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Sara Confalonieri presents an overview of Cardano’s mathematical treatises and, in particular, discusses the writings that deal with cubic equations. The author gives an insight into the latest of Cardano’s algebraic works, the De Regula Aliza (1570), which displays the attempts to overcome the difficulties entailed by the casus irreducibilis. Notably some of Cardano's strategies in this treatise are thoroughly analyzed. Far from offering an ultimate account of De Regula Aliza, by one of the most outstanding scholars of the 16th century, the present work is a first step towards a better understanding.
This open access book collects the historical and medial perspectives of a systematic and epistemological analysis of the complicated, multifaceted relationship between model and mathematics, ranging from, for example, the physical mathematical models of the 19th century to the simulation and digital modelling of the 21st century. The aim of this anthology is to showcase the status of the mathematical model between abstraction and realization, presentation and representation, what is modeled and what models. This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license.
Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy is an annual series, presenting a selection of the best current work in the history of early modern philosophy. It focuses on the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries - the extraordinary period of intellectual flourishing that begins, very roughly, with Descartes and his contemporaries and ends with Kant. It also publishes papers on thinkers or movements outside of that framework, provided they are important in illuminating early modern thought. The articles in OSEMP will be of importance to specialists within the discipline, but the editors also intend that they should appeal to a larger audience of philosophers, intellectual historians, and others who are interested in the development of modern thought.
An anthology of the year's finest writing on mathematics from around the world, featuring promising new voices as well as some of the foremost names in mathematics.
Originaltext und historischer und mathematischer Kommentar von Klaus Volkert David Hilberts „Festschrift“ Grundlagen der Geometrie“ aus dem Jahre 1899 wurde zu einem der einflussreichsten Texte der Mathematikgeschichte. Wie kein anderes Werk prägte es die Mathematik des 20. Jahrhunderts und ist auch heute noch von größtem Interesse. Aus der Perspektive eines Mathematikhistorikers schildert der Herausgeber die Entwicklung einer Axiomatik der Geometrie, die spätestens mit Euklids „Elemente“ (ca. 300 v. u. Z.) begann und erst durch Hilbert zu einem vollständigen und handhabbaren System geführt wurde. Nach einer ausführlichen Erläuterung des Hilbertschen Textes wird seine Rezeption bis 1905 umfassend dargestellt und daran anschließend viele der von ihm ausgehenden weiteren direkten und indirekten Entwicklungen skizziert. Die Faszination des Textes ist auch dem heutigen Leser direkt zugänglich, da Hilbert ́s axiomatischer Ansatz ohne mengentheoretische Argumente oder formale Logik auskommt.
Das Buch behandelt die Rezeptionsgeschichte der nichteuklidischen Geometrie im Zeitraum von 1860 bis 1900. Dabei werden die historischen und institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen dargestellt; breiten Raum nehmen die philosophischen, wissenschaftstheoretischen und didaktischen Diskussionen um die neue Geometrie ein. Zahlreiche Originaltexte - viele davon fast unbekannt - werden vorgestellt. Ein Fokus liegt auf der Verbreitung der nichteuklidischen Geometrie in breiteren Kreisen wie z. B. der Mathematiklehrerschaft.
This book tells one of the greatest stories in the history of school mathematics. Two of the names in the title—Samuel Pepys and Isaac Newton—need no introduction, and this book draws attention to their special contributions to the history of school mathematics. According to Ellerton and Clements, during the last quarter of the seventeenth century Pepys and Newton were key players in defining what school mathematics beyond arithmetic and elementary geometry might look like. The scene at which most of the action occurred was Christ’s Hospital, which was a school, ostensibly for the poor, in central London. The Royal Mathematical School (RMS) was established at Christ’s Hospital in 167...
This book, a tribute to historian of mathematics Jeremy Gray, offers an overview of the history of mathematics and its inseparable connection to philosophy and other disciplines. Many different approaches to the study of the history of mathematics have been developed. Understanding this diversity is central to learning about these fields, but very few books deal with their richness and concrete suggestions for the “what, why and how” of these domains of inquiry. The editors and authors approach the basic question of what the history of mathematics is by means of concrete examples. For the “how” question, basic methodological issues are addressed, from the different perspectives of mathematicians and historians. Containing essays by leading scholars, this book provides a multitude of perspectives on mathematics, its role in culture and development, and connections with other sciences, making it an important resource for students and academics in the history and philosophy of mathematics.
This book provides a unique perspective on the history of European algebra up to the advent of Viète and Descartes. The standard version of this history is written on the basis of a narrow and misleading source basis: the Latin translations of al-Khwārizmī, Fibonacci's Liber abbaci, Luca Pacioli's Summa, Cardano's Ars magna -- with neither Fibonacci nor Pacioli being read in detail. The existence of the Italian abacus and German cossic algebra is at most taken note of but they are not read, leading to the idea that Viète's and Descartes' use of genuine symbolism (not only abbreviations), many unknowns, and abstract coefficients seem to be miraculous leaps. This book traces the meandering...
The Fourth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education was hosted by Academy of Sciences and University of Turin (Italy). About 50 senior and junior researchers from 16 countries met for four days to talk about one topic: the history of mathematics education. In total 44 contributions were presented. The themes were Ideas, people and movements, Transmission of ideas, Teacher education, Geometry and textbooks, Textbooks – changes and origins, Curriculum and reform, Teaching in special institutions, and Teaching of geometry. In this volume you find 28 of the papers, all of them peer-reviewed. Since the first international conference on the history of mathematics educatio...