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O livro “Formação inicial e continuada de professores: políticas e desafios” reúne uma série de textos escritos por pesquisadores de diversas instituições de ensino superior – públicas e privadas, cujo objetivo é discutir a formação inicial e continuada de professores, a partir das políticas educacionais brasileiras que, por hora, representam um grande desafio para a melhoria da qualidade da educação básica. A formação inicial ocorre nos cursos de licenciatura em diversas áreas, mas, de acordo com os estudos aqui apresentados, por mais que as instituições de ensino superior vêm aperfeiçoando os currículos e os processos formativos, trata-se de um processo que exi...
Esta obra apresenta as relações entre os saberes construídos na academia e na prática de sala de aula manifestados pelos fazeres em contextos pedagógicos. Destacam-se relatos de práticas pedagógicas que contemplam o diálogo com o ensino e a pesquisa. Além disso, expõe ações individuais ou interdisciplinares, bem como articulação dos diversos campos epistemológicos, os elementos e componentes curriculares das reflexões, conhecimentos e experiências pedagógicas. Oportunizam, outrossim, teorizar sobre a prática cotidiana num processo reflexivo sobre o saber discente e docente.
O objetivo maior desta obra é apresentar ao público em geral, mormente de Londrina, a grande luta que se desenrolou por anos e o envolvimento de tantas personalidades importantes de nossa sociedade para que, finalmente, em 1967, Londrina contasse com o primeiro curso de Medicina do interior do Paraná. Quando se pensava que a missão estava terminada, o mesmo grupo, com impressionante garra e coragem, lançou-se ao desao maior: a criação de uma universidade em Londrina. E conseguiu! Essa é a saga que tentamos, da melhor forma possível, contar aos nossos leitores, e a todos aqueles que amam a Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Que a memória seja preservada para que as futuras gerações possam aprender um pouco sobre o que é coragem para realizar!
The World Justice Project (WJP) joins efforts to produce reliable data on rule of law through the WJP Rule of Law Index 2016, the sixth report in an annual series, which measures rule of law based on the experiences and perceptions of the general public and in-country experts worldwide. We hope this annual publication, anchored in actual experiences, will help identify strengths and weaknesses in each country under review and encourage policy choices that strengthen the rule of law. The WJP Rule of Law Index 2016 presents a portrait of the rule of law in each country by providing scores and rankings organized around eights factors: constraints on government powers, absence of corruption, ope...
Ninth in a series of annual reports comparing business regulations in 183 economies, Doing Business 2012 measures regulations affecting 11 areas of everyday business activity: starting a business dealing with construction permits employing workers registering property getting credit protecting investors paying taxes trading across borders enforcing contracts closing a business getting electricity The report updates all indicators as of June 1, 2011, ranks countries on their overall "ease of doing business", and analyzes reforms to business regulation identifying which countries are strengthening their business environment the most. Doing Business 2012 includes a new set of indicators on the ...
PLACAR: a maior revista brasileira de futebol. Notícias, perfis, entrevistas, fotos exclusivas.
From the sharp decline in CD sales to the fragmentation of network TV audiences, the business models of the entertainment and advertising industries are showing severe cracks. Advertising Age editor Scott Donaton-- who coined the term Madison & VineTM--lays out a case for why these industries will need to converge to survive, overcoming hurdles and creating business models based on content-commerce partnerships. Madison & Vine reveals how new technology is disrupting traditional business models, giving the consumer more control over the product. Donaton explains how these industries will need to overcome distrust, divergent agendas, and creative conflicts to form mutually beneficial alliance...
The Atlantic Forest is one of the 36 hotspots for biodiversity conservation worldwide. It is a unique, large biome (more than 3000 km in latitude; 2500 in longitude), marked by high biodiversity, high degree of endemic species and, at the same time, extremely threatened. Approximately 70% of the Brazilian population lives in the area of this biome, which makes the conflict between biodiversity conservation and the sustainability of the human population a relevant issue. This book aims to cover: 1) the historical characterization and geographic variation of the biome; 2) the distribution of the diversity of some relevant taxa; 3) the main threats to biodiversity, and 4) possible opportunities to ensure the biodiversity conservation, and the economic and social sustainability. Also, it is hoped that this book can be useful for those involved in the development of public policies aimed at the conservation of this important global biome.
This is a compilation of bibliographic (historical and descriptive) information for the minerals first described from Brazil; it includes both valid and invalid, discredited species, unnamed, unidentified, problematic minerals, and so on. This work brings together as much data as possible concerning type mineral species. It will save future researchers a lot of work because it contains data from many publications that are difficult to obtain.