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This interdisciplinary approach to the topic brings together reviews of the physics, chemistry, fabrication and application of magnetic nanoparticles and nanostructures within a single cover. With its discussion of the basics as well as the most recent developments, and featuring many examples of practical applications, the result is both a clear and concise introduction to the topic for beginners and a guide to relevant comprehensive physical phenomena and essential technological applications for experienced researchers.
What Is Nanomaterials Nanomaterials describe, in principle, materials of which a single unit small sized between 1 and 100 nm. How You Will Benefit (I) Insights, and validations about the following topics: Chapter 1: Nanomaterials Chapter 2: Nanoporous materials Chapter 3: Nanoparticle Chapter 4: Characterization of nanoparticles Chapter 5: Applications of nanotechnology Chapter 6: Nanometrology Chapter 7: Materials science (II) Answering the public top questions about nanomaterials. (III) Real world examples for the usage of nanomaterials in many fields. (IV) 17 appendices to explain, briefly, 266 emerging technologies in each industry to have 360-degree full understanding of nanomaterials' technologies. Who This Book Is For Professionals, undergraduate and graduate students, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and those who want to go beyond basic knowledge or information for any kind of nanomaterials.
What Is Magnetic Nanoparticles Magnetic nanoparticles are a class of nanoparticle that can be manipulated using magnetic fields. Such particles commonly consist of two components, a magnetic material, often iron, nickel and cobalt, and a chemical component that has functionality. While nanoparticles are smaller than 1 micrometer in diameter, the larger microbeads are 0.5–500 micrometer in diameter. Magnetic nanoparticle clusters that are composed of a number of individual magnetic nanoparticles are known as magnetic nanobeads with a diameter of 50–200 nanometers. Magnetic nanoparticle clusters are a basis for their further magnetic assembly into magnetic nanochains. The magnetic nanopart...
Smart nanomaterials are the basis of diverse emerging applications, and this book covers their technological advances, innovations, and practical applications. It covers advances in the most critical aspects in chemistry and material fabrication of nanomaterials including engineering/prospective applications. The application of smart nanomaterials in the biomedical field, agriculture, food industry, and apparel industry is covered with practical examples. It discusses the future of smart nanomaterials and the pros and cons associated with smart nanomaterials in a detailed manner. Features: Reviews synthesis methods, characterization techniques, and applications of smart nanomaterials. Explor...
Manyetik Nanopartiküller Nedir? Manyetik nanoparçacıklar, manyetik alanlar kullanılarak manipüle edilebilen bir nanoparçacık sınıfıdır. Bu tür parçacıklar genellikle iki bileşenden oluşur; manyetik bir malzeme, genellikle demir, nikel ve kobalt ve işlevselliğe sahip bir kimyasal bileşen. Nanoparçacıkların çapı 1 mikrometreden küçükken, daha büyük mikro boncukların çapı 0,5–500 mikrometredir. Bir dizi bireysel manyetik nanoparçacıktan oluşan manyetik nanoparçacık kümeleri, çapı 50-200 nanometre olan manyetik nano boncuklar olarak bilinir. Manyetik nanoparçacık kümeleri, manyetik nano zincirlere daha fazla manyetik birleşimleri için bir temel olu...
Nanomalzemeler Nedir? Nanomalzemeler, ilke olarak, tek bir birimi 1 ile 100 nm arasında küçük boyutlu malzemeleri tanımlar. Nasıl Yararlanacaksınız (I) Aşağıdaki konularla ilgili bilgiler ve doğrulamalar: Bölüm 1: Nanomalzemeler Bölüm 2: Nano gözenekli malzemeler Bölüm 3: Nanoparçacık Bölüm 4: Nanoparçacıkların karakterizasyonu Bölüm 5: Nanoteknoloji uygulamaları 6. Bölüm: Nanometroloji Bölüm 7: Malzeme bilimi (II) Nanomalzemeler hakkında en çok sorulan soruları yanıtlamak. (III) Nanomalzemelerin birçok alanda kullanımına ilişkin gerçek dünya örnekleri. (IV) Nanomalzemelerin teknolojilerini 360 derece tam olarak anlamak için her sektörde 266 gelişmekte olan teknolojiyi kısaca açıklayan 17 ek. Bu Kitap Kimler İçin Profesyoneller, lisans ve yüksek lisans öğrencileri, meraklılar, hobiler ve her türlü nanomalzeme için temel bilgi veya bilgilerin ötesine geçmek isteyenler.
ナノマテリアルとは ナノマテリアルとは、原則として、1〜100nmの小さなサイズの単一ユニットの材料を指します。 どのようにメリットがありますか (I)次のトピックに関する洞察と検証: 第1章:ナノマテリアル 第2章:ナノポーラス材料 第3章:ナノ粒子 第4章:ナノ粒子の特性評価 第5章:ナノテクノロジーの応用 第6章:ナノメトロロジー 第7章:材料科学 (II)ナノマテリアルに関する一般的な上位の質問に答える。 (III)多くの分野でのナノマテリアルの使用に関する実例。 (IV)17の付録で、ナノマテリアルの技術を360度完全に理解するための各業界の266の新興技術を簡単に説明します。 この本の対象者 専門家、学部生、大学院生、愛好家、愛好家、およびあらゆる種類のナノマテリアルの基本的な知識や情報を超えたい人。
Was sind Nanomaterialien Nanomaterialien beschreiben im Prinzip Materialien, bei denen eine einzelne Einheit zwischen 1 und 100 nm klein ist. So profitieren Sie (I) Einblicke und Validierungen zu den folgenden Themen: Kapitel 1: Nanomaterialien Kapitel 2: Nanoporöse Materialien Kapitel 3: Nanopartikel Kapitel 4: Charakterisierung von Nanopartikeln Kapitel 5: Anwendungen der Nanotechnologie Kapitel 6: Nanometrologie Kapitel 7: Materialwissenschaft (II) Beantwortung der öffentlichen Top-Fragen zu Nanomaterialien. (III) Beispiele aus der Praxis für die Verwendung von Nanomaterialien in vielen Bereichen. (IV) 17 Anhänge zur kurzen Erläuterung von 266 neuen Technologien in jeder Branche, um ein umfassendes 360-Grad-Verständnis der Nanomaterialtechnologien zu erhalten. Für wen dieses Buch ist Fachleute, Studenten und Doktoranden, Enthusiasten, Bastler und diejenigen, die über grundlegendes Wissen oder Informationen für jede Art von Nanomaterialien hinausgehen möchten.