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The need for teachers who have both the knowledge and the skills to teach students in special education, especially students who are emergent bilinguals, is more critical today than ever before. Assumptions about the assurances outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) have led to practices that have limited the scope of opportunities for culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students with disabilities. This book examines the intent of special education policy, challenges existing systems, and explores the promise of using biography-driven instruction to transform students’ learning and enhance their personal growth and community life. With a focus on inclusi...
The present book explores how modern board gaming and language teaching can be beneficially combined to achieve optimal impact. Modern board games have a lot to offer language learners and teachers, and they should play a much more significant role in what has been labelled "Content and Language Integrated Learning" or CLIL. Modern board games require cooperation, problem-solving, active discovery, interpretation and analysis. Most importantly, modern board games allow students to explore a hypothetical environment without the risk of language errors. The key ingredient of the present book is "game-based learning and teaching theory", or GBLTT, a theoretical framework which measures learning outcomes based on gaming and learning procedures. GBLTT is focused on balancing information and gameplay as well as putting a focus on the ability of each learner to retain language competence and to put their subject to realistic situations.
Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students seeks to pose and answer the important questions that are arising as levels of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) learners increase in classrooms across the country. This classroom-ready resource places the emphasis of assessment on the student as an individual and explores questions such as "Where should assessment efforts for CLD students be concentrated?;" ''What are the key aims of assessments?;" and "How should teachers use CLD student assessment findings?" The 3rd Edition has been completely updated with a new chapter on data-driven problem solving, new Teaching Tips, Activity Lesson Plans, and more.
"Focusing on inclusive practices for working with culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students with disabilities and their families, this book examines decision-making processes for placement, access, instruction, assessment, and evaluation. It offers a framework for creating learning opportunities grounded in the principles of IDEA and the personal and academic biography of learners"--
Edited by renowned protein scientist and bestselling author Roger L. Lundblad, with the assistance of Fiona M. Macdonald of CRC Press, this fifth edition of the Handbook of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology gathers a wealth of information not easily obtained, including information not found on the web. Presented in an organized, concise, and simple-to-use format, this popular reference allows quick access to the most frequently used data. Covering a wide range of topics, from classical biochemistry to proteomics and genomics, it also details the properties of commonly used biochemicals, laboratory solvents, and reagents. An entirely new section on Chemical Biology and Drug Design gathers data on amino acid antagonists, click chemistry, plus glossaries for computational drug design and medicinal chemistry. Each table is exhaustively referenced, giving the user a quick entry point into the primary literature. New tables for this edition: Chromatographic methods and solvents Protein spectroscopy Partial volumes of amino acids Matrix Metalloproteinases Gene Editing Click Chemistry
Culturally responsive pedagogy, literacy, and English learner education expert Socorro Herrera has updated this bestseller to clarify, focus, and redefine concepts for the continued professional development of educators serving culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) populations. Teaching strategies and tools have been updated to reflect important new brain research and to keep pace with our nation’s ever-changing demographics and constant shift in expectations for K–12 students. Herrera has also revised the structure and format of the book to help educators find information quickly while working in highly complex and demanding environments. New for the Second Edition: Teaching strat...
A much-needed resource for helping teachers assess the increasing number of diverse students and English learners in today's K-12 classrooms, Assessment Accommodations for Classroom Teachers of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students details effective classroom assessment practices and organizes recommended strategies around the four critical dimensions of the CLD student biography: the sociocultural, linguistic, academic, and cognitive dimensions. Written from the perspective of a differential lens on assessment practices for CLD students, the book focuses on the student as the driving force behind its narrative and organization and examines the Who, Where, What, When, and How of using appropriate assessment practices with CLD students.
"This popular resource has transformed thousands of classrooms by providing how-to guidance for teaching culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students. This new edition provides updated vignettes and student work artifacts; teaching strategies, tools, and interactional processes; and increased attention on each learner's biopsychosocial history to help educators challenge CLD learners to reach their potentials"--
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. A much-needed resource for helping teachers assess the increasing number of diverse students and English learners in today’s K-12 classrooms, Assessment Accommodations for Classroom Teachers of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students details effective classroom assessment practices and organizes recommended strategies around the four critical dimensions of the CLD student biography: the sociocultural, linguistic, academic, and cognitive dimensions. Written from the perspective of a differential lens on assessment practices for CLD students, the book focuses on the student as the driving force behind its narrative and organization and examines the Who, Where, What, When, and How of using appropriate assessment practices with CLD students.