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Use nudging from behavioural economics to make meetings more productive by improving focus, orientation, involvement, and commitment.
This book presents the full scope of Design Thinking in theory and practice, bringing together prominent opinion leaders and experienced practitioners who share their insights, approaches and lessons learned. As Design Thinking is gaining popularity in the context of innovation and information management, the book elaborates the specific interpretations and meanings of the concept in different fields including engineering, management, and information technology. As such, it offers students and professionals a sourcebook revealing the power of Design Thinking, while providing academics a roadmap for further research.
Provides concrete guidance, grounded in scientific literature, for researchers to build creative confidence in their work.
The fourth edition of Inviting Transformation continues to offer an innovative approach to presentational speaking at a very reasonable price. The authors introduce readers to invitational rhetoric, teaching speakers to clarify ideas and to work to achieve understanding for all participants in an interaction. A primary goal of presentational speaking is to create an environment in which growth and change can occur for both the audience and the speaker. The text highlights four external conditions affecting transformational environments: safety, openness, freedom, and value (honoring the intrinsic worth of all individuals). To reflect respect for the diversity of the world, Sonja Foss and Kar...
This book features both cutting-edge contributions on managing knowledge in transformational contexts and a selection of real-world case studies. It analyzes how the disruptive power of digitization is becoming a major challenge for knowledge-based value creation worldwide, and subsequently examines the changes in how we manage information and knowledge, communicate, collaborate, learn and decide within and across organizations. The book highlights the opportunities provided by disruptive renewal, while also stressing the need for knowledge workers and organizations to transform governance, leadership and work organization. Emerging new business models and digitally enabled co-creation are presented as drivers that can help establish new ways of managing knowledge. In turn, a number of carefully selected and interpreted case studies provide a link to practice in organizations.
A Fortune magazine journalist draws on his expertise and extensive contacts among the companies and scientists at the forefront of artificial intelligence to offer dramatic predictions of AI’s impact over the next decade, from reshaping our economy and the way we work, learn, and create to unknitting our social fabric, jeopardizing our democracy, and fundamentally altering the way we think. Within the next five years, Jeremy Kahn predicts, AI will disrupt almost every industry and enterprise, with vastly increased efficiency and productivity. It will restructure the workforce, making AI copilots a must for every knowledge worker. It will revamp education, meaning children around the world ...
How to use the Design Thinking Tools A practical guide to make innovation happen The Design Thinking Toolbox explains the most important tools and methods to put Design Thinking into action. Based on the largest international survey on the use of design thinking, the most popular methods are described in four pages each by an expert from the global Design Thinking community. If you are involved in innovation, leadership, or design, these are tools you need. Simple instructions, expert tips, templates, and images help you implement each tool or method. Quickly and comprehensively familiarize yourself with the best design thinking tools Select the appropriate warm-ups, tools, and methods Explore new avenues of thinking Plan the agenda for different design thinking workshops Get practical application tips The Design Thinking Toolbox help innovators master the early stages of the innovation process. It’s the perfect complement to the international bestseller The Design Thinking Playbook.
This book presents new ways of facilitating design thinking, through the combination of cognitive design strategies and information technologies. It provides readers with an in-depth understanding of the traditional and digital design processes and activities that are employed in architecture, computational design, communication design and graphic design. The book is divided into three parts: Part I, which focuses on creativity, uses evidence derived from empirical studies to develop an understanding of the way computational environments shape design thinking and may lead to more inventive outcomes. Part II considers the cognitive dimensions of design teams, crowds and collectives. It investigates the ways digital design platforms promote interactive and collective thinking. Lastly, Part III addresses culture, examining the linguistic and cultural context of the globalised design ecosystem. Providing valuable insights into design thinking, this book helps readers engage with their local and global environments. It will appeal to academics, researchers and professionals with an interest in understanding design thinking in the context of creativity, collaboration and culture.
Dieses Buch wird Fach- und Führungskräften des Finanzsektors neue Einblicke in die Situation ihrer Branche geben. Denn traditionelle Strukturen und bisherige Wertschöpfungsketten müssen in der aktuellen Umbruchphase zukunftsfä hig verändert werden. Niedrigzins, erodierende Profitabilität, PSD2 und zunehmender Wettbewerb verstärken den Handlungsdruck auf Banken. Wie kann der institutionelle Wandel gelingen? Welche strategischen Weichenstellungen sind erforderlich, um neue Technologien erfolgreich zu implementieren und organisationale Voraussetzungen für die Transformation zu schaffen? In einem praxisorientierten Analyseteil stellt die Autorin das „alte Silodenken“ dar und zeigt Wege aus den einzelnen Silos heraus und hinein in den Wandel. Die Botschaft des Buches ist: Nicht nur Führungskräfte sollten in diesen Zeiten des Umbruchs zum Leader werden, sondern jeder mutige Mitarbeiter ist gefordert, Verantwortung zu übernehmen und die Zukunft der Bank mitzugestalten.
'It both provides tools and techniques for design thinking and illustrates the principles of usability advocated within through its own layout and organization, and so serves as its own best recommendation.'Technical CommunicationDesign thinking is more than just a new, one-off method of innovation. Its focus is on establishing an innovation-friendly climate in companies and organizations for the long-term. To achieve this, an interdisciplinary team of authors has composed this 'recipe book' that can be practically applied to your everyday business life. This book is for all who intend to understand and practice the design thinking method in the most rapid and uncomplicated way.The first par...