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This book examines the practice of toleration and the experience of religious diversity in the early modern world. Recent scholarship has shown the myriad ways in which religious differences were accommodated in the early modern era (1500–1800). This book propels this revisionist wave further by linking the accommodation of religious diversity in early modern communities to the experience of this diversity by individuals. It does so by studying the forms and patterns of interaction between members of different religious groups, including Christian denominations, Muslims, and Jews, in territories ranging from Europe to the Americas and South-East Asia. This book is structured around five ke...
Austria 1867-1955 connects the political history of German-speaking provinces of the Habsburg Empire before 1914 (Vienna and the Alpine Lands) with the history of the Austrian Republic that emerged in 1918. John W. Boyer presents the case of modern Austria as a fascinating example of democratic nation-building. The construction of an Austrian political nation began in 1867 under Habsburg Imperial auspices, with the German-speaking bourgeois Liberals defining the concept of a political people (Volk) and giving that Volk a constitution and a liberal legal and parliamentary order to protect their rights against the Crown. The decades that followed saw the administrative and judicial institution...
Sacred architecture as reality and metaphor in secularised Western society Christian monasteries and convents, built throughout Europe for the best part of 1,500 years, are now at a crossroads. This study attempts to understand the sacred architecture of monasteries as a process of the tangible and symbolic organisation of space and time for religious communities. Despite the weight of seemingly immutable monastic tradition, architecture has contributed to developing specific religious identities and played a fundamental part in the reformation of different forms of religious life according to the changing needs of society. The cloister is the focal point of this book because it is both architecture, a physically built reality, and a metaphor for the religious life that takes place within it. Life Inside the Cloister also addresses the afterlife and heritagisation of monastic architecture in secularised Western society.
Der österreichische Widerstand gegen das NS-Regime – das ist ein Kapitel der Zeitgeschichte, das auch katholische Priester geschrieben haben, etwa jene, die sich der "Großösterreichischen Freiheitsbewegung" angeschlossen haben. Neben Ordenspriestern waren auch Bauern, (landwirtschaftliche) Arbeiter, Eisenbahner, Schlosser, Wagner, Angestellte beteiligt. Die führenden "Köpfe" dieser Widerstandsgruppe wurden zum Tode verurteilt, andere erhielten empfindliche Haftstrafen. Ein Buch, das aufrührt und betroffen macht. Ein Buch, das zeigt, wie mutig es ist, in einem diktatorischen Regime die Stimme zu erheben und für seine Überzeugungen einzustehen ...
Der umfangreiche Band zeichnet ein erschreckendes Bild von der Vielfältigkeit des Antisemitismus in Österreich in den Jahren vor dem "Anschluss" an NS-Deutschland 1938 – dies obwohl auch die Verfassung von 1934 die Gleichberechtigung aller Bundesbürger unabhängig vom Religionsbekenntnis garantierte. Die Beiträge behandeln neben der offiziellen Regierungspolitik insbesondere den Antisemitismus in Verbänden, Parteien, Religionsgesellschaften, in der Kultur- und Bildungspolitik, der Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft, aber auch jüdische Strategien gegen den Antisemitismus sowie innerjüdischen Antisemitismus. Die Autorinnen und Autoren gehören den unterschiedlichsten Fachrichtungen an, v.a. Geschichte, Politik-, Literatur- und Musikwissenschaft sowie Rechtswissenschaften.
The long nineteenth century (c.1780–c.1920) in Western Europe saw an unprecedented rise in the production and possession of material goods. The material culture diversified and led to a rich variety of expressions. Dovetailing with a process of confessionalisation that manifested itself quite simultaneously, material religion witnessed its heyday in this period; from church buildings to small devotional objects. The present volume analyses how various types of reform (state, societal, and ecclesiastical) that were part of the process of modernisation affected the material devotional culture within Protestantism, Anglicanism, and Roman Catholicism. Although the contributions in this book st...
This book shows how current and future research on the social history of the Balkans can be integrated into a broader European framework. The contributions look at a range of methodological and empirical issues, and the theme that links the various studies is that of the contrasting, yet, at the same time, entangled ideas of the Balkans as a "mental map" and of Southeast Europe as an "historical region." (Series: Studies on South East Europe - Vol. 10)
Die Geschichte der Barmherzigen Schwestern ist ein Stück Österreichische Frauengeschichte. Die religiöse Restauration im Vormärz öffnete den Frauen selbstständige Betätigungsfelder in der christlichen Caritas. Die Kaiserin selbst protegierte sie, ein Netzwerk von Frauen unterstützte sie. Beim Ausbruch der ersten Choleraepidemie wurden sie als Expertinnen der Krankenpflege ins biedermeierliche Wien berufen. Die "Mägde der Armen" versorgten unentgeltlich Taglöhner, Dienstboten und Fabrikarbeiter und -arbeiterinnen. Die Gemeinschaft war im Jahr 1900 auf fast 1.000 Schwestern angewachsen und gründete Spitäler und Schulen in der ganzen Habsburgermonarchie. Ihre Einrichtungen überdauerten auch die Verfolgung während des Nationalsozialismus und bestehen im heutigen Österreich bis heute.
This volume seeks to get behind the surface of political events and to identify the forces which shaped politics and culture from 1680 to 1840 in Germany, France and Great Britain. The contributors, all leading specialists in the field, explore critically how 'culture', defined in the widest sense, was exploited during the 'long eighteenth century' to buttress authority in all its forms and how politics infused culture. Individual essays explore topics ranging from the military culture of Central Europe through the political culture of Germany, France and Great Britain, music, court intrigue and diplomatic practice, religious conflict and political ideas, the role of the Enlightenment, to the very new dispensations which prevailed during and after the French Revolution and the Napoleonic watershed. The book will be essential reading for all scholars of eighteenth-century European history.
Science as an instrument to justify religious missions in secular society The relationship between religion and science is complex and continues to be a topical issue. However, it is seldom zoomed in on from both Protestant andCatholic perspectives. By doing so the contributing authors in this collection gain new insights into the origin and development of missiology. Missiology is described in this book as a “project of modernity,” a contemporary form of apologetics. “Scientific apologetics” was the way to justify missions in a society that was rapidly becoming secularized. Mission & Sciencedeals with the interaction between new scientific disciplines (historiography, geography, ethnology, anthropology, linguistics) and new scientific insights (Darwin’s evolutionary theory, heliocentrism), as well as the role of the papacy and what inspired missionary practice (first in China and the Far East and later in Africa). The renewed missiology has in turn influenced the missionary practice of the twentieth century, guided by apostolic policy. Some “missionary scholars” have even had a significant influence on the scientific discourse of their time.