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In this book, leading architects and landscape architects provide their perspectives on the design of dense and green building types in high-density urban contexts that can support higher population densities, higher standards of environmental sustainability and enhanced liveability in future cities.
High-tech Architecture - Preserving the Heritage of Innovative Construction The high-tech architecture of the 1970s–1990s is typically characterized by the use and exhibition of advanced technologies. In terms of appearance, these buildings often have innovative façades, supporting structures accentuated in color, and expressively displayed technology systems. Unfortunately, however, the rapid obsolescence of technology has often led to the complete replacement of the very systems that defined the architectural form. In 2023, an international conference at ETH Zurich in collaboration with Bauhaus-Universität Weimar explored the question of how best to deal with the structural legacy of technologically innovative architecture. This book summarizes the results and provides an overview of the current state of research. Current state of research on high-tech architecture and its conservation Overview of the opportunities and challenges of high-tech buildings New findings on the topic of building within existing structures Also available as a set with the congress volume Denkmal Postmoderne 978-3-0356-2783-1
Integrative Approaches in Urban Sustainability - Architectural Design, Technological Innovations and Social Dynamics in Global Contexts takes readers on an academic exploration of the complex realm of urban sustainability. This extensive book explores the significant changes in the worldwide demographic environment, documenting the swift process of urbanization that has taken place from the beginning of the 19th century. This highlights the impact of the shift from rural to urban environments on our global society, bringing both difficulties and possibilities in equal proportions. This intellectually stimulating investigation transcends mere academic inquiry. It emphasizes the need for compr...
In which ways does a "green building" contribute to the ecology of its surroundings? And how can ecologically designed urban districts, with their green and blue networks, link up with the elements and technologies of building design? All dimensions of "green building" are investigated in this book in an effort to understand and evaluate some of the most recent and innovative Dense+Green Cities in Asia, the Americas and Europe.
A History of Artificially Intelligent Architecture: Case Studies from the USA, UK, Europe and Japan, 1949-1987 provides a comprehensive survey of architectural projects exhibiting intelligence since the Late First Century right up to the present day. Tracing the social, scientific and technological developments, this book analyses case studies from both conceived and executed architectural projects by Architects and Cyberneticians from the United States, United Kingdom, Europe and Japan from 1949-87. From the Late First Century through to the Seventeenth Century, the scientific endeavors of the Hero of Alexandria, Ramon Llull, Paracelsus, René Descartes, Jacques de Vaucanson, Pierre Jacquet...
Wie machen wir das Bauen nachhaltig und zukunftsfähig? Das Buch präsentiert eine Strategie zur Bewältigung der Zukunftsaufgaben der Baubranche aus der Perspektive des organisierenden Architekten und mit Blick auf das transdisziplinär integrierbare Wissen verwandter Disziplinen. Mit profundem Einblick in die operativen Vorgänge analysiert der Autor die komplexen gesamtgesellschaftlichen Systemzusammenhänge, die oft althergebrachten Prozessstrukturen folgen. Er beleuchtet die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen den Handlungsmustern der Baubeteiligten und den Rahmenbedingungen und entwickelt daraus eine Strategie, die – selbst ein Prozess – einen künftigen Soll-Zustand entwirft.
Die aktuelle Situation auf dem Bau zeigt: Die Qualität bei der Erstellung von Gebäuden ist oft nicht befriedigend. Schuld daran sind alle am Bauprozess Beteiligten, denn die Hauptursache für diese Situation ist eine Kombination von Unterlassungen, Zeitdruck, ungenau definierten Aufträgen und fehlender Qualitätskontrolle. Daraus resultieren jährlich Baumängel und Bauschäden in Milliardenhöhe. Zwar sind Instrumente für ein projektbezogenes Qualitätsmanagement (PQM) schon lange vorhanden, sie eignen sich aber hauptsächlich für grosse und komplexe Bauprojekte. Dabei wäre die Implementierung eines PQM zumeist auch bei kleineren und mittelgrossen Projekten notwendig oder zumindest prüfenswert. Dieses Buch zeigt, wie auf einfache, aber effektive Weise und mit vertretbarem Aufwand ein massgeschneidertes PQM integriert und angewendet werden kann. Es richtet sich an alle im Bauprozess Involvierten – an Planer ebenso wie an die Ausführenden auf der Baustelle sowie die Bauherrschaft.
This book documents reinsurance firm Swiss Re's built identity by looking at its eleven buildings in six locations (Zurich, Adliswil, R schlikon, Munich, London, and New York). It illustrates this corporate architecture with sketches, plans, and photographs and brings it alive in interviews by Roderick Hönig with the participating architects: Bothe Richter Teherani, Meili und Peter, Norman Foster, Tilla Theus, Silvio Schmed, Schnebli Amann Menz, and St cheli und Partner provide fascinating perspectives on how the firm's corporate culture came to architectural expression.
The positive effects of urban green spaces are well-known, ranging from the promotion of health, support of biodiversity to climate regulation. However, the practical implementation of urban landscapes is less discussed. How can we make these spaces functional, economically feasible and inclusive, especially as cities become more diverse? The publication explores strategies to reconcile the various demands, such as food production, resilience and nature conservation. Indeed, urban landscapes have to be restorative, ecological and aesthetically pleasing at the same time. This is a particular challenge in high-density cities like Singapore, Seoul or New York where space is a scarce commodity. The continuing growth of the worldwide urban population imbues the topic with a special urgency.