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Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 241

Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies

The Internet has penetrated material reality to such an extent that it is now often impossible to disentangle the material from the virtual. In this postdigital scenario, the encounter with ›newness‹ becomes accessible at the touch of a button, 24/7. Learning becomes a lifewide experience which allows for the emergence of new culturalities. The contributors to this volume engage with cultural changes brought about by an intensified digitalization process in the context of formal education but also shed light on unexpected contexts in which informal learning experiences take place every day, strengthening diasporas, creating new connections and transforming ourselves and our societies.

Reimagining Digital Cosmopolitanism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 371

Reimagining Digital Cosmopolitanism

Cosmopolitanism remains a multifaceted, widely-used concept. Cultural theory and empirical research have not remained stagnant, and a number of further theoretical and empirically-based concepts have emerged, not least postdigitality and postmigrancy. The »post« in these terms does not denote an end, but rather societal transformation due to and interwoven with both digitality and migration. The contributors to this volume call for new perspectives on the concept of cosmopolitanism, in the light of postdigitality and postmigrancy. The contributions reflect on a theoretical and an empirical level the need to reimagine cosmopolitanism for the twenty-first century.

Belonging in Culturally Diverse Societies - Official Structures and Personal Customs
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 300

Belonging in Culturally Diverse Societies - Official Structures and Personal Customs

This book considers how a sense of belonging can be established in culturally diverse and divided societies. Multiculturalism and interculturalism are discussed in 16 chapters, written by experts from different countries and cultures. Education in the digital and post-digital sphere, creating global citizens and public policies, maintaining social cohesion, and preserving old values in modern societies and today’s world are discussed. The underlying themes are teaching, learning, public policy, and accepting different cultures. There are some answers to establishing a sense of belonging in a fast-changing world, but the book also asks some interesting questions and provides many thought-provoking ideas. It welcomes the reader into a changing world.

Handbook Transdisciplinary Learning
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 538

Handbook Transdisciplinary Learning

What is transdisciplinarity – and what are its methods? How does a living lab work? What is the purpose of citizen science, student-organized teaching and cooperative education? This handbook unpacks key terms and concepts to describe the range of transdisciplinary learning in the context of academic education. Transdisciplinary learning turns out to be a comprehensive innovation process in response to the major global challenges such as climate change, urbanization or migration. A reference work for students, lecturers, scientists, and anyone wanting to understand the profound changes in higher education.

Visions of the Future in Roman Frontier Kingdoms 100 BCE–100 CE
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 326

Visions of the Future in Roman Frontier Kingdoms 100 BCE–100 CE

This is the first book-length exploration of the ways art from the edges of the Roman Empire represented the future, examining visual representations of time and the role of artwork in Roman imperial systems. This book focuses on four kingdoms from across the empire: Cottius’s Alpine kingdom in the north, King Juba II’s Mauretania in the south-west, Herodian Judea in the east, and Kommagene to the north-east. Art from the imperial frontier is rarely considered through the lens of the aesthetics of time, and Roman provincial art and the monuments of allied rulers are typically interpreted as evidence of the interaction between Roman and local identities. In this interdisciplinary study, w...

The Politics of Progressive Education
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 302

The Politics of Progressive Education

In March 1933, Nazi storm troopers seized control of the Odenwaldschule, a small German boarding school near Heidelberg. Founded in 1910 by educational reformer Paul Geheeb, the Odenwaldschule was a crown jewel of the progressive education movement, renowned for its emancipatory pedagogical innovations and sweeping curricular reforms. In the tumultuous year that followed that fateful spring, Geheeb moved from an initial effort to accommodate Nazi reforms to an active opposition to the Third Reich's transformation of the school. Convinced at last that humanistic education was all but impossible under the new regime, he emigrated to Switzerland in March 1934. There he opened a new school, the ...

Wallerstein 2.0
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 181

Wallerstein 2.0

Immanuel Wallerstein's world-systems theory can help to better understand and describe developments of the 21st century. The contributors address the possibilities to reread Wallerstein's theoretical thoughts and ideas that are related to different disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. The presented interdisciplinary approach of this anthology thereby intends to highlight the broader value of Wallerstein's ideas, even almost five decades after the famous sociologist and economic historian first expressed them.

The Struggle for German Youth
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 176

The Struggle for German Youth


Brücken bauen - Perspektiven aus dem Einwanderungsland Deutschland
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 205

Brücken bauen - Perspektiven aus dem Einwanderungsland Deutschland

Ethnische und religiöse Vielfalt ist in Deutschland inzwischen Realität - ist sie aber auch gelebte und anerkannte Normalität? Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund, Bindestrichdeutsche, Neudeutsche - es gibt viele Bezeichnungen für Menschen, die sowohl deutsch als auch türkisch, vietnamesisch oder italienisch fühlen, leben und so geprägt sind. Kurzum: Sie haben mehrere nationale und kulturelle Wurzeln, verorten sich in diesen vielfältigen Zusammenhängen. Die Begriffe offenbaren aber jeweils eine emotionale Kluft, die es schwer macht, als das verstanden zu werden, was letztlich alle sind: Bürgerinnen und Bürger Deutschlands, die eine moderne deutsche Einwanderungsgesellschaft repräs...

Star Trek: Gestern – Heute – Morgen
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 251

Star Trek: Gestern – Heute – Morgen

Dieser Band befasst sich mit den neusten Serien des Star Trek-Franchise, die seit Erscheinen von Star Trek: Discovery (2017) entstanden sind. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei das augenfällige Interesse dieser Serien an der Geschichte der Franchise-eigenen Zukunftsvisionen. Aus einem breiten Spektrum geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektiven gehen die Beiträge der Frage nach, warum sich gerade die Star Trek-Erzählungen der letzten Jahre mit der (eigenen) Vergangenheit beschäftigen, wie diese Selbstreflexion erzählerisch und ästhetisch umgesetzt wird und wie diese Beschäftigung den Blick der Serien auf die gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen der Gegenwart prägt.