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The Book of Venice
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 190

The Book of Venice

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-05-27
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  • Publisher: Comma Press

An inspector rages against the announcement that police HQ is to relocate – the way so many of the city’s residents already have – to the mainland... An aspiring author struggles with the inexorable creep of rentalisation that has forced him to share his apartment, and life, with ‘global pilgrims’... An ageing painter rails against the liberties taken by tourists, but finds his anger undermined by his own childhood memories of the place... The Venice presented in these stories is a far cry from the ‘impossibly beautiful’, frozen-in-time city so familiar to the thousands who flock there every year – a city about which, Henry James once wrote, ‘there is nothing new to be said.’ Instead, they represent the other Venice, the one tourists rarely see: the real, everyday city that Venetians have to live and work in. Rather than a city in stasis, we see it at a crossroads, fighting to regain its radical, working-class soul, regretting the policies that have seen it turn slowly into a theme park, and taking the pandemic as an opportunity to rethink what kind of city it wants to be.

The Book of Barcelona
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 147

The Book of Barcelona

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021
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  • Publisher: Comma Press

A slighted wife escapes her wealthy family for the evening and stumbles into the city's red-light district... The head of security at Barcelona's container port searches for a figure that only he has seen sneak in... An elderly woman brings home a machine that will turn her body into atoms, so she can leave behind a city that is no longer recognisable... Historically, Barcelona is a city of resistance and independence; a focal point for Catalan identity, as well as the capital of Spanish republicanism. Nestled between the Mediterranean coast and mountains, this burgeoning city has also been home to some of the greatest names in modern art and architecture, and attracts visitors and migrants from all over the world. As a result, the city is a melting-pot of cultures, and the stories gathered here offer a miscellany of form and genre, fittingly reminiscent of one of Gaudi's mosaics. From the boy-giant outgrowing his cramped flat on the city's outskirts, to the love affair that begins in a launderette, we meet characters who are reclaiming the independence of their city by challenging common misconceptions and telling its myriad truths.

Literary Second Cities
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 275

Literary Second Cities

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-11-22
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book brings together geographers and literary scholars in a series of engagements near the boundaries of their disciplines. In urban studies, disproportionate attention has been given to a small set of privileged ‘first’ cities. This volume problematizes the dominance of such alpha cities, offering a wide perspective on ‘second cities’ and their literature. The volume is divided into three themed sections. ‘In the Shadow of the Alpha City’ problematizes the image of cities defined by their function and size, bringing out the contradictions and contestations inherent in cultural productions of second cities, including Birmingham and Bristol in the UK, Las Vegas in the USA, and Tartu in Estonia. ‘Frontier Second Cities’ pays attention to the multiple and trans-national pasts of second cities which occupy border zones, with a focus on Narva, in Estonia, and Turkish/Kurdish Diyarbakir. The final section, ‘The Diffuse Second City’, examines networks the diffuse secondary city made up of interlinked small cities, suburban sprawl and urban overspill, with literary case studies from Italy, Sweden, and Finland.

The Book of Reykjavik
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 120

The Book of Reykjavik

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-08-12
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  • Publisher: Comma Press

Reluctant to observe a new family tradition, a boy finds himself stranded outside a graveyard on the night before Christmas... Three farming brothers, forced to relocate to the city by poor harvests, discover an unexpected demand for their green-fingered talents... Residents of a new apartment block are woken in the early hours by the eerie sound of a table saw that once operated on the building’s grounds... Iceland is a land of stories; from the epic sagas of its mythic past, to its claim today of being home to more writers, more published books and more avid readers, per head, than anywhere in the world. As its capital (and indeed only city), Reykjavik has long been an inspiration for th...

