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Breathing comes naturally to all of us but very few of us give it much attention. We know it’s important to breathe because it provides us with oxygen which is imperative for us to live. But it is so much more than that! In a world full of stress, noise, and chaos, the power of breath can be easy to overlook. Yet, breath is the most fundamental and natural tool we have to cultivate balance, wellbeing, and health. “Breathe Better, Live Better” offers an invaluable guide to understanding and mastering the power of breath to enhance the quality of our lives. It is packed with simple, step-by-step instructions for a variety of breathing techniques, from calming and energizing pranayama to ...
Understand Asthma & Breathing Problems. Stop fighting against asthma attacks and breathing difficulties! Say "Goodbye" to breathing problems! This book will help asthma sufferers to establish natural and wholesome breathing patterns and prevent asthma attacks. It will provide you with the information you need to tame your or your child's breathing difficulties naturally by improving the function of the respiratory system. It contains comprehensive instructions on the Breathing Normalization method based on the discovery by Dr. Buteyko in 1952 in Russia. Since then, this commonly called Buteyko technique or Buteyko Breathing method has undergone many trials, and its benefits became known all ...
THE PHENOMENAL INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER - 3 MILLION COPIES SOLD WORLDWIDE AS HEARD ON STEVEN BARTLETT'S 'DIARY OF A CEO' 'Who would have thought something as simple as changing the way we breathe could be so revolutionary for our health, from snoring to allergies to immunity? A fascinating book, full of dazzling revelations' Dr Rangan Chatterjee There is nothing more essential to our health and wellbeing than breathing: take air in, let it out, repeat 25,000 times a day. Yet, as a species, humans have lost the ability to breathe correctly, with grave consequences. In Breath, journalist James Nestor travels the world to discover the hidden science behind ancient breathing practices to figure ...
Ukrainian physician Dr. Konstantin Buteyko (1923-2003) was undoubtedly one of the most profound breath researchers in the western world. His research proves the lasting damage to health caused by constant accelerated and intensified breathing (over-breathing or chronic hyperventilation). The causes lie primarily in the daily stresses to which most of us are exposed. If these incorrect and unhealthy breathing patterns are corrected, extraordinary restoration to health can occur, even despite long-term poor health or illness. In this book, Ralph P. Skuban, PhD, a well-known breathing researcher and pranayama expert, presents Buteyko's approach in theory and practice. He also incorporates the l...
This book is an illustrated guide for parents who want to help their children avoid adenoid removal surgery naturally by applying the Buteyko Breathing Normalization method. The Breathing Normalization method, which follows the physiological logic of the body and helps children improve their overall health, was developed in Russia by K. P. Buteyko, MD, and A. E. Novozhilov, MD. In the thirty years it has been in existence, the method has helped thousands of children avoid adenoidectomy by improving their respiratory health. Since 2009, it has been available through Breathing Center in the USA and around the world. The book is written by Sasha Yakovleva, Advanced Breathing Normalization Specialist and co-founder of BreathingCenter. com The Adenoid Without Surgery program contains two major elements: a change in lifestyle and breathing exercises. This book gives detailed instructions on both. It is easy to read and provides in-depth information in various forms: direct recommendations, a conversation with Dr. Novozhilov, stories about and from Breathing Center's clients, and fun illustrations.
為什麼史前時代的人類祖先不會打呼? 生命就在一呼一吸之間,但我們的呼吸能力一直在退化。 深入古老與現代的呼吸法,體驗奇妙的科學實驗,重啟脫胎換骨的呼吸本能。 無論你吃得多好、多常運動、多年輕、多聰明、身材多苗條, 只要呼吸方法錯誤,一切都是白費。 我們吸氣、吐氣,每天重複兩萬五千次,沒有什麼比呼吸對我們的身心健康更加重要。然而,人類這個物種漸漸失去了正確呼吸的能力,也因此付出慘重的代價。 新聞記者詹姆斯‧奈斯特走訪世界各地,探索究竟是哪裡出了錯,又該如何補救。沒想到答案...
