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This edited volume provides a unique multidisciplinary perspective on the relationship between legal regimes and long-term economic development across major civilizations in Eurasia.
The contributions of Understanding the Sources of Early Modern and Modern Commercial Law: Courts, Statutes, Contracts, and Legal Scholarship show the wealth of sources which historians of commercial law use to approach their subject. Depending on the subject, historical research on mercantile law must be ready to open up to different approaches and sources in a truly imaginative and interdisciplinary way. This, more than many other branches of law, has always been largely non-state law. Normative, ‘official’, sources are important in commercial law as well, but other sources are often needed to complement them. The articles of the volume present an excellent assemblage of those sources. Anja Amend-Traut, Albrecht Cordes, Serge Dauchy, Dave De ruysscher, Olivier Descamps, Ricardo Galliano Court, Eberhard Isenmann, Mia Korpiola, Peter Oestmann, Heikki Pihlajamäki, Edouard Richard, Margrit Schulte Beerbühl, Guido Rossi, Bram Van Hofstraeten, Boudewijn Sirks, Alain Wijffels, and Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz.
Cities of Commerce develops a model of institutional change in European commerce based on urban rivalry. Cities continuously competed with each other by adapting commercial, legal, and financial institutions to the evolving needs of merchants. Oscar Gelderblom traces the successive rise of Bruges, Antwerp, and Amsterdam to commercial primacy between 1250 and 1650, showing how dominant cities feared being displaced by challengers while lesser cities sought to keep up by cultivating policies favorable to trade. He argues that it was this competitive urban network that promoted open-access institutions in the Low Countries, and emphasizes the central role played by the urban power holders--the ...
This work studies the Great Council of Malines as an institution. It analyzes the Council’s internal organization and staff policy, its position within the broader society of the Austrian Netherlands, the volume and nature of litigation at the Council and its final years and ultimate demise in the late 18th and early 19th century. By means of this institutional study, this volume provides insight into the role played by the Great Council in the process of state-building in the 18th century Austrian Netherlands. While superior courts were once considered to be the prime agencies of change in the Early Modern Period, tools par excellence for the sovereigns’ striving towards centralization and superiority, their position in the 18th century has so far been barely touched upon. This work focuses specifically on the 18th century supreme court of the Austrian Netherlands and provides a broad overview with attention to other aspects of the tribunal's functioning and to its role in 18th century attempts at state formation.
In sixteenth-century Marrakesh, a Flemish merchant converts to Judaism and takes his Catholic brother on a subversive reading of the Gospels and an exploration of the Jewish faith. Their vivid Spanish dialogue, composed by an anonym in 1583, has until now escaped scholarly attention in spite of its success in anti-Christian clandestine literature until the Enlightenment. Based on all nine available manuscripts, this critical edition rediscovers a pioneering work of Jewish self-expression in European languages. The introductory study identifies the author, Estêvão Dias, locates him in insurgent Antwerp at the beginning of the Western Sephardi diaspora, and describes his hybrid culture shape...
Studie over de centrale rol die prins Hendrik de Zeevaarder (1394-1460) speelde bij de eerste Portugese ontdekkingsreizen.
James William Nelson Novoa's new book Being the Nação in the Eternal City explores, in a set of case studies focusing on seven carefully chosen figures, the presence of Portuguese individuals of Jewish origin in Rome after the initial creation of a tribunal of the Portuguese Inquisition in 1531. The book delves into the varied ways in which the protagonists, representing a cross-section of Portuguese society, went about grappling with the complexities of a New Christian identity, and tracks them through their interactions with Roman society and its institutions. Some chose to flaunt Jewish origins. They espoused a sense of being part of a distinctive group, the Portuguese New Christian naÃ...
Numerous studies have demonstrated the tremendous and varied influences exercised by the court of the Valois dukes of Burgundy upon Tudor England and the Hapsburg Empire. The Burgundian agglomeration of territories in the Low Countries inherited by the Hapsburgs was in fact the key to that dynasty's rise to power and the foremost source of its wealth. In itself the achievement of Valois Burgundy was enormous, particularly in political and cultural terms. But of the four Valois dukes, only the final one, Charles the Bold can be seen as truly having set out to create an independent state. Justice, order, sovereignty, and the display of magnificence were the essential features of Burgundian political culture. The court of Charles the Bold reveals the widely varying manifestations of these unifying ideals within a context of state formation. This monograph examines the culture of the first great Northern court of the early modern era, within the context of Charles's attempt to create a sovereign polity uniting both his French and Imperial fiefs.
O livro trata do epistolário de Damião de Góis a partir da constituição retórica de seu prestÃgio público e da representação de sua auctoritas, avaliando a dimensão das relações sociais por ele estabelecidas desde sua estadia na Flandres a serviço da coroa até seu retorno a Portugal, cerca de duas décadas mais tarde (1525-1545). Nesse perÃodo, investiga-se como pode ter desenvolvido os aspectos técnicos de sua escrita epistolar, assim como seu uso na interação com importantes dignitários e homens de letras de seu tempo. Demonstra-se que sua imagem pública foi formulada a partir de diferentes ethe compostos diante das necessidades especÃficas dos diferentes contextos em...
De Amsterdammer Almanak voor het jaar 2010.