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Embracing New Perspectives in History, Social Sciences, and Education
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 158

Embracing New Perspectives in History, Social Sciences, and Education

This book provides a collection of articles resulting from the International Conference on History, Social Sciences, and Education (ICHSE), which was held on 11 September 2021. The Department of History of Malang State University choose "Embracing New Perspectives in History, Social Sciences, and Education" as the main topic, and elaborates on five subthemes: 1) new trends in historical research; 2) formulation of new perspectives in history, social sciences, and education; 3) transdisciplinary research in history, social sciences, and education; 4) innovations in historical and social science learning during pandemics; 5) New ideas in the research and practice of social sciences and educati...

Beyond Empire and Nation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 304

Beyond Empire and Nation

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-03-28
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  • Publisher: BRILL

The decolonization of countries in Asia and Africa is one of the momentous events in the twentieth century. But did the shift to independence indeed affect the lives of the people in such a dramatic way as the political events suggest? The authors in this volume look beyond the political interpretations of decolonization and address the issue of social and economic reorientations which were necessitated or caused by the end of colonial rule. The book covers three major issues: public security; the changes in the urban environment, and the reorientation of the economies. Most articles search for comparisons transcending the colonial and national borders and adopt a time frame extending from the late colonial period to the early decades of independence in Asia and Africa (1930s-1970s). The volume is part of the research programme ‘Indonesia across Orders’ of the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation. Contributors to the volume are: Greg Bankoff, Raymond Betts, Ann Booth, Cathérine Coquéry-Vidrovitch, Freek Colombijn, Frederick Cooper, Bill Freund, Karl Hack, Jim Masselos and Willem Wolters.

Under Construction
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 496

Under Construction

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-11-29
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  • Publisher: BRILL

Freek Colombijn examines the social changes in Indonesian cities during the process of decolonization. That process had major repercussions for urban society. These social changes are studied from the angle of urban space in general, and the provision of housing in particular. This provides fresh insight into how people experienced decolonization. The author challenges the idea that a shift from ethnic to class differences was the overriding social change during decolonization. He argues instead that class differences had already formed the predominant dividing lines in colonial urban society. Colombijn also focuses on the shifting balance of power between the main agents in the urban arena. Through the use of hitherto unused historical sources, the book presents a wealth of new data about the Indonesian city and the decolonization process. Published in cooperation with the Netherlands Institute of War Documentation (NIOD). Originally published with imprint KITLV (ISBN 9789067182911).

Cars, Conduits, and Kampongs
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 365

Cars, Conduits, and Kampongs

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-10-16
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  • Publisher: BRILL

Cars, Conduits and Kampongs offers a wide panorama of the modernization of Indonesian cities between 1920 and 1960. In examining the multiple responses to innovations introduced by Western colonialism, the contributors demonstrate how modernization, urbanization, and decolonization were intrinsically linked. A full text Open Access version will also become available.

BASA 2019
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1022

BASA 2019

This proceeding contains selected papers of The International Seminar On Recent Language, Literature, And Local Culture Studies “Kajian Mutakhir Bahasa, Sastra, Dan Budaya Daerah (BASA)” held on 20-21 September 2019 in Solo, Indonesia. The conference which was organized by Sastra Daerah, Faculty of Cultural Sciences Universitas Sebelas Maret and Culture Studies Postgraduate Program of Universitas Sebelas Maret. The conference accommodates topics for linguistics in general including issues in language, literature, local cultural studies, philology, folklore, oral literature, history, art, education, etc. Selecting and reviewing process for the The International Seminar On Recent Language,...

Sejarah Masyarakat Islam Indonesia
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 189

Sejarah Masyarakat Islam Indonesia

Diskusi yang berkaitan dengan proses kedatangan Islam di Nusantara ini telah berlangsung sekian lama. Diskusi itu meliputi tiga masalah pokok, yaitu: tempat asal kedatangan Islam, para pembawa, dan waktu kedatangannya.2 Selain melahirkan banyak buku dan makalah, diskusi itu telah melahirkan sejumlah teori tentang perkembangan awal Islam di Nusantara tersebut adalah: teori India, teori Arab, teori Persia, dan teori Cina. Bagian ini mendiskusikan berbagai teori tersebut sambil melihat kekuatan dan kelemahannya masing-masing. Selain itu, bagian ini membicarakan juga tentang saluran dan media dalam proses islamisasi serta relasi antara negara (baca: kerajaan-kerajaan) dengan Islam.

