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This open access book shows policymakers which initiatives work when responding to the increasing diversity in cities, towns and neighborhood's. In recent times, policymakers have grappled with ways of responding to this increase, which has resulted in a plethora of policy initiatives, some more effective than others. Bringing together a large amount of research and evidence-based policy recommendations, this book offers both a sense of strategic direction as well as more specific, actionable advice. It brings together a remarkable mixture of policy areas that touch upon issues of diversity, immigration policy, education, and labour policy. It is of benefit and importance to all those making policies for a country with increasing immigration.
First published in 1952, the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology) is well established as a major bibliographic reference for students, researchers and librarians in the social sciences worldwide. Key features * authority: Rigorous standards are applied to make the IBSS the most authoritative selective bibliography ever produced. Articles and books are selected on merit by some of the world's most expert librarians and academics. * breadth: today the IBSS covers over 2000 journals - more than any other comparable resource. The latest monograph publications are also included. * international Coverage: the IBSS reviews scholarship published in over 30 languages, including publications from Eastern Europe and the developing world. *User friendly organization: all non-English titles are word sections. Extensive author, subject and place name indexes are provided in both English and French.
Ebook available in Open Access: Strategies and priorities for the public sector in Europe The public sector in our society has over the past two decades undergone substantial changes, as has the academic field studying Public Administration (PA). In the next twenty years major shifts are further expected to occur in the way futures are anticipated and different cultures are integrated. Practice will be handled in a relevant way, and more disciplines will be engaging in the field of Public Administration. The prominent scholars contributing to this book put forward research strategies and focus on priorities in the field of Public Administration. The volume...
This book aims to enrich the thinking and discussion in relation to the importance that citizenship, immigration, rights and private laws play in the modern world. This is in a time when social cohesion and national identity is being challenged. It will explore the impact these laws have had on Australia, European Union (EU) and Slovenia. Identity and social cohesion are contested concepts and can invoke different responses. The challenges states and the EU are likely to face in retaining and even strengthening their respective identities and social cohesion from continued geopolitical shocks, security, economic volatility and environmental degradation is likely to be formidable. These alone...
Yucesahin and Yazgan bring together an intriguing collection of essays drawing on a series of research carried out across the world to offer new insights on gender and migration nexus. Recent developments in the field of women's studies have led to a renewed interest in gender studies; nevertheless, these changes are having an effect and a need, which represent different theoretical and analytical tools rather than sex as a dichotomous variable. There is an increasing concern about using theoretical approaches of gender as relational, and spatially and contextually. Therefore, gender is an increasingly important concept in different areas as an analytical tool and research lens to understand...
Examines the paradoxes of kinship in the lives of unauthorized African migrants as they struggle for mobility, employment, and citizenship in Europe. In rapidly changing and highly precarious contexts, unauthorized African migrants turn to kinship in search of security, stability, and predictability. Through the exchange of identity documents between “siblings,” assistance in obtaining such documentation through kinship networks, and marriages that provide access to citizenship, new assemblages of kinship are continually made and remade to navigate the shifting demands of European states. These new kinship relations, however, often prove unreliable, taking on new, unexpected dynamics in ...
This book provides a critical analysis of mainstreaming as one of the major contemporary trends in immigrant integration governance in Europe. Bringing together unique empirical material and theoretical insights on mainstreaming, it examines how, why and to what effect immigrant integration is mainstreamed. In the context of the rise and fall of multiculturalism across various European countries, this book explores how these countries are rethinking the governance of their increasingly diverse societies. It highlights the trends of a broad approach to immigrant integration priorities, ‘mainstreamed’ into generic policy domains which are now visible throughout Europe. With contributions not only on migration studies, but also policy studies and gender mainstreaming, this edited volume will appeal to scholars across these fields, as well as policymakers and practitioners.
The publication Stijlgids BA- en MA-scripties (Style Guide for BA and MA theses) is a tool for Czech and Slovak students of Dutch studies in writing their graduation thesis. The Stijlgids indicates as a practical guide what students should pay attention to in their final thesis projects. Among the discussed issues are topics like which language style should be used, how the work should be formatted and how to quote in a correct way. The book discusses common Dutch language errors made by Czech students and other typical problems often recurring in theses of Czech students. The most important differences in academic style between Czech and Dutch academic habits are explained as well. An example bibliography has been added to the guide.
Een groot deel van de Europese Roma en Sinti leidt een marginaal bestaan. De meesten hebben zo weinig scholing dat ze weinig perspectief hebben op een betere toekomst. Zij hebben nauwelijks geprofiteerd van de verbeterde toegang tot het onderwijs voor mensen uit de lagere sociaaleconomische klassen vanaf 1950. Hoe kan het dat het in de afgelopen zeventig jaar slechts zo weinig Roma en Sinti gelukt is om door te stromen naar het hoger onderwijs? Voor Wegbereiders interviewde Anita van der Hulst meer dan vijftig Roma en Sinti in Nederland en Tsjechië. Zij vertellen openhartig over hun ervaringen, in het leven in het algemeen en in het onderwijs in het bijzonder. Nederland en Tsjechië zijn landen met een sterk verschillende naoorlogse geschiedenis. Een vergelijking tussen die twee landen maakt inzichtelijk welke drempels Roma en Sinti moeten overwinnen om kans te maken op stijging op de sociale ladder.