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Marco Armiero is Senior Researcher at the Italian National Research Council and Marie Curie Fellow at the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technologies, Universitat Aut(noma de Barcelona. He has published extensively on-Italian environmental history and edited Views from the South: Environmental Stories from the Mediterranean World. --
Sustainable development and rural policies have pursued strategies where farming has been often regarded as a factor deteriorating the ecosystem. But the current economic, social and environmental problems of the Earth probably call for examples of a positive integration between human society and nature. This research work presents more than a hundred case studies where the historical relationships between man and nature have generated, not deterioration, but cultural, environmental, social and economic values. The results show that is not only the economic face of globalization that is negatively affecting the landscape, but also inappropriate environmental policies. The CBD-UNESCO program on biocultural diversity, the FAO Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems and several projects of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations, as well as European rural policies acknowledge the importance of cultural values associated to landscape. This research intends to support these efforts.
Though sometimes overlooked and underestimated, rural space has played a substantial role in social, cultural, economic, and ideological change. This role can be studied by looking at the re/production of spatial agents that were caused by direct or indirect political interventions in rural communities. In this book, scholars looking at case studies from Greece, Turkey, Italy, Portugal, and Austria discuss the making of identity in and through rural areas, which have dramatically changed under different political, social, and economic conditions from the turn of the 20th century up until today. By focusing on potential contestations of such changes, the authors provide a better in-depth understanding of spatial dynamics related to cultural and social spheres of 20th-century rurality. Includes contributions of national and international experts Deals with 20th-century rural environment and identity-making policies Findings of an international symposium of DFG Research Training Group "Cultural and Technological Significance of Historic Buildings", Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus-Senftenberg
Montagne incise. Pietre incise. Archeologia delle risorse nella montagna mediterranea, Atti del Convegno (Borzonasca, 20-22 ottobre 2011), a cura di Anna Maria Stagno Questo volume riprende una delle proposte fondanti dell’archeologia postmedievale italiana: l’archeologia delle risorse ambientali. A partire da oggetti concreti – le montagne e le pietre incise appunto – e attraverso punti di vista eterogenei, i contributi offrono un’ampia rassegna di metodi e percorsi di ricerca, ampliando la discussione a una riflessione sui paesaggi culturali e sui problemi della loro patrimonializzazione. Il volume si caratterizza per il taglio fortemente diacronico (dalla preistoria al XXI secol...
Quale contributo può dare l’archeologia alla ricostruzione dei sistemi di gestione delle risorse ambientali? E come cambia la ricostruzione degli assetti insediativi e della cultura materiale con un tale approccio? In questo libro, l’autrice risponde a queste domande mettendo alla prova gli strumenti di lavoro dell’archeologia e le sue procedure di costruzione delle fonti (archeologia di scavo, archeologia dell’edilizia storica, archeologia di superficie). Il volume affronta esplicitamente il problema delle relazioni tra archeologia e storia e tra archeologia e ricerca geografica e ambientale o naturalistica. L’obiettivo è la definizione di nuovi spazi analitici con la costruzion...
Climate change is a critical issue for heritage studies. Sites, objects and ways of life all are coming under threat, requiring alternative management, or requiring specific climate change adaptation. Heritage is key to interpreting the societal significance of climate change; notions (and images) of the past are crucial to our understanding of the present, and are used to prompt actions that help society define and achieve a specific and desired future. Relatively little attention has been paid to the critical intersections between heritage and climate change. The Future of Heritage as Climates Change frames the intellectual context within which heritage and climate change can be examined, ...
Il volume raccoglie una serie di contributi presentati nell’ambito del corso di alta formazione “Montagne e Archeologie”, organizzato come attività congiunta dei Corsi di Dottorato “Culture d’Europa”. Ambiente, spazi, storie arti, idee” (Università di Trento) e “Scienze archeologiche, storico-artistiche e storiche” (Università di Verona), a cura di Diego E. Angelucci, Enrico Croce, Mara Migliavacca e Fabio Saggioro. I casi-studio ricadono nell’ambito della cosiddetta “archeologia di montagna” e offrono esempi del lavoro archeologico alle alte quote o nelle aree vallive, significativi per suscitare sia la discussione metodologica sia la riflessione sulla presenza umana negli ecosistemi montani.
Forests—and the trees within them—have always been a central resource for the development of technology, culture, and the expansion of humans as a species. Examining and challenging our historical and modern attitudes toward wooded environments, this engaging book explores how our understanding of forests has transformed in recent years and how it fits in our continuing anxiety about our impact on the natural world. Drawing on the most recent work of historians, ecologist geographers, botanists, and forestry professionals, Charles Watkins reveals how established ideas about trees—such as the spread of continuous dense forests across the whole of Europe after the Ice Age—have been questioned and even overturned by archaeological and historical research. He shows how concern over woodland loss in Europe is not well founded—especially while tropical forests elsewhere continue to be cleared—and he unpicks the variety of values and meanings different societies have ascribed to the arboreal. Altogether, he provides a comprehensive, interdisciplinary overview of humankind’s interaction with this abused but valuable resource.
La pianura pontina oggi è un territorio artificiale completamente ridefinito nella sua organizzazione economica e sociale, ben diverso dall'aspetto originario in cui gli indiscussi protagonisti erano gli elementi naturali: le selve, le aree umide, i corsi d'acqua. Qual è stato in passato il vero volto del paesaggio e in che modo gli uomini si adattavano ad un ambiente apparentemente così ostile? Quando è avvenuto il passaggio da "palude" ad "agro" e in che modo si sono manifestati i cambiamenti territoriali e socio-economici? L'indagine proposta, attraverso l'interpretazione di fonti geostoriche eterogenee integrate alle innumerevoli potenzialità dei Sistemi Informativi Geografici (GIS)...