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Model antrian adalah suatu sistem yang digunakan untuk menghitung berapa banyak pelanggan yang mengantri dan berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan oleh server untuk melayani pelanggan tersebut. Dalam model antrian, notasi M dan G mengacu pada distribusi kedatangan dan distribusi waktu pelayanan pelanggan. Sedangkan notasi 1 dan s mengacu pada jumlah server yang tersedia dalam sistem. M/M/1 adalah model antrian dengan distribusi kedatangan pelanggan dan waktu pelayanan yang mengikuti distribusi eksponensial. Angka 1 mengindikasikan bahwa sistem memiliki satu server. M/M/s adalah model antrian dengan distribusi kedatangan pelanggan dan waktu pelayanan yang mengikuti distribusi eksponensial. M/D/1 ...
Sesungguhnya tidaklah mudah mengurai benang kusut dunia penyiaran Indonesia. Namun hal itu tidaklah berlaku bagi penulis buku ini. Kepiawaiannya mengelaborasi dan menganalisa dibuktikan dengan menghadirkan gambaran buramnya cermin penyiaran televisi swasta karena narasi-narasi konten siaran berbagai program acara tidak terkecuali siaran berita. Tidak tanggung-tanggung penulis menjelajahi problem konten siaran berita televisi swasta ini melalui faktor kontestasi politik, kontestasi ekonomi, kontestasi ideologi, dan kontestasi ruang publik (public sphere). Buku berjudul Relasi Kuasa Media Politik ini menjadi penting dikonsumsi bagi siapa pun dan dijadikan cermin bagi lembaga penyiaran televisi kita. Selamat bercermin…” —Syafril Nasution Ketua Umum Asosiasi Televisi Swasta Indonesia (ATVSI). Buku persembahan penerbit PrenadaMedia #PrenadaMedia
Monitoring television coverage of the 2004 general election and its impact on political behavior in Indonesia.
Puisi-puisi dalam buku ini merupakan sebuah akumulasi dari hasil literasi yang mendalam terhadap apa yang dirasakan dan yang dipikirkan oleh siswa tentang diri dan lingkungan sekitarnya, yang akan membangun karakter dan kecerdasan mengatasi berbagai masalah (problem solving). Inilah yang menjadi tujuan penting budaya literasi di SMANAWA sejak tahun 2020. Drs. Teguh Pramono, M.Pd (Kepala SMAN 9 Malang) Satu Siswa Satu Karya merupakan sebuah gerakan literasi yang ada di bumi SMANAWA. Setelah siswa membaca, lalu menulis, dan menghasilkan karya. Banyak puisi yang tercipta dari tangan-tangan yang tidak hanya sekedar menggores, tetapi syarat akan makna. Tema yang terdapat dalam buku ini antara lain: Keluarga, sahabat, guru, sekolah, alam, cinta, agama, dan lain-lain, “Semua Tentang Rasa”. Yang bergolak di jiwa Diantara relung-relung hati Terpatri diatas batu keabadian Yang kokoh meski tergerus air Hingga ajal menjemputnya Panjilmo Putro, S.Pd, M.Si (Satgas Literasi SMAN 9 Malang)
History of press in Indonesia, 1907-2007; collection of articles.
This book explores the relationship between vision and learning and the role of optometrists in the assessment and management of learning related vision problems. It discusses normal child development, the learning process, learning disabilities, the relationship between vision and learning, and models for managing vision problems affecting learning. It is also of interest to health care practitioners involved in the evaluation and treatment of children and adults with learning difficulties. Instructor resources are available; please contact your Elsevier sales representative for details. Presents an organized, easy-to-follow approach to the diagnosis and treatment of learning-related vision...
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. Going from strength to strength, this best-selling book on binocular vision anomalies is now in its fifth edition. Maintaining its popular and practical 'how-to' approach, it has been thoroughly updated and expanded to provide an excellent practice reference for all optometrists, orthoptists, ophthalmologists and dispensing opticians. Now with an easy-to-use 2 colour layout and redrawn diagrams the new edition is more accessible than ever. Covering the latest evidence-based research it provides an emphasis on the clinical applications for every eyecare practitioner. Still a must-have classic - th...
From the Foreword by Bob Schieffer: "This is a real 'how to' book by two people who really know how. But it is more than just a fine manual on broadcast journalism, journalists and non-journalists alike will find it good read, a treasure chest of anecdotes, stories and a tall tale or two from the most exciting profession of all—reporting the news." Reardon’s On Camera: How to Report, Anchor & Interview teaches you how to become professional and effective on camera. You’ll learn how to appear and feel at ease whether doing an interview, reporting in the field, reading from a prompter, or giving a video presentation. It’ll give you the nuts and bolts of how to do the job at the network level or as a backpack journalist, so you feel confident that when you’re standing in front of the camera you will know what you’re doing. Whether new to television or experienced in front of a camera, you will improve on your current skills through career-focused tips and tried-and-true principles—all oriented to skills development—in this book.
To ensure the best possible clinical outcomes for arthritis patients, it is essential that they be seen early and treated appropriately at the earliest opportunity. Early therapy has proven much more effective than that given late. This issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America brings the rheumatologist up to date on the latest treatments and interventions in evolving arthritis and established early arthritis. Topics covered include early rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, undifferentiated arthritis, oligoarthritis, osteoarthritis, and others. Imaging modalities are addressed as well as various contemporary treatments including biologics.
The white button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus is one of the most widely cultivated mushroom species in the world. It is favored for its high nutritional value and multiple health benefits, especially by consumers interested in vegan and clean eating. This book presents fundamental guidelines for mushroom production as well as major scientific findings in this field. It covers mushroom production and trade, substrates properties, compost quality, breeding, pests and diseases, harvesting, and post-harvest technologies. With practical information on methods used by both commercial and small-scale growers. This is a valuable resource for researchers and students in horticulture, as well as professionals and growers.