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Roman Roads
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 442

Roman Roads

This volume aims to present the current state of research on Roman roads and their foundations in a combined historical and archaeological perspective. The focus is on the diverse local histories and the varying degrees of significance of individual roads and regional networks, which are treated here for the most important regions of the empire and beyond. The assembled contributions will be of interest to historians, archaeologists and epigraphers, since they tackle matters as diverse as the technical modalities of road-building, the choice of route, but also the functionality and the motives behind the creation of roads. Roman roads are further intimately related to various important aspec...

Epigrafia: as pedras que falam, 2ª edição
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 232

Epigrafia: as pedras que falam, 2ª edição

E é verdade. Acotovelamo-nos com elas diariamente, há muitos anos, sempre as mesmas e a que outras se acrescentam, numa linguagem pensada, sintética, a demandar futuros… São inscrições – onde o implícito acaba, se pensarmos bem, a ser até mais importante do que o explícito, os singelos dizeres que comportam. Afinal, porque se pôs aquele epitáfio assim? Porque se deu este nome a esta rua? Porquê aquela placa comemorativa?... E diante de nós perpassam pessoas, factos, efemérides, estranhos instantâneos da vida familiar, política e social, retratados à maravilha, por vezes, num – à primeira vista – insignificante grafito... Isto estuda a Epigrafia. Sobre tudo isso procura falar este livro. Na expectativa de que cada um dos seus leitores saiba, depois de o ler, ver com muito maior acuidade o mundo que o rodeia.

Nero und Domitian
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 497

Nero und Domitian

Nero und Domitian, die bis heute nicht nur in der Populärkultur als mali principes gelten, sind bislang zumeist einzeln oder im Kontext ihrer eigenen Dynastien untersucht worden. Dieser Band unternimmt erstmals den Versuch, die Herrscherrepräsentation beider Kaiser im Vergleich zu analysieren. Durch eine solche komparative Herangehensweise sollen die spezifischen Profile ihrer Herrschaft, Kontinuitäten und Brüche in ihrer Repräsentation sowie Transgressionen bestehender Normen herausgearbeitet werden. Dafür werden die Darstellungen beider Kaiser in den verschiedenen Medien - in der Literatur, in Inschriften, Bildnissen und Münzen - aus der Perspektive mehrerer altertumswissenschaftlicher Fachdisziplinen betrachtet. Ziel ist es, so die verschiedenen Strategien und Praktiken ihrer Repräsentation zu untersuchen und dabei die Diskurse der neronischen und domitianischen Herrschaft nachzuzeichnen.--

Archivo español de arqueología
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 324

Archivo español de arqueología

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1997
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  • Publisher: Unknown


The Roads of Ancient Cyprus
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 360

The Roads of Ancient Cyprus

The earliest roads in Cyprus go back to the Bronze Age, and by the end of the Hellenistic period the road network encircled the entire island. More roads were added and older roads rebuilt during the Roman period to serve the needs of the provincial administration as well as of the individual cities. This book, the first on its subject, traces the development of the Cypriot road network over a period of a thousand years, drawing on a combination of archaeological, epigraphic and literary sources. Separate chapters deal with travellers and life on the road, transport technology and the legal and administrative context of road building. It is often assumed that the primary purpose of Roman road building was military domination, but, as this study demonstrates, road development in Cyprus is best understood in terms of communication between cities and their territories and the day-to-day exchanges between town and countryside.

Literacy in Ancient Everyday Life
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 438

Literacy in Ancient Everyday Life

This volume explores the significance of literacy for everyday life in the ancient world. It focuses on the use of writing and written materials, the circumstances of their use, and different types of users. The broad geographic and chronologic frame of reference includes many kinds of written materials, from Pharaonic Egypt and ancient China through the early middle ages, yet a focus is placed on the Roman Empire.

Charged Particle Cross Sections
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 470

Charged Particle Cross Sections

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1956
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Roma generadora de identidades
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 452

Roma generadora de identidades

Junto a los dos sistemas organizativos generados en la Antigüedad -el de la polis y el del Estado- el organigrama administrativo provincial implantado por los romanos acabaria jugando un papel no despreciable en la experiencia cotidiana de los habitantes del Imperia. El objetivo de esta monografia colectiva, centrada de forma no exclusiva en Hispania, consiste en identificar la manera en que esta nueva forma de vertebracién, la provincia, sin sustituir a las anteriores, pudo comenzar a asumirse como nuevo criterio de referencia, e incluso de identificacién. Se desarrollan aqui los planteamientos teoricos de la tematica y, desde la Republica a la Antigüedad tardia, en ambitos diversos y desde épticas plurales y complementarias, se analizan los procesos por los que se pudo ir generando una identidad provincial, asi como las formulas de expresion, el alcance y los limites de ésta, manifestando respuestas diferenciadas segun las diferentes regiones.