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What are the evolutionary mechanisms and ecological implications behind a pollinator choosing its favourite flower? Sixty-five million years of evolution has created the complex and integrated system which we see today and understanding the interactions involved is key to environmental sustainability. Examining pollination relationships from an evolutionary perspective, this book covers both botanical and zoological aspects. It addresses the puzzling question of co-speciation and co-evolution and the complexity of the relationships between plant and pollinator, the development of which is examined through the fossil record. Additional chapters are dedicated to the evolution of floral displays and signalling, as well as their role in pollination syndromes and the building of pollination networks. Wide-ranging in its coverage, it outlines current knowledge and complex emerging topics, demonstrating how advances in research methods are applied to pollination biology.
The present issue of ZooKeys comprises a series of papers honoring Prof. Kumar Krishna, the leading au-thority on the systematics and biology of termites (Isoptera). After becoming exposed to termite systematics under the tutelage of Mittan L. Roonwal in India, Kumar received his doctoral training from the legendary termite systematist and evolutionary biologist Alfred E. Emerson at the University of Chicago. Subsequently, Kumar moved to the City University of New York and the American Museum of Natural History from where, even today, he has produced some of the most important contributions to the study of termites, most notably his two-volume set, Biology of Termites (1969?1970, Academic Press), and the forthcoming monumental Treatise on the Isoptera of the World (AMNH). Herein colleagues and friends recognize his lifetime of accomplishments in biological systematics by presenting original papers on insect lineages as diverse as termites and grasshoppers, and flies and bees, among others. A brief biographical account and list of his publications to date are provided.
This international symposium featured three interconnected thematic foci of interdisciplinary research. They focussed on the changes in the extent and intensity of agricultural and forest land use in tropical forest margins and their implications for rural development and for conservation of natural resources such as biodiversity, soils and water. The symposium took place in Goettingen. Almost 130 international authors have contributed a short abstract and their adress.
Nine months after the explosion, a French expedition searching for signs of life discovered a single spider that had crossed to the island on a balloon of silk. Life had returned to Krakatau. Scientists have been studying the island ever since.
Kependudukan dan lingkungan hidup, dua hal yang saling berkaitan. Kependudukan tidak bisa terpisahkan dengan lingkungan hidup, demikian sebaliknya. Faktor yang sangat penting dalam permasalahan lingkungan hidup di Indonesia ialah besarnya populasi penduduk. Laju pertumbuhan penduduk negeri ini, sama sekali belum usai meski kini tengah melambat. Penyebabnya bukan saja karena manusia Indonesia hidup lebih lama, tetapi karena jumlah perempuan yang sekarang ini berada dalam usia subur, masih cukup tinggi, sehingga penduduk negeri ini bakal terus tumbuh setidaknya selama beberapa dasar warsa mendatang. Persoalan kependudukan bukanlah sekedar angka atau data statistik. Persoalan kependudukan menya...
Buku ini memaparkan tentang pengobatan herbal untuk mengatasi penyakit jantung koroner. Di dalamnya dibahas mengenai khasiat & manfaat 17 tanaman obat penggempur penyakit jantung koroner. Ada beragam tip di dalamnya, seperti t tip membuat sendiri ramuan herbal , tip menghindari penyakit jantung koroner, serta tip memberikan pertolongan sendiri ketika terkena serangan jantung. Dipaparkan juga 25 resep ramuan herbal untuk menggempur penyakit jantung koroner. -FMedia-
Pengakuan dunia terhadap kekayaan Keanekaragaman Hayati (KEHATI) Pulau Kalimantan, Indonesia, tetah ditunjukkan sejak ratusan tahun oteh banyak ilmuan. Sumber Daya Alam (SDA). Kalimantan tidak hanya kaya KEHATI dan ekosistemnya tetapi juga berbagai jenis tambang, terutama tambang batu bara, minyak bumi dan gas alam. Sumber Daya Atam ini harus dikelola secara efisien dan ramah Lingkungan. Proses pemindahan Ibu Kota Negara dari Jakarta (Jawa centris) menuju Kalimantan tepatnya di Kalimantan Timur (Indonesia centris) telah ditetapkan datam Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 tentang Ibu Kota Negara (IKN), yang ditandai dimulainya tahap persiapan, pembangunan dan pemindahan IKN. IKN direncanakan un...