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  • Language: id
  • Pages: 200


Judul : PERNIKAHAN MENURUT ISLAM (Suatu Tinjauan Prinsip) Penulis : Samsurizal, SIQ.S.ThI, MA. Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : 200 Halaman No ISBN : 978-623-6233-68-9 Penulis adalah seorang Dosen dengan bidang keahlian hadits di Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Balaiselasa. Profesi ini dijalaninya sejak tahun 2007 sampai sekarang (tahun 2021). Jenjang Pendidikan terkait profesionalitasnya: S.1 dan S.2 Tafsir dan Hadits. Ia telah mengajar 18 mata kuliah bidang tafsir dan hadits, baik pada Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam maupun al Ahwal As Syakhshiyah (hukum keluarga). Sehingga pemahaman terhadap tern ini menjadi kental dan berkualitas. Buku yang ada pada pembaca sekarang berjudul, “Pernikahan ...

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 812


Buku ini ditulis menggunakan metode tafsir hadits tematik. Dengan tujuh langkah, yaitu pertama, menghimpun hadits atau ayat al Qur'an setema; kedua, mengklasifikasikan; ketiga, menyusun konsep; keempat, menguraikan; kelima, melengkapi uraian dengan dengan kajian al Jam'u wat Taufiq; keenam, merumuskan konsep; dan ketujuh, menarik kesimpulan. Buku ini mengandung 140 tema, yang diambil dari al Qur'an dan kitab-kitab hadits yang sembilan yaitu: shahih al Bukhari, Shahih Muslim, Sunan at Tirmidzi, an Nasa'i, Abu Daud dan Ibnu Majah. Kemudian Muwathak Imam Malik dan Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal dan Sunan ad Darimi. Semua hadits utama dituliskan sanad dan matannya serta kualitas sanad dan matan hadits.

Karakteristik Kata Al-Haqq dalam Al-Qur’ân
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 156

Karakteristik Kata Al-Haqq dalam Al-Qur’ân

Judul : Karakteristik Kata Al-Haqq dalam Al-Qur’ân Penulis : Samsurizal, SIQ.S.ThI, MA. Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : 160 Halaman No ISBN : 978-623-6233-71-9 Konsep yang menjadi landasan kandungan buku ini adalah al-Qur’ân. Al-Qur’ân adalah kalam Allâh yang abadi dan merupakan sumber kebenaran mutlak, yang disampaikan oleh Allâh dari lauh al-Mahfuzh ke langit dunia (bait al-`Izza’) melalui Malaikat Jibril `alaihi salam kepada Nabi Muhammad shal Allâhu `alaihi wa sallam, dinukilkan dengan mutawathir, dikumpulkan dalam mushhaf, dimulai dari surat al-Fatihah dan diakhiri dengan surat al-Nâs, serta beribadah membacanya. Proses penyampaiannya secara bertahap yang mempunyai hikmah p...

Kata Al Qishshah dalam Al Qur'an yang Disifati al Haqq
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 240

Kata Al Qishshah dalam Al Qur'an yang Disifati al Haqq

Buku "Kata Al Qishshah dalam Al Qur'an yang Disifati al Haqq" adalah buku pertama penulis yang menggunakan metode penulisan tafsir tematik. Bahasan dalam buku ini meneliti tentang kata al Qishshah dalam al Qur'an yang disifati al Haqq dan hal-hal terkaitnya dengannya. Penulis menemukan satu kesimpulan besar bahwa, "kata al Qishshah yang disifati al Haqq memberikan keyakinan bahwa kisah tersebut tidak perlu dirinci dan harus diimani. Seperti kisah Nabi Isa, ashhabul kahfi saja. Sementara yang tidak disertai dengan sifat al Haqq, maka hal tersebut kadang dikisahkan secara rinci dan atau bagian-bagian pentingnya disebut dalam al Qur'an. Seperti kisah Nabi Yusuf dalam QS. Yusuf. Kemudian, bahasannya ditutup dengan pendapat-pendapat para ulama tafsir dan hadits.

Women and the Glorious Qurʾān
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 248

Women and the Glorious Qurʾān


Preparing Teachers for the 21st Century
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 403

Preparing Teachers for the 21st Century

This book addresses two main questions, namely how to prepare high-quality teachers in the 21st century and how the East and the West can learn from each other. It addresses the different challenges and dilemmas that eastern countries, especially China, and western countries are facing with regard to teacher education. We explore the question by examining teacher education research, practice and policy in different countries, identifying both common problems and country-specific challenges. We then try to find valuable experiences, theories and practice which can solve specific problems in the process of teacher education, also addressing how local and global factors impact it. In this regard, our approach does not strictly separate pre-service teacher education from teachers’ in-service professional development, adopting an integrative perspective. Further, we believe the respective social and cultural contexts must also be taken into account. Lastly, we call for teachers’ knowledge and individual character traits to be accounted for in the education of high-quality teachers.

English Phonology
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 356

English Phonology

This introduction to the phonology of present-day English offers a systematic and detailed discussion of the features shared by three varieties of English: "General American," Southern British "Received Pronunciation" and "Scottish Standard English".

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 644


* The million-copy bestseller* * National Book Award finalist * * An instant New York Times Bestseller and one of their 10 Best Books of 2017 * * Selected for Emma Watson's Our Shared Shelf book club * 'This is a captivating book... Min Jin Lee's novel takes us through four generations and each character's search for identity and success. It's a powerful story about resilience and compassion' BARACK OBAMA. Yeongdo, Korea, 1911. Teenaged Sunja, the adored daughter of a fisherman, falls for a wealthy yakuza. He promises her the world, but when she discovers she is pregnant – and that her lover is married – she refuses to be bought. Facing ruin, she accepts an offer of marriage from a gentle minister passing through on his way to Japan. Following a man she barely knows to a hostile country where she has no friends, Sunja will be forced to make some difficult choices. Her decisions will echo through the decades. Spanning nearly 100 years of history, Pachinko is an unforgettable story of love, sacrifice, ambition and loyalty told through four generations of one family.

Emerging Trends in Nanomedicine
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 240

Emerging Trends in Nanomedicine

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-04-23
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book illustrates the significance of nanotechnology in the delivery of anticancer and antimicrobial drugs, biomimetic technologies, tissue engineering, sensing, diagnostics, and artificial enzymes. It first briefly discusses the use of nanotechnology for the delivery of anticancer medications, and the concept and applications of catalytically active nanomaterial-based artificial enzymes for sensing and diagnostic applications. It then explores the use of silver nanoparticle-based novel antimicrobials, and comprehensively reviews the role of nanomaterials in developing biomedical implants and tissue engineering applications. Lastly, it offers a detailed description of nanotherapeutics for combating human protozoan parasitic infections. Cutting across the disciplines, this book serves as a guide for researchers and scientists in biotechnology, medical science and material science.

Islam, Women, and Gender Justice
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 380

Islam, Women, and Gender Justice

It brings light to all issues, concerning women, in relation to Islam and makes clarifications on the misunderstanding on gender justice in Islam. Being a reputed Islamic theologian, his statements ascend logical exclusiveness with the discovery of true Islamic commands to the second sex. A benchmark for the disciplines of Islamic and women studies.