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Current debates about experts are often polarized and based on mistaken assumptions, with expertise either defended or denigrated. Making Sense of Expertise instead proposes a conceptual framework for the study of expertise in order to facilitate a more nuanced understanding of the role of expertise in contemporary society. Too often different meanings of experts and expertise are implied without making them explicit. Grundmann’s approach to expertise is based on a synthesis of approaches that exist in various fields of knowledge. The book aims at dispelling much of the confusion by offering a comprehensive and rigorous framework for the study of expertise. A series of in-depth case studies drawn from contemporary issues, including the climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, provide the empirical basis of the author’s comprehensive approach. This thought-provoking book will be of great interests to students, instructors and researchers in a range of fields in the humanities, social sciences, and science and technology studies.
Kerbelâ, tarihin en elim hadisesi olmakla birlikte günümüze aktardığı ölümsüz mesajla, hak ile batılı ayırmaya devam etmektedir. Zira İmâm Hüseyin, Hz. Peygamber (s.a.a) efendimizin “Hüseyin, kurtuluş gemisidir.” buyruğunca, tarihin her döneminde hak ehlini kurtuluşa ulaştıran hidayet önderlerindendir. Edebiyatının temellerini, Hüseyin aşkı ve Kerbelâ’da yaşananlar üzerine bina eden Alevî-Bektâşiler için elinizde bulunan, Kumru diye bilinen bu değerli eser; Hadikatü’s-Sueda ile birlikte Kerbelâ’yı anmak, anlamak ve yaşatmak adına başvurulan en önemli ve meşhur eserlerden biridir. Kumru, Alevî-Bektaşîler arasında; herkesin haberdar olduğu, Muharrem ayında en çok okuduğu, yazma ve matbu nüshalarının; eski dergâhlardan, dedelerin ve babaların evlerinden çıktığı birkaç eserden biridir. Biz bu değerli eseri, ilk defa ilmî metotlarla neşretmekten kıvanç duyuyoruz. İmam Hüseyin’in anısına bir saray bina etmekte en ufak, emeğimiz oldu ise Allah, dergâh-ı izzetinde kabul buyursun. Aşk ile, gerçekler demine devranına Hû…
INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPS (at IAREC'17) (This book inclueds English (main) and Turkish languages) International Workshop on Mechanical Engineering International Workshop on Mechatronics Engineering International Workshop on Energy Systems Engineering International Workshop on Automotive Engineering and Aerospace Engineering International Workshop on Material Engineering International Workshop on Manufacturing Engineering International Workshop on Physics Engineering International Workshop on Electrical and Electronics Engineering International Workshop on Computer Engineering and Software Engineering International Workshop on Chemical Engineering International Workshop on Textile Engineering I...