mediterranean World. Despite the grave problems centered in this region, it is the birthplace of Western civilization and the source of the world's three guiding religions. Readers unfamiliar with the emergence and development of Western civilization will find Into Thin Places a compelling introduction; others will discover here a new perspective.Affirming the human quest for adventure, meaning, and wholeness, Professor Vande Kappelle beckons adventurers to ...

Response to the Other
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 194

Response to the Other

Human beings seek meaning and purpose. To do so, we tell stories about the past, which we call history, and stories about what will occur in the future, constructed from memory and imagination. History is not a subject we study, but one we live. History is our medium, as water is to fish. No period of antiquity is more informative and influential for Western civilization than the Greco-Roman, the period from the time of Alexander the Great to the fall of the Roman Empire, an age that saw the emergence of Judaism and Christianity—twin traditions shaped against the background of pagan dominance. The meeting between Jew and Greek, Christian and pagan, revolutionized the ancient world. It repr...

The Scandal of Divine Love
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 216

The Scandal of Divine Love

There is no more important topic for inquiry today than the meaning and message of Jesus, for in this quest lies the solution to human discontent and despair. Examining an array of titles for Jesus found in the New Testament, expressions ranging from rabbi and messiah to Wisdom of God, Word of God, and Lord, this study explores why Christology is not simply the study of Jesus Christ but also of the highest and best in us all. Who is Jesus Christ, and what is his significance for today? Was he fully human, the perfect human, God in disguise, or somehow all of these simultaneously? The key is to begin where the first Christians began, with their experience of Jesus, and then to press forward w...

Love Never Fails
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 258

Love Never Fails

Love Never Fails is Dr. Robert P. Vande Kappelle’s biographical tribute to Jacob and Bertha Vande Kappelle, career missionaries to Latin America. The book introduces the reader to two contrasting nations, placid Costa Rica and turbulent Colombia. During Jake and Bert’s seven terms as missionaries, democracy and Marxism contended for the soul of Latin America. Against this backdrop, Catholic and Protestant traditions clashed, and then cooperated, in their struggle against poverty and disbelief. The book narrates the spiritual conflict while highlighting the opportunities created when individuals of faith contend against forces of superstition and despair. Love Never Fails will cause all readers to evaluate the meaning of faith and look for renewal of heart and mind.

Truth Revealed
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 316

Truth Revealed

If the New Testament represents the crown jewels of Christianity, the Gospel of John is its "pearl of great price," the most beloved, most read, most quoted, most distinctive, most memorable, most debated book in its canon. Truth Revealed is ideal for individual and group study. It divides the Gospel of John into twelve units, providing helpful introductory features, summaries, learning objectives, and questions for each unit, and concludes by offering perspective on a specific topic that arises as one follows the narrative, always with an eye on the big picture, namely, guidance for daily living. Few sayings attributed to Jesus are better known or more widely quoted than the words "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). At his trial before Pilate, Jesus declared that his purpose in life was to witness to the truth. Pilate responds with the Gospel's most memorable question: "What is truth?" The answer is explored in Truth Revealed, a commentary that provides literary, theological, historical, and textual guidelines for understanding the message of this ancient work in a way that is accessible and applicable to twenty-first century readers.

Living Water
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 163

Living Water

Everyone loves a good story--one with interesting characters, an intriguing plot, lots of twists and turns, and a surprise ending. Jesus was a master storyteller, teaching primarily through a technique we call parables. In fact, over one third of the gospel material in the New Testament is parabolic in nature. Examining the parables of Jesus, Living Water views parables as a wisdom genre belonging to mashal, the Jewish tradition of sacred poetry, stories, proverbs, riddles, and dialogues through which wisdom is conveyed. In the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament), mashal is often associated with perplexing sayings, for its meaning is deliberately obscured in order to force the reader or listene...

The Invisible Mountain
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 174

The Invisible Mountain

In 1989 Dr. Robert Vande Kappelle cycled solo cross-country. The 3,400-mile trip was the seed project for the Washington County (Pennsylvania) chapter of Habitat for Humanity. For forty-two days he went "Homeless for Habitat," placing himself and his personal needs in the hands of strangers he met along the way. At the beginning he cycled across some of the most mountainous--and spectacular--terrain in America. After he crossed the Rockies, a nagging headwind arose, which only intensified with time. That, coupled with a deteriorating bicycle--along one of the most desolate stretches of the journey--produced spiritual testing of epic proportions.He was tempted to compromise the integrity of t...

Refined by Fire
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 180

Refined by Fire

From time immemorial, in every age, a set of questions has persisted, perplexing human beings. Does God exist? Where did the universe come from? Is there any purpose to our lives? Why is there so much suffering? Do we live on after death? How can we find release from suffering and sadness? For what can we hope? These have been called life's "big questions"; they are the ones that never go away. It is the main business of religion to answer ultimate questions. To accomplish this task, every generation of believers benefits by reexamining its theology, thereby providing society with vision. A stagnant theology reflects a religion that is limited in usefulness and effectiveness. Refined by Fire...

Securing Life
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 242

Securing Life

Securing Life represents a novel yet timely approach to reading and understanding the Bible. While reverence for the Bible and respect for its authority remain high in our society, biblical illiteracy, misinterpretation, and selective reading place us at risk. The Bible seems to have a conserving effect on conservative readers, a moderating effect on moderate readers, and a liberating effect on liberal readers. Do biblical texts contain conserving and liberating messages simultaneously? Should biblical texts be limited to specific meaning and perspective, acceptable by all, or do they contain multiple levels of meaning? While this book addresses these questions, it does not approach the Bibl...