The Representation of the Relationship between Center and Periphery in the Contemporary Novel
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 295

The Representation of the Relationship between Center and Periphery in the Contemporary Novel

This collection of essays offers a comparative perspective on different forms of representation of social hybridity in contemporary novels through various cultural and linguistic lenses. It explores the various subcategories of their interdependent relationships, including power and domination between hegemony and marginality. The book revolves around five axes: namely, writing strategies and reterritorialization; marginality and intermediary spaces; revisited urban spaces; when periphery becomes center; and the modality of confrontation and construction of identity. It focuses on the identification and classification of spaces in order to understand their function in relation to the thematic strategy of the novel. Its main objective is identifying the textual representation of the challenge of center and periphery, as well as these concepts’ role and significance in diegesis. Thus, new light is shed on the subject and on the contemporary novel as a whole.

Qui non crescono i fiori
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 161

Qui non crescono i fiori

Salvatore e suo fratello Damiano sono nati sull’Isola. Sono cresciuti con il padre, un uomo ruvido che ha una piccola officina meccanica e che ogni tanto cede al vecchio vizio dell’alcol. La madre, Salvatore non se la ricorda, se n’è andata quando lui era piccolo, e nessuno gli vuole raccontare nulla di lei. Questi tre uomini sono – nonostante tutto – una famiglia. Intorno a loro ci sono solo mare a perdita d’occhio, un paesaggio brullo che non lascia scampo e un’afa che sembra paralizzare ogni prospettiva. Una caletta azzurra incastonata tra le rocce è la cornice dei loro momenti di libertà. I due fratelli, ognuno a modo suo, cercano una via per evadere da quell’Isola che...

Intuition in Psychotherapy and Counselling
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 276

Intuition in Psychotherapy and Counselling

Since nonverbal messages have been shown to dominate interpersonal communication, and since their cues are gathered intuitively, it is clearly a distinct advantage for therapists and counsellors to be familiar with this phenomenon. Based on original research into intuition within clinical practice, Rachel Charles provides in-depth explanations of the process, appropriately illustrated with models and case histories. This includes intuition's allo-logical and global aspects, its relationship to empathy and its links with spiritual practice. A theoretical framework is thus provided for its comprehension and teaching. While some people are naturally more intuitive than others, the author makes a number of practical recommendations whereby the faculty of intuition can be cultivated by therapists, increasing receptivity to unconscious messages and helping the client to achieve insight. Clinicians, training institutes, their tutors and students, and indeed anyone working with people, will find this book a valuable resource for the enhancement of professional practice.

Cinema of Silvio Soldini
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 233

Cinema of Silvio Soldini

One of the acclaimed filmmakers of the so-called 'new Italian cinema', Silvio Soldini's early films were recognized by critics for their artistic and cinematic value. This book traces his career from his first student film, "Drimage", to his documentary and shorts, and his feature films culminating in the 2004 comedy "Agatha and the Storm".

Di tutto resta un poco
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 299

Di tutto resta un poco

Di tutto resta un poco è il libro a cui Antonio Tabucchi ha lavorato, fino all’ultimo, in prima persona, malgrado la malattia e da dentro la malattia, condividendo ogni dettaglio con la curatrice e la casa editrice. È una raccolta di scritti meditata, appassionante, che prende le mosse da un memorabile “elogio della letteratura”, di una letteratura capace di “ficcare il naso dove cominciano gli omissis”. È inevitabile che, a partire da lì, dalla responsabilità delle parole per arrivare alla consolazione della bellezza, Antonio Tabucchi tocchi i temi più cari e insieme ai temi le opere e gli uomini (spesso amici) che lo hanno accompagnato. E poi ci sono meravigliose pagine sul cinema, che tengono insieme il lirico omaggio alle ali di farfalla di Marilyn Monroe e la penetrante analisi della gag sovversiva di Almodóvar.

Britannica Book of the Year 2008
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 882

Britannica Book of the Year 2008

This yearbook presents information on the dates, people, events, and world affairs of 2007. The section entitled "Britannica World Data," updated annually, presents geographic, demographic, and economic details.