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The most significant phenomenon occurring around us today is the European crisis. As well as being a “total social phenomenon” as classical French sociologist Émile Durkheim would have said, it also affects all the levels of our lives—be they political, economic, cultural or social. Nothing remains untouched. In other words, it represents a “perfect storm”. This volume brings together the contributions of twenty authors, scientists from the “Ion I.C. Brătianu” Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations of the Romanian Academy, in response to this challenge. Using an expression that is becoming more abundantly associated with Europe, namely “the perfect storm”, the book decodes multiple layers of the crisis, whether they relate to migrants, terrorism, Brexit, the economic crisis of the Eurozone, the Turkish challenge, Russian pressures, TTIP, the resurrection of populism, or the (intermittent) hysteria of the European media.
Although post-structuralism has highlighted the importance of what is offstage, lost, forgotten, hidden or discarded, silent or silenced, the poetics and politics of absence (much like its ethics and aesthetics) have rarely been discussed across media or disciplines. The book conceptualizes 'radical absence' to describe a certain tradition of resistance to ontology, predication, and representation, contesting their reliance on a metaphysics of presence. Apophatic speech, empty signifiers, and figural voids are some of the figures through which radical absence becomes apparent, with unprecedented intensity, in 20th-century theory, literature, film, and the arts. Phantasmatic and outrageous, s...
Today, we know what the Black Sea is not from a strategic perspective, but we do not know what it is. This strategic indecision is the explanation for all the conflicts, frozen or not, explicit or tacit, and all the political and geopolitical tensions that are now taking place in this space and that are becoming endemic. The story of the Black Sea continues… This text is the first encyclopaedia explicitly dedicated to the geopolitics of the Black Sea, written for Western audiences, an academic research which appeals to the wider academic community, PhD students, professors, and researchers, and to any reader interested in geopolitics, history, international relations, economy, sociology, history, and geography.
This book arrives at a very significant time throughout Europe. Not only is the European Union currently facing a prolonged economic and social crisis, with nascent political consequences, such as the ascension of populist parties in the 2014 European elections, but also its Eastern neighbourhood is confronted with the growing hostility of an assertive Russia, opposing any new advance of the West towards its frontiers. Bringing together experts in fields such as international relations, political science, political sociology, diplomacy, security studies, and European studies, with robust academic and professional backgrounds and expertise with regard to the region, this volume explores this ...
Raphael’s artworks, paintings, altarpieces, drawings, tapestries, cartoons, prints, ceramics and all other artifacts derived from his works, including copies and forgeries, have been the object of an often-frantic search from his death in 1520 onwards. France, Spain, Germany, England, and Italy were the main destinations for such artworks between the 16th and the 18th centuries, while the market spread overseas from the 19th century onwards. This book is the first full exploration of this phenomenon and of the mechanisms of transmission of Raphael’s artifax through inheritance, sales, swaps and shady transactions. It includes essays in English, French and Italian by some of the most knowledgeable scholars on Raphael, museum curators and experts in the history of collecting, and is a landmark in scholarship on Raphael and art collecting.
100 Years since the Great Union of Romania is a pertinent witness to the course of Romanian political thinking. It confirms that December 1918 demands to be celebrated as a fundamental historical event, which imparts a prominent force to the continuing dynamics of the preposition ‘since’, potentiating it not only with the structural valences of the initial moment and the starting point, but also giving it the meaning of the plenary symbols of a historical act which, after 100 years, celebrates its establishment by reaffirming and confirming its fully-mature vocation. This volume is dedicated to the 100 years since the Great Union of all Romanians. It will appeal to the wider academic community, PhD students, professors, and researchers, and to any reader interested in history, history of political thoughts, political philosophy and science or international relations.
Kirchen in Europa haben eine spezifische Erfahrungs-Geschichte mit ihrer Verhältnisbestimmung zur Nation. Obwohl im Prinzip darüber einig, dass der christliche Glaube in seiner Grundtendenz von einem übernationalen, ja universalistischen Charakter geprägt ist, wird spätestens seit dem 19. Jahrhundert immer wieder gefragt, ob nicht doch Nation und nationale Identität zur Schöpfung Gottes gehören. Gegenwärtig wird das in den Kirchen Europas kontrovers diskutiert, eng verbunden mit Erfahrungen von Migration. "Nation" klingt anders für protestantische Minderheitskirchen als für orthodoxe oder römisch-katholische Kirche in ehemals kommunistischen Staaten und wieder anders für deutsch...
This book intervenes in contemporary debates about climate activism, militancy, and strategy that have been gathering force in radical ecological circles. It responds to some of the urgent questions about utilizing militancy as part of the overall effort to foster an ecosocialist society. Building upon the crucial work of scholars and activists from the 1970s to the present, such as Carolyn Merchant, Ursula Heise, Raj Patel, Joan Martinez Alier, Neil Smith, and Mark Dowie, this book discusses and regenerates key principles of guerrilla ecology. It presents a significant critique of green capital and its impact on the shape of environmental and climate justice movements. From car manufacturer...
Volumul conține o selecție a celor mai bune lucrări prezentate la două dintre edițiile Sesiunii de studii și comunicări de literatură comparată, iconologie și ekphrastică, organizate anual de Colectivul de literatură comparată din Departamentul de Studii Literare al Facultății de Litere – Universitatea din București. Autorii articolelor, studenți și masteranzi, doctoranzi și profesori, oferă abordări inedite, dinamice și bine documentate ale temelor propuse la aceste manifestări științifice: Licori și delicii culinare; Orașe, teritorii, geografii. Se remarcă, în spiritul deschiderii comparatismului și al valențelor pe care o explorare de tip comparatist le im...