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Buku KEBANGKITAN BISNIS UMKM PASCA COVID 19 (Keberlangsungan Bisnis UMKM di Indonesia pasca terdampak pandemi Covid-19) berisi tentang kebangkitan UMKM pasca di terjang badai pandemi covid-19 beberapa waktu yang lalu, mampukah para pelaku usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM) yang disebut sebagai penyelamat ekonomi rakyat pada saat krisis seperti pandemi covid-19 melanda. Peran strategis UMKM dalam berkontribusi pada PDB, penyedia lapangan kerja, serta kemampuan menyerap angkatan kerja yang besar di uji pada masa pandemi covid-19, bagaimana strategi pelaku UMKM bertahan dan melangsungkan bisnis UMKM pasca pandemi covid-19, Fokus utama dalam buku yaitu bagaimana kebangkitan UMKM Pasca covid 19.
Indeks Kesalehan Sosial (IKS) adalah ukuran yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kualitas pemahaman dan pengalaman ajaran agama pada pemeluk agama. Pengukuran ini bersifat lintas agama, tak terbatas pada salah satu agama saja. Penilaian IKS ini penting untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh agama terhadap tingkat kesalehan di lingkungan sosial. Terdapat berbagai dimensi yang memengaruhi hasil dari Indeks Kesalehan Sosial. Salah satu hasil dari pengukuran Indeks Kesalehan Sosial tersaji dalam buku ini, Khususnya Kabupate Ngawi. Dengan adanya buku ini, diharapkan dapat memberikan perbaikan dalam rancangan kebijakan dalam pembangunan sehingga tercipta kehidupan yang harmonis.
Buku ini sebagai salah satu sumber belajar bagi UMKM dalam mengelola keuangan.
Buku "Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi dan Manajemen : Memahami Dasar-dasar Keberhasilan Bisnis" membahas konsep-konsep penting dalam ekonomi dan manajemen yang menjadi landasan utama bagi kesuksesan bisnis. Dengan bahasa yang mudah dipahami, pembaca diajak memahami dasar-dasar ekonomi, prinsip ekonomi, dan peran manajemen dalam dunia bisnis. Buku ini mencakup pengenalan tentang Definisi dan Ruang Lingkup Ekonomi, Ekonomi Mikro & Ekonomi Makro, Permintaan dan Penawaran, serta Elastisitas Harga dan Pendapatan. Selain itu, juga dibahas mengenai Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Analisis SWOT, dan pentingnya Ekonomi Bisnis dalam mengoptimalkan kinerja bisnis. Sebagai panduan praktis, buku ini sangat bermanfaat bagi pemula dan para pelaku bisnis dalam memahami konsep-konsep dasar yang vital untuk mencapai keberhasilan dalam berbisnis. Dengan penjelasan yang lengkap dan relevan, pembaca akan dapat menerapkan pemahaman ini dalam pengambilan keputusan bisnis yang cerdas dan strategis. Buku ini merupakan sumber wawasan berharga bagi siapa saja yang ingin memahami esensi ilmu ekonomi dan manajemen serta mengaplikasikannya dalam menghadapi tantangan dunia bisnis yang dinamis dan kompetitif.
Selamat datang dalam dunia yang memukau dari seni batik ciprat. Buku ini, yang berjudul “Pemasaran dan Pengemasan dalam Seni Batik Ciprat,” adalah sebuah panduan komprehensif yang mempersembahkan keindahan seni tradisional ini sekaligus menguraikan strategi pemasaran yang efektif untuk menghidupkannya di pasar yang terus berkembang. Batik ciprat adalah salah satu seni tekstil yang penuh warna dan beragam, menggabungkan unsur kreatifitas, keahlian tangan, dan tradisi budaya yang dalam. Buku ini dibuat untuk membagikan pengetahuan tentang batik ciprat dan membantu para seniman dan pengusaha batik untuk mengembangkan keterampilan mereka dalam seni dan teknik ciprat yang unik ini. Penyusunan...
Farm size and land allocation are important factors in explaining lagging agricultural productivity in developing countries. This paper examines the effect of land market imperfections on land allocation across farmers and aggregate agricultural productivity. We develop a theoretical framework to model the optimal size distribution of farms and assess to what extent market imperfections can explain non-optimal land allocation and output in-efficiency. We measure these distortions for the case of Guatemala using agricultural census microdata. We find that due to land market imperfections aggregate output is 19% below its efficient level for both maize and beans and 31% below for coffee, which are three major crops produced nationwide. The regions with higher distortions show a higher dispersion in land prices and less active rental markets. We also find that the degree of land market distortions across locations co-variate with road accessibility and ethnicity and, in a lower extent, with education.
Taking as its starting point the interdependence of the economy and the natural environment, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to the emerging field of ecological economics. The authors, who have written extensively on the economics of sustainability, build on insights from both mainstream economics and ecological sciences. Part I explores the interdependence of the modern economy and its environment, while Part II focuses mainly on the economy and on economics. Part III looks at how national governments set policy targets and the instruments used to pursue those targets. Part IV examines international trade and institutions, and two major global threats to sustainability - climate change and biodiversity loss. Assuming no prior knowledge of economics, this textbook is well suited for use on interdisciplinary environmental science and management courses. It has extensive student-friendly features including discussion questions and exercises, keyword highlighting, real-world illustrations, further reading and website addresses.
This open access book presents a comprehensive analysis of biofuel use strategies from an interdisciplinary perspective using sustainability science. This interdisciplinary perspective (social science-natural science) means that the strategies and policy options proposed will have significant impacts on the economy and society alike. Biofuels are expected to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, revitalizing economies in agricultural communities and alleviating poverty. However, despite these anticipated benefits, international organizations such as the FAO, OECD and UN have published reports expressing concerns that biofuel promotion may lead to deforestation, water pollution and water shortages. The impacts of biofuel use are extensive, cross-sectoral and complex, and as such, comprehensive analyses are required in order to assess the extent to which biofuels can contribute to sustainable societies. Applying interdisciplinary sustainability science concepts and methodologies, the book helps to enhance the establishment of a sustainable society as well as the development of appropriate responses to a global need for urgent action on current issues related to biofuels.
Human Development has been advocated as the prime development goal since 1990, when the publication of the first UNDP Human Development Report proposed that development should improve the lives people lead in multiple dimensions instead of primarily pursuing economic growth. This approach forms the foundation of Advancing Human Development: Theory and Practice. It traces the evolution of approaches to development, showing how the Human Development approach emerged as a consequence of defects in earlier strategies. Advancing Human Development argues that Human Development is superior to measures of societal happiness. It investigates the determinants of success and failure in Human Developmen...
What is the relationship between the social performance of companies and their financial performance? More colloquially, can a firm effectively attend to both people and profits as it conducts its business? This question has been investigated in no fewer than 95 empirical studies published since 1972. The authors have assembled a compendium of this research to give researchers and practitioners alike a broad overview of these 95 studies and a systematic database detailing the content of each one. This book provides a comprehensive portrait of this research literature. It begins with a broad orientation to the literature, exploring why the link between social and financial performance has been subject to continual inquiry and often heated debate. The authors then present an integrated overview of the 95 studies. Through the charts and tables, the authors illuminate the nature of the studies conducted; the data samples selected for investigation; the ways in which financial and social performance have been measured; and the overall tally of results.