Doğru şekilde nefes almayı biliyor musunuz? Nefes, sağlıklı bir yaşam sürdürmenin önemli yapıtaşlarından biri ve günde yaklaşık yirmi beş bin kez nefes alıp veriyoruz. Ancak modern dünyada çoğumuzun doğru nefes alıp verme becerisi zayıflamış durumda. Bu durum, hem hayat kalitemizi düşürüyor hem de başka birçok rahatsızlığa davetiye çıkarıyor. James Nestor, nefesle ilgili problemlerin nasıl üstesinden gelinebileceğini öğrenmek için dünyayı dolaşarak cevapları tarihte, yeraltı mezarlıklarında, göğüs hastalıkları birimlerinde, ortodonti kliniklerinde ve nefes pratiğiyle ilgili eski metinlerde arıyor; nefes alıp verme şeklimizi değiştirmenin atletik performansı artırabileceğini ya da horlamaya, astıma ve otoimmün hastalıklara iyi gelebileceğini gösteren araştırmaları tarıyor. Binlerce yıllık tıbbi metinlerle göğüs hastalıkları, psikoloji ve biyokimya alanlarında yapılmış son araştırmaları bir araya getiren Nefes’i okuduktan sonra bir daha asla eskisi gibi nefes almayacaksınız. “Bu kitabı okuyunca nefes alma şeklinizi değiştirmek isteyeceksiniz.” Evening Standard
Bestseller New York Times „O carte minunată, care ne reamintește și ne arată cum conlucrează respirația și mintea." - Dr. RAHUL JANDIAL, autorul Neurofitness „Un manual bine-venit și tonic pentru utilizatorul sistemului respirator." – Kirkus Reviews Nimic nu este mai important decât respirația: inspiră, expiră, repetă de 25 000 de ori pe zi. Însă oamenii și-au pierdut capacitatea de a respira corect, iar consecințele sunt grave. Ziaristul James Nestor călătorește prin toată lumea și găsește oameni care cercetează știința pierdută din spatele unor practici antice de respirație cum sunt pranayama, Sudarshan Kriya și Tummo. Având la bază mii de ani de texte...
Tak ada yang lebih penting bagi kesehatan dan kesejahteraan kita selain bernapas: hirup udara, keluarkan, ulangi 25.000 kali sehari. Namun, sebagai suatu spesies, manusia telah kehilangan kemampuan untuk bernapas dengan benar, dengan konsekuensi yang serius. Dalam BREATH, James Nestor berkeliling dunia untuk menemukan ilmu pengetahuan yang tersembunyi di balik praktik pernapasan kuno untuk mencari tahu apa yang salah dan bagaimana memperbaikinya. Penelitian modern menunjukkan bahwa membuat sedikit perubahan pada cara kita bernapas dapat: meningkatkan kinerja dalam berolahraga; meremajakan organ dalam; menghentikan dengkuran, alergi, asma, dan penyakit autoimun; bahkan bisa meluruskan tulang belakang yang mengalami skoliosis. Kelihatannya tak mungkin, tapi ternyata mungkin. Menggali ribuan tahun kebijaksanaan kuno dan studi mutakhir dalam pulmonologi, psikologi, biokimia, dan fisiologi manusia, BREATH mengubah kebijaksanaan konvensional dari apa yang kita pikir kita ketahui tentang fungsi biologis paling dasar ini. Setelah membaca buku ini, kita tak akan bernapas dengan cara yang sama lagi.
Não importa se você faz dieta e prática exercícios, ou se é jovem e forte: não dá para ser saudável sem respirar de forma correta. Não há nada mais essencial para a saúde e o em-estar do que a respiração: inspirar e expirar, repetir a mesma ação 25 mil vezes ao longo do dia. Apesar disso, a espécie humana parece ter desaprendido a respirar corretamente, e os maus hábitos nos trouxeram graves problemas. Ao visitar escavações de antigas catacumbas, instalações soviéticas secretas, corais em Nova Jersey e ruas poluídas de São Paulo, o jornalista James Nestor procurou descobrir o que deu errado e o que é possível fazer para corrigir isso. O autor entrevistou homens e mu...