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These studies originally appeared in Spanish and in Portuguese in the journal of biblical interpretation known as RIBLA ("Revista de Interpretacion Biblica Latinoamericana"), a joint project of various publishing houses throughout Latin America. The first set of studies deals with the problem of debt; the second set addresses the problem of sacrifice; and the final set explores the spirituality of resistance that the authors find manifest throughout the Bible.
This book provides a Latino reading of John’s prologue with special attention to how the themes of race, kinship, and the empire are part of the gospel’s racial rhetoric. By drawing from the insights of Latinx texts and theology, this book reveals how the prologue provides a lens to read the entire gospel with a keen awareness of Jesus’s engagement with people groups—from his own family to the Roman authorities. The prologue participates in the gospel’s racial rhetoric by shaping the reader’s racial imagination even before a person enters the narrative. By doing so, Jesus’s identity becomes constructed and defined through racial rhetoric since the opening verses of John’s gospel.
On its surface the book of Ecclesiastes appears to offer a type of wisdom that bears little reference to social or historical issues. But from her own perspective in Central America, Elsa Tamez finds in this ancient book a surprisingly current message. Ecclesiastes reflects a time when utopian hopes have been crushed, when the prospects for change seem remote, and the challenge is how to live faithfully in the present while maintaining some openness to a different future. Because that describes the situation of many people today, especially in the third world, the book of Ecclesiastes bears a message of unusual relevance.
The Global Bible Commentary invites its users to expand their horizon by reading the Bible with scholars from all over the world and from different religious persuasions. These scholars have approaches and concerns that often are poles apart. Yet they share two basic convictions: biblical interpretation always matters; and reading the Bible "with others" is highly rewarding. Each of the short commentaries of the Global Bible Commentary is a readily accessible guide for reading a biblical book. Written for undergraduate and seminary students and their teachers, as well as for pastors, priests, and Adult Sunday School classes, it introduces the users to the main features of the biblical book a...
Ecclesiastes is the most surprising book in the Scriptures. It challenges its readers to reconsider what they think life is about and how far it is possible to understand God’s involvement in the world. This commentary seeks to help people enter the world of Ecclesiastes and see how it can increase their understanding of God and of themselves.
Domestic violence is a significant threat to women’s survival. But Christian understandings of marriage often prevent women from resisting abusive relationships. Can the Church’s teaching on marriage be reshaped so that it helps women to survive, rather than encourage them to submit to their husband, bear their cross, or sacrifice themselves for the sake of their marriage? Focusing on everyday practices of marriage in two very different contexts: Argentina and England, Reimagining Theologies of Marriage in Contexts of Domestic Violence considers how Christian understandings of marriage as a covenant or sacrament relate to the lived experience of marriage. Drawing on Augustine’s notion of the goods of marriage, and on belief in the saving power of marriage, this book suggests that only when the wellbeing of bodies is central to a marriage can it have the power to save.
Esta obra apresenta uma pesquisa atualizada no campo da teologia com ênfase em três de suas mais importantes disciplinas: Hermenêutica, com a arte de interpretar textos; Eclesiologia, com um conceito de Igreja-Povo-de-Deus inserida no mundo para transformá-lo, como assim diz o Concílio Ecumênico Vaticano II (1962-1965); e Teologia Pública, atuando nos seus três lugares prioritários, como os define o teólogo estadunidense David Tracy, a saber: a Igreja, a sociedade e a academia. É para a teologia que, consciente ou inconscientemente, nós fazemos as perguntas mais primevas e mais significativas: de onde viemos? Para onde vamos? Quem somos? Que sentido têm o sofrimento, a vida e a ...