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Ein typischer Poetry Slam ist witzig, ernst, lyrisch, politisch, privat – vor allem aber bunt. Und so mischen auch immer mehr queere Menschen im Zentrum des Geschehens mit. 36 überwiegend junge, queere Slampoet*innen aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz begeben sich auf eine unterhaltsame, abwechslungsreiche und höchst informative Entdeckungsreise durch LGBTIQ*-Lebenswelten und ein rundum diverses Universum. Ihre Texte handeln nicht selten vom Finden: Wie sie sich selbst finden, wie sie andere finden, wie sie einander finden. Wer Vielfalt sucht, wird sie in diesem Buch finden.
Inmitten einer scheinbar tief zerrütteten und krisengeschüttelten Gesellschaft fragt Franziska Schutzbach nach Perspektiven der Verbundenheit. «Wir müssen noch miteinander eine große Freiheit erringen.» Das schrieb Bettina von Arnim an ihre Freundin Karoline von Günderode. Seither sind viele Jahre vergangen, die Emanzipation der Frauen ist vorangeschritten – vor allem dann, wenn sich Frauen aufeinander bezogen. Dieses Buch macht sich auf die Suche nach starken und nährenden Frauenbeziehungen, nach Liebe und Freundschaft unter Frauen, nach politischer Schwesternschaft und Solidarität, nach emanzipatorischen Mutter-Tochter-Beziehungen und weiblichen Familiengenealogien. Die Soziolog...
This book explores the coming into being in European Union (EU) law of the fundamental right to personal data protection. Approaching legal evolution through the lens of law as text, it unearths the steps that led to the emergence of this new right. It throws light on the right’s significance, and reveals the intricacies of its relationship with privacy. The right to personal data protection is now officially recognised as an EU fundamental right. As such, it is expected to play a critical role in the future European personal data protection legal landscape, seemingly displacing the right to privacy. This volume is based on the premise that an accurate understanding of the right’s emerge...
This volume provides mental health professionals and healthcare policy planners with an unprecedented reference on the cross-national descriptive epidemiology of mental disorders.
Die Neuauflage des HK DS-GVO/BDSG von Schwartmann/Jaspers/Thüsing/Kugelmann bietet der Datenschutzpraxis eine topaktuelle Kommentierung am Puls der Zeit. Anlass für die Neuauflage waren umfangreiche aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Gesetzgebung, Rechtsprechung und Aufsichtspraxis, auf die sich alle Verantwortliche in der Datenverarbeitung einstellen müssen. Ganz besonders an Fahrt aufgenommen hat die Problematik rund um den Einsatz der KI, der die Datenschutzpraxis bereits intensiv beschäftigt. Neu ist im Datenschutzrecht insbesondere: die Anforderungen an die Praxis durch das Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz und die Änderungen im Nachweisgesetz mit neuen Transparenzpflichten etwa beim Kündigungs...
New and improved therapies to treat and protect against drug dependence and abuse are urgently needed. In the United States alone about 50 million people regularly smoke tobacco and another 5 million are addicted to other drugs. In a given year, millions of these individuals attemptâ€"with or without medical assistanceâ€"to quit using drugs, though relapse remains the norm. Furthermore, each year several million teenagers start smoking and nearly as many take illicit drugs for the first time. Research is advancing on promising new means of treating drug addiction using immunotherapies and sustained-release (depot) medications. The aim of this research is to develop medications that can...
Computational technologies have been impacting human life for years. Teaching methods must adapt accordingly to provide the next generation with the necessary knowledge to further advance these human-assistive technologies. Teaching Computational Thinking in Primary Education is a crucial resource that examines the impact that instructing with a computational focus can have on future learners. Highlighting relevant topics that include multifaceted skillsets, coding, programming methods, and digital games, this scholarly publication is ideal for educators, academicians, students, and researchers who are interested in discovering how the future of education is being shaped.
This is the second edition of the book that sparked the current wave of interest in schema therapy. Although schema therapy was originally developed by Jeff Young in the USA, it was not until unprecedented outcome data was published from pioneering Dutch clinical trials with BPD patients that the clinical CBT community took serious notice. Schema therapy has now become one of the most popular forms of contemporary CBT. It has parallels to the ‘third wave’ of contextual behavioural science in that it develops traditional CBT in new directions, but while contextual behavioural science priorities behavioural techniques based on acceptance and mindfulness, schema therapy is more cognitive and draws on elements of experiential learning, object relations and psychodynamic therapy in addition to traditional CBT. The first edition of this book has sold more than 3,000 copies at a steady rate of around 500 units per year since 2009.
Knowing that queer voices have been making themselves heard in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria decades before Stonewall, editors Gary Schmidt and Merrill Cole curated thrilling snapshots of prose fiction from more than twenty contemporary writers whose work defies stereotypes, disciplines, and expectations. These authors produce fiction for adults and young people that celebrates the multiplicity of the present, casts a queer eye on the past, and interrogates LGBTQ+ futures. These outstanding texts exemplify the glittering variety of styles, themes, settings, and subjects addressed by openly queer authors who write in German today. They explore identity, sexuality, history, fantasy, loss, ...