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Irrespective of the increasing harmonization of law at the transnational level, every arbitration raises a number of confl ict of laws problems relating to procedural questions as well as to issues concerning the merits of the case. Unlike a state court judge, the arbitrator has no "lex fori" in the proper sense providing the relevant confl ict rules to determine the applicable law. This raises the question of what confl ict of laws rules to apply and, consequently, of the extent of the freedom the arbitrator enjoys in dealing with this and related issues. The best example of the importance of confl ict of laws questions in arbitration is the Vivendi-Elektrim saga where the outcome of the various proceedings depended on the question of characterization. This very beneficial book is dealing with - the arbitration agreement, - the jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal, - the law applicable to the merits and - the arbitration procedure.
Mandatory investor-state mediation (ISM) as a pre-condition to arbitration is the way forward for rebalancing the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) regime and tackling its widely criticised shortcomings. Presenting a comprehensive doctrinal analysis of ISDS clauses of dozens of treaties, this book reveals that simply offering ISM in a voluntary format will not increase its utilisation. In this volume, Ana Ubilava further debunks four common arguments and misconceptions against mandatory ISM through an innovative empirical analysis of over 600 investor-state arbitration cases. She also offers recommendations for incorporating mandatory ISM in ISDS as a precondition to arbitration aimed at international policymakers.
Proceedings consider the disagreements between the United States and Europe over recommendations made in the 1999 preliminary draft of the Hague Conference on Private International Law.
With cross-border successions becoming increasingly common in the context of the European Union, this timely book offers a systematic practical analysis of how cross-border successions should be treated, including examination of which courts may establish jurisdiction over succession disputes and which law governs such disputes. Studying cross-border successions in the context of estate planning and in the opening and liquidation of a succession, it examines the specificities of the European Certificate of Succession, contextualising it within its interface with the national laws and practice of EU Member States.
Após a entrada em vigor do Tratado de Amesterdão (1999), e no desenvolvimento do Espaço de Liberdade, de Segurança e de Justiça então criado, as instituições da União Europeia aprovaram um conjunto de actos de direito da União em matéria de direito internacional privado (conflitos de leis e conflitos de jurisdições). Pode assim falar-se, a este propósito, de um direito internacional privado da União Europeia, cujas regras, nas matérias a que se dirigem, afastam a aplicação das normas homólogas de criação estadual. O presente trabalho, para além de inserir aquela criação normativa da União no contexto que a justificou, analisa alguns dos mais relevantes daqueles diplo...
Obwohl viele Rechtsgebiete mittlerweile harmonisiert worden sind, regeln EU-Rechtsakte haufig nicht die Frage, welche Rechte, Rechtsbehelfe und Sanktionen zur Durchsetzung europaischen Rechts im nationalen Recht vorgesehen werden mussen. Andererseits ist zu beobachten, dass der EuGH den Schutz subjektiver (Unions-)Rechte schrittweise ausgebaut und ein eigenstandiges Sanktionssystem aufgestellt hat, das intensiv in die mitgliedstaatlichen Rechtsordnungen eingreift und diese uberlagert. Martin Ebers entwickelt vor diesem Hintergrund eine allgemeine Theorie der im Unionsrecht wurzelnden (subjektiven) Rechte. Ausserdem wird danach gefragt, wie ein Verstoss gegen unionsrechtliche Normen im nationalen (Privat-)Recht sanktioniert werden muss. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt dabei den Grundfreiheiten, dem Kartell- und Beihilferecht sowie dem Antidiskriminierungs- und Verbraucherrecht.
Bardo Fassbender entwickelt auf verfassungsrechtlicher, völkerrechtlicher und staatstheoretischer Grundlage den Typus des "offenen Bundesstaates" europäischer Prägung. Diesen sieht er durch eine Öffnung gegenüber der Völkerrechtsgemeinschaft gekennzeichnet, indem seine Teil - oder Gliedstaaten - wie die deutschen oder österreichischen Länder oder die schweizerischen Kantone - eigene völkerrechtliche Beziehungen zu auswärtigen Staaten und anderen Völkerrechtssubjekten unterhalten können. (Quelle: Verlag / Klappentext).