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H. BALTSCHEFFSKYChairman Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Arrhenius Laboratories, Stockholm University, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden. Professor Stanley Miller, Professor K. R. Srinivasan, Organizers and Sponsors of this Conference, Ladies and Gentlemen; WearegettingreadyfortheAbdusSalamLecture, honoringtwomostdistinguishedsci- tists. Bothhaveverysigni?cantlycontributedtotherapidgrowthofthesphereoffun- mentalknowledgeinthesecondhalfofthetwentiethcentury. Abdus Salam, theoreticalphysicist, NobelPrizewinner, creatorandlongtimeleader of The Abdus Salam Center of Theoretical Physics. With his active interest in the origin oflifeheplayedaleadingroleininstigatingtheseconferencesonChemicalEv...
Widely considered the go-to reference--and now extensively revised with over 65% new material--this authoritative handbook surveys the landscape of current knowledge on psychopathy and addresses essential clinical and applied topics. Leading researchers explore major theoretical models; symptomatology and diagnostic subtypes; assessment methods; developmental pathways; and causal influences, from genes and neurobiology to environmental factors. The volume examines manifestations of psychopathy in specific populations as well as connections to antisocial behavior and recidivism. It presents contemporary perspectives on prevention and treatment and discusses special considerations in clinical ...
This classic of biochemistry offered the first detailed exposition of the theory that living tissue was preceded upon Earth by a long and gradual evolution of nitrogen and carbon compounds. "Easily the most scholarly authority on the will be a landmark for discussion for a long time to come." — New York Times.
At a memorial service meant to honor the dead and mark the beginning of a truce between Skirfall and Morcia, Ackley spies a figure who does not belong—a mage interrogator whose presence will only cause harm should the Morcians realize who he is and all the people he has tortured. But the problem rapidly grows much worse than that when Ackley realizes his true purpose is assassination of the Morcian crown prince—an assassination Ackley prevents, but at great cost. Banished from his own country, bound magically to the crown prince of his enemies, Ackley is certain of just one thing: whether he can figure out how to break the spell or not, his death is assured.
Vols. for 1963- include as pt. 2 of the Jan. issue: Medical subject headings.