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Els ordinadors ja hi són o arribaran ben aviat a les aules. Aquest llibre ens ajudarà en els canvis que això representa en el dia a dia i que s'han de sostenir en tres grans columnes: *els continguts, les metodologies, les eines i els recursos tecnològics*. Així, veurem els continguts des d'una mirada competencial; les metodologies que han d'afavorir el pensament científic, la creativitat i la solidaritat i, finalment, les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació. Aquestes metodologies es caracteritzen pel treball cooperatiu, l'atenció a la diversitat, la recerca, la construcció del coneixement, la creativitat i la interdisciplinarietat. A més, es donen a conèixer algunes de les eines que cal posar en mans dels nois i noies perquè facin les seves creacions, les seves tasques, perquè transformin la informació i construeixin el seu coneixement de manera autònoma
Aquest llibre vol donar a conèixer les Webquests com una proposta didàctica de recerca guiada, que utilitza principalment recursos d'Internet, té en compte el desenvolupament de les competències bàsiques, contempla el treball cooperatiu i prioritza la construcció del coneixement mitjançant la transformació de la informació en la creació d'un producte.
La Biblioteca Tematica del Deporte es un instrumento de informacion, complemento y soporte para el conocimiento y desarrollo de la actividad fisica y el deporte. Esta orientada a resolver de forma didactica y con mucha ilustracion -ademas con paginas en color- los principales temas que se abordan en la educacion fisica y el deporte. Gracias a su presentacion didactica, a la sencillez del lenguaje y a la rigurosidad de su contenido, dispone de una versatilidad que permite su utilizacion tanto como un instrumento de caracter divulgativo como tecnico. Sus graficos, dibujos y fotografias le anaden un mayor grado de vistosidad. Como biblioteca basica, debe estar presente en las bibliotecas de todos los centros escolares y de formacion de profesores y tecnicos. Como libros independientes constituyen obras con entidad propia validas para el publico en general, asi como para expertos en diferentes ambitos de la actividad fisica y el deporte.
Dosso Dossi has long been considered one of Renaissance Italy's most intriguing artists. Although a wealth of documents chronicles his life, he remains, in many ways, an enigma, and his art continues to be as elusive as it is compelling. In Dosso's Fate, leading scholars from a wide range of disciplines examine the social, intellectual, and historical contexts of his art, focusing on the development of new genres of painting, questions of style and chronology, the influence of courtly culture, and the work of his collaborators, as well as his visual and literary sources and his painting technique. The result is an important and original contribution not only to literature on Dosso Dossi but also to the study of cultural history in early modern Italy.
To this day, no comprehensive academic study of the development of guidebooks to Rome over time has been performed. This book treats the history of guidebooks to Rome from the Middle Ages up to the early twentieth century. It is based on the results of the interdisciplinary research project Topos and Topography, led by Anna Blennow and Stefano Fogelberg Rota. From the case studies performed within the project, it becomes evident that the guidebook as a phenomenon was formed in Rome during the later Middle Ages and early Renaissance. The elements and rhetorical strategies of guidebooks over time have shown to be surprisingly uniform, with three important points of development: a turn towards ...
In "The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews" the author explains how Christians with Jewish family backgrounds went within less than forty years from having a leading role in the foundation of the Society of Jesus to being prohibited from membership in it. The author works at the intersection to two important historical topics, each of which attracts considerable scholarly attention but that have never received sustained and careful attention together, namely, the early modern histories of the Jesuit order and of Iberian purity of blood concerns. An analysis of the pro- and anti-converso texts in this book (both in terms of what they are claiming and what their limits are) advance our understanding of early modern, institutional Catholicism at the intersection of early modern religious reform and the new racism developing in Spain and spreading outwards.
This is the extended and annotated edition including * an extensive annotation of almost 10.000 words about the oracles in religion * an interactive table-of-contents * perfect formatting for electronic reading devices THE Sibyls occupy a conspicuous place in the traditions and history of ancient Greece and Rome. Their fame was spread abroad long before the beginning of the Christian era. Heraclitus of Ephesus, five centuries before Christ, compared himself to the Sibyl "who, speaking with inspired mouth, without a smile, without ornament, and without perfume, penetrates through centuries by the power of the gods." The ancient traditions vary in reporting the number and the names of these we...
Benjamin G. Kohl (1938-2010) taught at Vassar College from 1966 till his retirement as Andrew W. Mellon Professor of the Humanities in 2001. His doctoral research at The Johns Hopkins University was directed by Frederic C. Lane, and his principal historical interests focused on northern Italy during the Renaissance, especially on Padua and Venice. His scholarly production includes the volumes Padua under the Carrara, 1318-1405 (1998), and Culture and Politics in Early Renaissance Padua (2001), and the online database The Rulers of Venice, 1332-1524 (2009). The database is eloquent testimony of his priority attention to historical sources and to their accessibility, and also of his enthusiasm for collaboration and sharing among scholars.