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Wie Frauen erfolgreich in Männerdomänen durchstarten Frauen müssen oft härter arbeiten, um dieselbe Anerkennung und Vergütung wie ihre männlichen Kollegen zu erhalten. Zudem gehören Vorurteile, stereotype Anmachen und tradierte Klischees leider immer noch zum Berufsalltag vieler Frauen. Wie kannst du als Frau trotzdem deine beruflichen Qualitäten und Fähigkeiten überzeugend, selbstbewusst und feminin herausstellen? Die renommierte High-Performance-Expertin Kathrin Leinweber weiß, wie du in männerdominierten Branchen deine weiblichen Stärken erkennst und entfaltest, um die Businesswelt ordentlich aufzumischen. In diesem Buch erhältst du praxistaugliche Strategien und Tipps, um d...
For the sleeping giants of our workforce pursuing a more productive life, HABITS OF SUCCESS is an anthology illuminating the varieties of choices, habits and strategies that lead to the same goal: success. READING IS A KEY HABIT OF SUCCESS. FORM THE HABIT WITH ANOTHER STELLAR ANTHOLOGY FROM LEADERS PRESS! As the world resumes from a year and a half of pandemic disruption, we find ourselves wondering what to do next? Should we go back to normal or move forward to better? How do we maximize our time and efforts to find our most successful selves? What habits will sustain that success the next time our world is shaken up? You will find these answers reading the brilliant contributors to HABITS ...
Today's retail climate is fierce. There has never been such a competitive retail front that is forcing companies to try nearly anything to survive. This is why leadership plays such a pivotal role. The Humor and Art of Retail Leadership brings us a compelling lesson as to why there is indeed a difference between management and leadership. Also taking a deep dive into personal development, self-reflection, and homage to all the retail workers and leaders who have survived the clopen. From learning about ourselves and how we engage our teams to learning to fail properly, even how to take a vacation correctly, these are all tools to the retail leaders' belt. This book offers a comical approach to getting ourselves in the right mind-set to be effective in a retail climate that changes on the dime. In all, The Humor and Art of Retail Leadership offers learnings to the newly promoted to the seasoned veteran on why personal development is key to being a great leader.
Die heutige Welt ist voll von Feedback – von den Likes oder Dislikes auf Social Media bis hin zum jährlichen Gespräch mit Vorgesetzten. Doch ist Feedback wirklich so wertvoll, wie immer behauptet wird? Die Autorin findet nicht und zeigt, warum man nicht alles annehmen und sich gar davon frei machen sollte. Feedback gehört zum guten Ton, kommt oft und nicht selten ungefragt: der Spruch des Kollegen, die 1-Stern-Bewertung des Kunden, das jährliche Feedback vom Chef, der fiese Nebensatz der Schwiegermutter oder Produktbewertungen bei Google. Kritisches Feedback lässt uns zusammenzucken. Lob lässt uns wachsen. Doch kaum jemand fühlt sich mit den vielen Rückmeldungen wirklich gut, weiß Theresa Maxeiner. Sie machen uns emotional abhängig oder kränken uns. Um nicht als kritikunfähig zu gelten, traut sich jedoch kaum jemand, dies klar zu äußern. Maxeiners Buch liefert daher gute Argumente dafür, warum es sich lohnt, dem Unbehagen Ausdruck zu verleihen, und zeigt zugleich Wege auf, um trotzdem einen Gewinn aus jeglicher Art von Feedback zu ziehen – ohne dass wir uns Dinge zu Herzen nehmen, die da nicht hingehören.
Successful fashion merchandising, branding and communication start with satisfyingly sensory and interactive shopping experiences. With Kate Schaefer's beautifully illustrated and practical book, learn how retailers create these experiences to connect with shoppers, enhance the retail experience, and achieve brand loyalty. With company highlights from brands such as Amazon Go, FIT:MATCH and Sephora, Swipe, Scan, Shop shows how fashion retailers are embracing the omnichannel retail experience, by using virtual and augmented reality, beacon technologies and facial recognition, among others. As shoppers become more dependent on digital devices as part of their shopping experience, visual merchandisers are adapting by incorporating mobile tech to tell a story, alert shoppers of product locations and inventory levels, and allow for the customization of products and sharing with friends. With a companion website that includes resources and links to further information and videos discussed in the book, this practical guide shows how to inform, entice, and engage customers by incorporating social technology throughout the shopping experience.
Andrew Bryant is a Global Expert on Self Leadership & Leading Cultures. This simple but profound handbook, by an experienced coach, will assist you to get great control of your life and achieve the goals you set for yourself.
Lead yourself to success—and others are sure to follow “For leaders looking for a plan of ‘Why, What, and How’ to become a better leader, the answer is between the covers of this book.” —Chester Elton, New York Times bestselling author of The Carrot Principle, The Orange Revolution, and All In “Ever wish you could be more confident, more engaged, or more productive in your life? Look no further. All the concepts and tools are right here.” —Ryan M. Niemiec, Psy.D., Psychologist and Education Director, VIA Institute on Character “Self-reliance, courage, confidence, emotional self-awareness, and perseverance encompassed into one leadership concept.” —Garee W. Earnest, Ph...
Ali's grandma can't hear or see very well these days, and she doesn't remember very much anymore. But Ali likes hanging out with her. So when Ali's mom takes out a wooden trunk full of Grandma's old photos, he sits with his grandmother, trying to figure out who is in all the old pictures. At first, his grandma doesn't seem to remember. But with a little help from Ali, she is soon sailing through the photos--and taking Ali along with her through the wondrous journey of her life. With daring, joy, and love, Ali's grandma shows him the importance of making and sharing beautiful memories that will live on in the ones we love. First published in Turkey, this endearing picture book is a joyous celebration of life, family, and love.
In his theory of the novel, Guido Mazzoni explains that novels consist of stories told in any way whatsoever about the experiences of ordinary men and women who exist as contingent beings within time and space. Novels allow readers to step into other lives and other versions of truth, each a small, local world, absolute in its particularity.