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Sinds de jaren zeventig van de twintigste eeuw kennen Nederlandse universiteiten kranten met redacties van professionele journalisten. Ze brengen nieuws over wat de universiteit, medewerkers en studenten raakt, en bieden een platform voor opinie en debat. De onafhankelijkheid van deze media lijkt in toenemende mate onder druk te staan. Toch ging de ontwikkeling van de universitaire pers vanaf het begin gepaard met spanningen. Welke rol speelden studentenbladen en universiteitsbrede voorlopers van de onafhankelijke kranten? Hoe veranderden de functie, inhoud, vorm en doelgroep van universiteitsbladen? En hoe verhielden deze veranderingen zich tot de transformaties van de universiteit sinds de late negentiende eeuw? Deze bundel biedt een historisch perspectief op de universitaire pers als stem van de academische gemeenschap.
This book explores the importance of bodily fluids to the development of medical knowledge in the eighteenth century. While the historiography has focused on the role of anatomy, this study shows that the chemical analyses of bodily fluids in the Dutch Republic radically altered perceptions of the body, propelling forwards a new system of medicine. It examines the new research methods and scientific instruments available at the turn of the eighteenth century that allowed for these developments, taken forward by Herman Boerhaave and his students. Each chapter focuses on a different bodily fluid – saliva, blood, urine, milk, sweat, semen – to investigate how doctors gained new insights into physiological processes through chemical experimentation on these bodily fluids. The book reveals how physicians moved from a humoral theory of medicine to new chemical and mechanical models for understanding the body in the early modern period. In doing so, it uncovers the lives and works of an important group of scientists which grew to become a European-wide community of physicians and chemists.
The biggest challenges in public health today are often related to attitudes, diet and exercise. In many ways, this marks a return to the state of medicine in the eighteenth century, when ideals of healthy living were a much more central part of the European consciousness than they have become since the advent of modern clinical medicine. Enlightenment advice on healthy lifestyle was often still discussed in terms of the six non-naturals – airs and places, food and drink, exercise, excretion and retention, and sleep and emotions. This volume examines what it meant to live healthily in the Enlightenment in the context of those non-naturals, showing both the profound continuities from Antiquity and the impact of newer conceptions of the body. Chapter 8 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license available at
In the pre-modern times, while medicine was still relying on classical authorities on herbal remedies, a new engagement with the plant world emerged. This volume follows intertwined strands in the study of plants, examining newly introduced species that captured physicians' curiosity, expanded their therapeutic arsenal, and challenged their long-held medical theories. The development of herbaria, the creation of botanical gardens, and the inspection of plants contributed to a new understanding of the vegetal world. Increased attention to plants led to account for their therapeutic virtues, to test and produce new drugs, to recognize the physical properties of plants, and to develop a new plant science and medicine.
Onze problematische verhouding met lichaamssappen Het menselijk lichaam is zo lek als een mandje. Het zweet, spuugt, piest, poept, bloedt en spuit. Juist die vloeibaarheid is essentieel voor ons leven en voor onze gezondheid. Zonder speeksel kunnen we ons eten niet doorslikken en verteren, zonder stollend bloed geen helende wonden, zonder vaginaal vocht en sperma geen voortplanting. Toch hebben we een problematische verhouding met onze lichaamssappen. We vinden pus, zweet en urine tegenwoordig al snel vies en onhygiënisch. Maar dat is niet altijd het geval geweest. Hoe is dat zo gekomen? Aan de hand van historische bronnen vertelt Ruben Verwaal in Bloed, zweet en tranen fascinerende en geestige verhalen over hoe in vroeger tijden over lichaamssappen werd gedacht en hoe ze in het dagelijks leven voor allerhande zaken werden gebruikt.
This book examines the life and works of Santorio Santori and his impact on the history of medicine and natural philosophy. Reputed as the father of experimental medicine and procedures, he is also known for his invention of numerous scientific instruments, including early precision medical devices (pulsimeters, hygrometers, thermometers, anemometers), as well as clinical and surgical tools. The chapters in this volume explore Santorio’s legacy through the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. They highlight the role played by medical practitioners such as Santorio in the development of corpuscularian ideas, central to the ‘new science’ of the period, and place new emphasis on the role of the life sciences, chemistry and medicine in encouraging new forms of experimentation and instrument-making. Chapters 1 and 2 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via
In eighteenth-century Britain the worlds of literature and medicine were closely intertwined, and a diverse group of people participated in the circulation of medical knowledge. In this pre-professionalized milieu, several women writers made important contributions by describing a range of common yet often devastating illnesses. In Reimagining Illness Heather Meek reads works by six major eighteenth-century women writers – Jane Barker, Anne Finch, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Hester Lynch Thrale Piozzi, Mary Wollstonecraft, and Frances Burney – alongside contemporaneous medical texts to explore conditions such as hysteria, melancholy, smallpox, maternity, consumption, and breast cancer. In...
Op Nederlandse universiteitscampussen wordt al jaren gerenoveerd, gesloopt en gebouwd. De basisstructuur van deze complexen werd gelegd in de jaren vijftig, zestig en zeventig, toen de universiteiten een groeispurt doormaakten. Deze ging gepaard met grote ruimtelijke veranderingen, waardoor het aanzien van de universiteiten volledig veranderde. In soms compleet nieuwe stadswijken verrezen fabrieksachtige laboratoria, ziekenhuizen en flats met werkkamers en collegezalen die eerder deden denken aan kantoorkolossen dan aan plekken van geleerdheid. In de bundel De universitaire campus worden verschillende aspecten van deze ruimtelijke transformatie onderzocht. Welke visie op de universiteit, en op de relatie tussen stad en universiteit, lag ten grondslag aan de concentratie? Pasten de nieuwe gebouwen wel bij de zeer onderscheiden werkprocessen die een universiteit herbergt? Welke idealen over de rol van de universiteit in de samenleving werden in de campussen gematerialiseerd? En voor welke uitdagingen stellen de destijds gemaakte keuzes huidige campusplanners?
Bringing together an exciting group of knowledge workers, scholars and activists from across fields, this book revisits a foundational question of the Enlightenment: what is “the last or furthest end of knowledge”? It is a book about why we do what we do, and how we might know when we are done. In the reorganization of knowledge that characterized the Enlightenment, disciplines were conceived as having particular “ends,” both in terms of purposes and end-points. As we experience an ongoing shift to the knowledge economy of the Information Age, this collection asks whether we still conceptualize knowledge in this way. Does an individual discipline have both an inherent purpose and a n...
This Encyclopedia offers a fresh, integrated and creative perspective on the formation and foundations of philosophy and science in European modernity. Combining careful contextual reconstruction with arguments from traditional philosophy, the book examines methodological dimensions, breaks down traditional oppositions such as rationalism vs. empiricism, calls attention to gender issues, to ‘insiders and outsiders’, minor figures in philosophy, and underground movements, among many other topics. In addition, and in line with important recent transformations in the fields of history of science and early modern philosophy, the volume recognizes the specificity and significance of early mod...