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What sort of thing is a theatre image? How is it produced and consumed? Who is responsible for the images? Why do the images stay with us when the performance is over? How do we learn to speak of what we see and imagine? And how do we relate what we experience in the theatre to what we share with each other of the world? The Illuminated Theatre is a book about theatricality and spectatorship in the early twenty-first century. In a wide-ranging analysis that draws upon theatrical, visual and philosophical approaches, it asks how spectators and audiences negotiate the complexities and challenges of contemporary experimental performance arts. It is also a book about how European practitioners w...
A collaboration between well-established and rising scholars, Futures of Dance Studies suggests multiple directions for new research in the field. Essays address dance in a wider range of contexts—onstage, on screen, in the studio, and on the street—and deploy methods from diverse disciplines. Engaging African American and African diasporic studies, Latinx and Latin American studies, gender and sexuality studies, and Asian American and Asian studies, this anthology demonstrates the relevance of dance analysis to adjacent fields.
What tensions characterized the relationships between cinema, European Leftists, and emerging postcolonial ideologies after World War II? In Traveling Auteurs, author Luca Caminati analyzes the work of influential Italian filmmakers Roberto Rossellini, Pier Paolo Pasolini, and Michelangelo Antonioni as they engaged politically and aesthetically with the global landscapes and politics of the Cold War period. As documentaries, the films considered in this book record specific manifestations of political sensibilities of the twentieth century. As bodies of work, they reveal that the traveling auteurs who made them were symptomatic actors in complex geopolitical networks. As cultural objects ref...
Come e quando il teatro italiano ha saputo cogliere la crisi dell’alba del Duemila? Dal crollo delle Torri Gemelle alla pandemia il volume presenta e analizza i principali nodi problematici affrontati dalla scena contemporanea dal punto di vista dei temi e delle forme, in relazione allo specifico contesto teatrale e al più ampio clima culturale. Nella prima parte, per ogni anno, dal 2001 al 2021, viene approfondito uno spettacolo, scelto con l’intento non di stilare una classifica, ma di esplorare i linguaggi artistici nel loro sforzo di restituire, con intraprendenza ed efficacia, le trasformazioni e le contraddizioni del nostro paese, i desideri e le inquietudini dell’individuo orma...
A metà degli anni Cinquanta, nel salotto o nel tinello di casa, milioni di famiglie italiane si riuniscono la sera attorno al ‘canoro focolare del ventesimo secolo’, la radio, a sentire musica, programmi vari e tanti radiodrammi. Sono gli ultimi e più eclatanti trionfi, in termini produttivi e di pubblico, prima della lenta, ma inesorabile affermazione del nuovo ‘focolare elettrico’, la televisione. Rodolfo Sacchettini ricostruisce nel dettaglio una miriade di storie, temi e forme dei radiodrammi trasmessi in Italia dal 1955 al 1960, anni di profondi e decisivi cambiamenti per il paese, avvalendosi per la prima volta dei copioni e delle registrazioni conservate negli archivi della ...
What does the growing interest of literary criticism towards the representation of nature and its ethical implications tell us? In which folds of narrative, poetic or cinematographic discourse do the manifestations of a continuously renewed sensitivity for the contradictions of progress, for the precarious coexistence between human, animal and plant agents lie? And what kind of relationships can there be between the semantics of places and landscapes, expressed in a fictional world, and eco-criticism? Sixteen essays suspended between 'text' analysis and theory of criticism are solicited and collected by Nicola Turi, in an attempt to answer these and other questions affecting the function and orientations of contemporary criticism, its ability to give back the forms of artistic language, and at the same time its recurring temptation to confront, as Calvino's Bradamante would say, with the «life behind it that pushes and disarranges all the leaves of the book»
Mnemosyne, o la costruzione del senso est dédiée à l'étude des témoignages autobiographiques, dont elle a pour but d'analyser les expressions et la rhétorique. L’Osservatorio scientifico della memoria scritta, filmica, iconografica e del patrimonio autobiografico, groupe international et interdisciplinaire, est le moteur de cette publication annuelle à laquelle contribuent des historiens, des linguistes, des narratologues et des littéraires, des anthropologues et des spécialistes des médias. Les sujets abordés sont les arts de la scène, le récit et la correspondance, le patrimoine matériel, les savoir-faire. Publié avec l’aide financière du fonds national de la recherche scientifique (Belgique).
«Este livro, movendo as peças de um puzzle feito não só de histórias, de tempos, de figuras, mas também de vida e de biografia, e daquela mistura de verdade e ficção que é caraterística da grande literatura, reconstrói a aventura narrativa de um dos mais significativos escritores europeus do último terço do século XX. Um autor que, através de jogos, de disfarces, das máscaras da invenção, conseguiu falar da inquietação que nos acompanha e que alimenta a saudade, a nostalgia do possível, o desejo de outro lugar. Anna Dolfi revisita os temas e motivos fundamentais da obra de Antonio Tabucchi, revela-lhe as leituras, interroga-lhe o estilo e a extraordinária capacidade narrativa.» in contracapa