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Sema yedi kat, arz yedi kat, cennet ve cehennem yedi kat. Yedi melek ve yedi kâhin, yedi başlı ejderha, yedi cüce, yedi gök gürlemesi, haftanın yedi günü, ayın yedişer günlük periyodları ve dünyanın yedi harikası, Babil’in yedi basamağı ve Dante’nin Araf Dağ’ının yedi eteği, yedi ölümcül günah... Mitolojilerde, masallarda, efsanelerde ve kutsal kitaplarda sürekli söz edilen yedi... Dünyanın görünür görünmez yerlerinin, yaratılışın, düzenin kozmik sayısıdır. Aynı zamanda bir yıkımın lanetidir yedi...
Düşünmek, bir suçtu. Konuşmak, bir suçtu. Yazmak, bir suçtu. Baykuş Cumhuriyeti, yırtıcı kuşlar tarafından yönetilen bir ülkede kolu kanadı kırılmış, uçmak ve şarkı söylemekten mahrum bırakılmış diğer kuşların hikayesidir.
Hayatın olasılıkları arasında standart sapmanın bir formülü varsa eğer Tanrı bunu bize söylemiş miydi? Murat, çoktan bir otuz beşliği devirmiş kırkına adım atmaya yaklaşırken monoton giden hayatına aldığı fevri bir kararla "DUR!" diyecektir. Yeni hayatını keşfederken Murat, kendince hayatı, hayatın işleyişini ve nasıl bir denge kurduğunu anlamaya çalışıp, son hayalinin de gerçekleşmesiyle hayattaki çarkların nasıl döndüğünü ve hayallerinin nasıl gerçekleştiği gizemini kendisinin çözmüş olduğunu fark edecektir. Bu kitabı okurken tüm hayatınızı ve hayallerinizi gözden geçirip, elinize hemen bir kağıt kalem alıp kendi cesaretinizi sorgulayacaksınız.
Improving positive and reducing negative organizational behaviors in businesses are important in terms of organizational success as this will lead to an increase in employee organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Considering that the tourism industry has such a dynamic structure, it is obvious that behavioral issues in the industry need to be scrutinized. Organizational Behavior Challenges in the Tourism Industry is a collection of innovative research that aims to explore relevant theoretical frameworks in terms of organizational behavior issues and provides the opportunity for tourism organizations to understand their employees’ behavior. While highlighting topics including emotional labor, deviant behavior, and organizational cynicism, this book is ideally designed for hotel managers, tour directors, restaurateurs, travel agents, business managers, professionals, researchers, academicians, and students.
This book presents intricate, backstage negotiations of interests and compromises between diplomats and lobbyists through the corridors of power, which drove Turkey both closer to and farther apart from the EU.
Kuruluşundan Bugüne Devlet Opera ve Balesinde Sahnelenen Bale Yapıtlarımız (Cumhuriyetimizin 100. Yılına Armağan) Yazarları : ELİF SANEM GÜLEÇ, İBRAHİM ŞEVKET GÜLEÇ, ISBN: 978-605-72742-2-9, 262 sayfa, 16,5x23,5 cm. 1948’de İstanbul Yeşilköy’de açılan Bale Akademisi, 1950’de yürürlüğe giren yasayla Ankara’ya taşınarak Ankara Devlet Konservatuvarı Bale Bölümü olarak eğitime başlar. Bale Bölümünden ilk olarak 1956’da yedi, 1957’de üç, 1958’de on beş dansçı adayı mezun olur. Türkiye’de klasik balenin ilk kuşağı olarak anılan bu insanlar arasında; Ayla Dayıgil, Meral Öge, Yüksel Çapanoğlu, Seval Akgün, Hüsnü Sunal, Tenasüp...
The Migration Conference 2017 hosted by Harokopio University, Athens from 23 to 26 August. The 5th conference in our series, the 2017 Conference was probably the largest scholarly gathering on migration with a global scope. Human mobility, border management, integration and security, diversity and minorities as well as spatial patterns, identity and economic implications have dominated the public agenda and gave an extra impetus for the study of movers and non-movers over the last decade or so. Throughout the program of the Migration Conference you will find various key thematic areas are covered in about 400 presentations by about 400 colleagues coming from all around the world from Australia to Canada, China to Mexico, South Africa to Finland. We are also proud to bring you opportunities to meet with some of the leading scholars in the field. Our line of keynote speakers include Saskia Sassen, Oded Stark, Giuseppe Sciortino, Neli Esipova, and Yüksel Pazarkaya.
Reading Clocks, Alla Turca explores the technological and social aspects of Ottoman temporal culture, where religious and secular powers competed and colluded for authority, the army tried to rationalize its systems of training and communication, and schoolboys complained about how long classes were. The conflicts that played out on the field of temporal systems were not along the axes one might expect, with secular, urban, rationalist, modernizing, and Europeanizing forces arrayed against rural, traditional, religious, and nationalist people and parties. Rather, religious institutions saw the rationalization of temporal culture as a way to extend their authority (the muezzin s call to praye...
This book is a product of the need of understanding the new debates both from the perspective of business management and economics. The first part discusses accounting education and accountancy. In the second part, the relationship between investment and development has been investigated according to entrepreneurship and environment. The next part deals with the current debates on investment in terms of microeconomics. In the fourth part, the factors influencing decision-making in financial markets have been discussed by focusing on volatility, timing, and financial performance. In the last part of the book, current debates are about how managing and hedging risks of new instruments in the financial markets.