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The molecular age has brought about dramatic changes in medical microbiology, and great leaps in our understanding of the mechanisms of infectious disease. Molecular Medical Microbiology is the first book to synthesise the many new developments in both molecular and clinical research in a single comprehensive resource. This timely and authoritative three-volume work is an invaluable reference source of medical bacteriology. Comprising more than 100 chapters, organized into 17 major sections, the scope of this impressive work is wide-ranging. Written by experts in the field, chapters include cutting-edge information, and clinical overviews for each major bacterial group, in addition to the la...
This book argues that in addition to being a war of national liberation, Mexico's movement toward independence from Spain was also an internal war pitting classes and ethnic groups against each other, an intensely localized struggle by rural people, especially Indians, for the preservation of their communities.
This ever more accessible island will soon be the hottest Caribbean destination for North American travelers, according to the authors, who cover all sites and events to suit all budgets. of color photos. 43 maps.
This book comes out of the 12th Iberoamerican Congress of Food Engineering, which took place at the University of Algarve in Faro, Portugal in July 2019. It includes the editors' selection of the best research works from oral and poster presentations delivered at the conference. The first section is dedicated to research carried out on SUSTAINABLE ALTERNATIVES TO CHEMICAL ADDITIVES TO EXTEND SHELF LIFE, with special emphasis on animal products. The second section discusses recent research in SUSTAINABLE NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT. The third section delves into the development of PLANT-BASED ALTERNATIVES TO DAIRY AND GLUTEN BASED CEREALS. The fourth section tackles CONSUMER BEHAVIOR regarding food products with new sources of protein (e.g. insects) or new sources of important nutrients (e.g. seaweeds) and the fifth discusses the VALORIZATION OF BY-PRODUCTS IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY (from fruits and wine making). For food engineers, food technologists, and food scientists looking to stay up-to-date in this field of sustainable food engineering, Sustainable Innovation in Food Product Design is the ideal resource.
6. In Defense of Our People: The National Council of Indigenous Peoples, 1975-1985 -- Conclusion: Reimagining the Field of Force -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index
Un relat trepidant de la lluita pels drets dels treballadors. El febrer de 1919 Barcelona quedava paralitzada per una vaga històrica: els treballadors de la Barcelona Traction Light and Power -coneguda com La Canadenca- es manifestaven en contra de la retallada de sous i provocaven una apagada que va deixar sense electricitat ni transport a la ciutat. La magnitud de la protesta, en la que fins i tot va haver-hi un assassinat, inspirava veritable terror a la burgesia, que veia en les apagades la insurrecció que s'havia viscut a Petrograd, o la por de la Setmana Tràgica de 1909. Amb quatre mil obrers empresonats al castell de Montjuïc, la decisió d'acomiadar la majoria dels treballadors barcelonins amb la qual la patronal buscava una victòria absoluta va obligar a la intervenció immediata del Govern, temorós de la possible extensió del conflicte, i va posar punt final a la vaga. Entre les mesures acordades, figurava l'acceptació de la jornada màxima de vuit hores, amb la qual cosa Espanya esdevenia el primer Estat que assolia per llei aquest dret.
For over thirty years, Latin American Politics and Development has kept instructors and students abreast of current affairs and changes in Latin America. Now in its ninth edition, this definitive text has been updated throughout and features contributions from experts in the field, including twenty new and revised chapters on Mexico, Central America,the Caribbean, and South America.