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"Many critics regard Cervantes's Don Quixote as the most influential literary book on British literature. Indeed the impact on British authors was immense, as can be seen from 17th-century plays by Fletcher, Massinger and Beaumont, through the great 18th-century novels of Fielding, Smollett, Sterne, and Lennox, and on into more modern and contemporary novelists. 20th-century critics, fascinated by Cervantes, were moved to write what we now see as the classical works of Cervantes scholarship. Through their previous publications, the eminent contributors to this volume have helped to determine the reception of Cervantes in Britain. Together they now offer a comprehensive and innovative picture of this topic, discussing the English translations of Cervantes's works, the literary genres which developed under his shadow, and the best-known authors who consciously emulated him. Cervantes's influence upon British literature emerges as decidedly the deepest of any writer outside of English and, very possibly, of any writer since the Renaissance."
A particularly timely book, given the high proportion of international students and staff in higher education Public health was the immediate concern when the Covid-19 pandemic struck in Asia, then in Europe and other parts of the world. The response of our education systems is no less vital. Higher education has played a major role in responding to the pandemic and it must help shape a better, more equitable and just post-Covid-19 world. This book explores the various responses of higher education to the pandemic across Europe and North America, with contributions also from Africa, Asia and South America. The contributors write from the perspective of higher education leaders with instituti...
The status of women belonging to Scheduled Castes are perhaps best revealed by studying the social, economic, educational, health and political conditions of these women. They are the have not's of Indian society. They deserve all attention and support from State, Community and Society. Earlier they were neglected by upper castes and their own fellows. For a long period, the social justice was based on class, religion, creed and caste. The high rate of infant mortality, child mortality and maternal deaths among Scheduled Caste Women was serious problem. Scheduled Caste Women are discriminated due to a patriarchic dominated social structure on the one hand and humiliation within them due to caste ridden social system on the other. Therefore, a proper and transparent justice was never possible.
Los nueve capítulos que conforman esta obra de Estudios de lingüística, literatura, educación y cultura, volumen 1, conformado por el Grupo de Investigación ELLEC de la Sección de Lenguas Hispánicas y Literatura del Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación del Área Socio Humanística de la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador, tiene la intención de publicar estudios multidisciplinarios de académicos y especialistas de las diversas universidades de la región de habla hispana y de otras lenguas que en el ámbito de las letras, de la educación y de la cultura quieran difundir su pensamiento humanístico, desde la investigación, la reflexión y la divulgación científica.... Extraído de la presentación ...
Magnífico Reitor Magnífico busca preencher a lacuna diante da escassa e fragmentada bibliografia disponível para todos os reitores, ex-reitores e principalmente para todos aqueles que pretendem assumir o cargo em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior – IES. A obra pretende suscitar significações e ressignificações da feição, função e veste talar do reitor dentro do espaço acadêmico e de seu tempo, assim como pontuar a definição de práticas coerentes, efetivas e afetivas na condução estratégica da gestão educacional. As mudanças estruturantes e necessárias da IES consciente de seu compromisso com os desafios inerentes ao século XXI precisam ser conduzidas por Magnífic...
Este volumen monográfico, desde una visión interdisciplinar aporta al estudio de la familia, así como al reconocimiento que se requiere en el ámbito educativo secundario y superior de una estructura consolidada del estudio de la bioética para una correcta educación en el cuidado de la vida, y de las políticas públicas que den estabilidad a la vida del hogar. 21 textos, dividos en cuatro secciones, desde el marco antropológico de la persona y la familia, abordan diversos ámbitos y temas relativos al contexto familiar, tales como: el contexto psico-pedagógico, la bioética, el ciclo de vida familiar y la pastoral familiar.