Acceleration Strategy for Maritime and Border Area
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 202

Acceleration Strategy for Maritime and Border Area

The relationship between social humanities studies and the study of border areas is inseparable from the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which establishes a comprehensive law and order regime in the world's oceans and oceans that establishes rules governing all use of the oceans and their resources. So, this book is a reflection based on the theme of Acceleration Strategy for Maritime and Border Area. Chapters in this book discuss various perspectives in seeing maritime and border areas as one unit. The thinking in this book gave birth to innovative concepts and theories based on the original situation in the field, especially the border and sea areas in the Riau Islands.

Semesta di Balik Punggung Buku
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 444

Semesta di Balik Punggung Buku

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-06-01
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  • Publisher: I:BOEKOE

Penulis buku ini memiliki banyak gaya untuk mengutarakan penilaiannya atas buku-buku yang ia baca. Ada yang ditulis dengan gaya umum seperti memaparkan kelebihan dan kekurangannya. Ada yang diulas bergandengan dengan buku sejenis atau buku lain dari penulis yang sama. Ada yang ditulis mengikuti platform media sosial seperti Twitter, misalnya. Bahkan, ada yang tidak banyak diulas konten bukunya, tetapi lebih cenderung dibahas kejadian-kejadian apa yang menyertai kehadiran buku itu ke publik. Ke dalam enam bab, setumpuk resensi ini dibagi. Buku ini hadir untuk kembali menyuburkan geliat resensi buku tanah air. Ada semesta ide yang begitu luas dan penting di balik setiap punggung buku yang kita lihat di rak-rak toko buku atau perpustakaan. Resensi adalah media untuk membawa semesta itu ke dalam hati dan pikiran orang-orang di luar sana. Tentu saja, besar harapan buku ini bisa menstimulus ketertarikan Anda untuk serius menulis resensi di media.

MELEWATI BATAS: Kekerasan Ekstrem Belanda dalam Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia, 1945-1949
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 521

MELEWATI BATAS: Kekerasan Ekstrem Belanda dalam Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia, 1945-1949

Pada 17 Agustus 1945, dua hari setelah Jepang menyerah, Indonesia memproklamasikan kemerdekaannya. Belanda menolak mengakui proklamasi kemerdekaan tersebut dan beralih menggunakan kekuatan militer guna mengambil kendali proses dekolonisasi yang tak terelakkan. Alhasil, perang yang sengit serta negosiasi yang pelik berlangsung selama empat tahun penuh. Pada tahun 2005, pemerintah Belanda menyatakan bahwa Belanda tak seharusnya mengobarkan perang di Indonesia. Sebelumnya, sejak 1969, pemerintah Belanda berpendirian teguh bahwa meskipun terjadi ‘ekses-ekses’, angkatan bersenjata Belanda secara keseluruhan berperilaku sesuai aturan selama perang berlangsung. Akan tetapi, sehubungan dengan se...

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 293


Buku ini ditujukan untuk melanjutkan tradisi penceritaan kembali peristiwa sejarah, baik yang sudah memiliki penggolongan secara kuat untuk masuk ke dalam sejarah kota maupun tidak. Proses pengumpulan naskah ini pun dilakukan secara bertahap. Selain cukup memakan waktu yang cukup panjang, mengingat tren yang berkembang saat ini di perguruan tinggi untuk publikasi jurnal yang terindeks scopus atau internasional bereputasi cukup menguras perhatian, buku ini pada akhirnya mampu menghimpun beberapa tulisan. Buku ini terbagi ke dalam tiga bagian, yaitu air, tanah, dan perkembangan kota; politik dan komunitas perkotaan; serta kampung dan kehidupan perkotaan. Pada bagian pertama, artikel Sarkawi B....