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Prepared by renowned Howard scholar Paul Herman with the assistance of Glenn Lord, this is the first new bibliography of Robert E. Howard since 1976. This massive volume contains more than twice as much information as the preceding biblio, The Last Celt. Robert E. Howard is considered the Godfather of Sword and Sorcery, and the creator of the international icon, Conan the Cimmerian, yet wrote successfully in numerous genres. The Neverending Hunt lists every story, poem, letter and publication in which a Howard work has appeared. It's more than you might think . . .
A Book of European Writers A-Z By Country Published on June 12, 2014 in USA.
Now in its third fully updated edition The Complete Book of the Commonwealth Games covers every result of every event of every sport in the Games history, from its inception in 1930 to the most recent edition in 2014. It is the ideal companion for following the 2018 Gold Coast Games in Australia.
When the ruthless aliens attack the outer reaches of the Federation, Humankind is forced to retreat haphazardly from dozens of conquered systems. The only chance to delay the advance of the enemy is to create hundreds of fake colonies. If that doesn’t work, the Fleet will be forced to face the ma’lahn in a series of open battles, which can lead to its annihilation. Politicians, however, do not care about the consequences. Their goal is to preserve power, even at the cost of billions of lives. The headquarters of the third metasector must meet the requirements of the Council on the one hand, and prevent the destruction of the only force that is able to defend Humankind on the other. But this war has another—human and personal—dimension: Major Darski must fight to save the colonists that he left on Ulietta…. Edge of Extinction is book three in The Fields of Long-Forgotten Battles series.
As humanity colonizes outer space, they encounter a terrifying alien threat in this military sci-fi thriller. In the twenty-fourth century, and human civilization has made a great leap forward, colonizing over a thousand planets and exploring thousands more. But after surviving a bloody civil war, they now face mysterious new threats. In the Xan-4 System, scientists and Federation soldiers observe two alien races from an orbital station. Sergeant Henryan Swiecki must identify a group of people who—against procedures—are trying to save one of the races. At stake is not only the survival of the Warriors of the Bone, but also Henryan’s life. Meanwhile, in the distant New Rouen System, a recycling ship known as the Nomad finds a millennia-old shipwreck while clearing the fields of long-forgotten space battles. The derelict’s advanced technology is impressive...but the being found onboard could shake the very foundation of human civilization . . ./
Rozprawa Stanisława Krawczyka […] jest niezwykła: precyzyjna w namierzaniu celu i odmierzaniu racji, dojrzała metodologicznie, odkrywcza, przekonująca. A także pod wieloma względami pionierska, jako że nie znajdziemy w polskiej humanistyce tak kompletnej socjologicznej analizy literatury. […] O ile gust inteligencki popychał fantastykę ku sprawom ważnym, o tyle gust popularny przeciąga fantastykę na stronę rozrywki, przyjemności, odpoczynku i kompensacji. Autor stawia więc proste i zarazem bardzo trafne pytanie: skąd wzięło się – wcale nie tak oczywiste – połączenie gustu inteligenckiego z prozą fantastyczną w polskiej kulturze, skoro zasadniczo fantastyka (od ...
Wizjoner, redaktor, bojownik o kulturę. Maciej Parowski był w Polsce jednym z pierwszych znawców kultury popularnej, który już pół wieku temu bronił fantastycznej literatury, komiksu i kina. To on był akuszerem cyklu o wiedźminie Geralcie Andrzeja Sapkowskiego. To on skontaktował ze sobą Jacka Dukaja i Tomka Bagińskiego, wskutek czego powstała nominowana do Oscara animowana Katedra. To on, jako redaktor kultowej „Fantastyki” i „Nowej Fantastyki”, wychowywał całe pokolenia kolejnych twórców i czytelników. Wasz cyrk, moje małpy. Chronologiczny alfabet moich autorów to dwutomowy, okraszony licznymi zdjęciami zbiór esejów i rozmów traktujących o stanie gatunku, ...