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This volume focuses on the issue of identity within the context of the radical shift that took place in Romania during the late 1940s and early 1950s, as a result of the process of Sovietisation, or “cultural colonisation” (a concept analysed in particular detail in this book). It adopts a novel approach to this theme, by studying the issue of identity within the context of the first decade of the Romanian communist regime, with the help of a series of concepts and theories belonging to the disciplines of Western cultural, media and gender studies, as well as those relating to colonialism and imperialism. Of particular interest to this volume is the use of the press as an essential instr...
This is the first comprehensive, multidisciplinary, and multilingual bibliography on "Women and Gender in East Central Europe and the Balkans (Vol. 1)" and "The Lands of the Former Soviet Union (Vol. 2)" over the past millennium. The coverage encompasses the relevant territories of the Russian, Hapsburg, and Ottoman empires, Germany and Greece, and the Jewish and Roma diasporas. Topics range from legal status and marital customs to economic participation and gender roles, plus unparalleled documentation of women writers and artists, and autobiographical works of all kinds. The volumes include approximately 30,000 bibliographic entries on works published through the end of 2000, as well as web sites and unpublished dissertations. Many of the individual entries are annotated with brief descriptions of major works and the tables of contents for collections and anthologies. The entries are cross-referenced and each volume includes indexes.
English language edition.
„Într-unul dintre romanele lui, José Saramago spune că pălăvrăgeala femeilor care se întâlnesc întâmplător ține lumea pe orbită. Iată însă că vocile reunite în volumul Literatura la feminin (o antologie) nu pălăvrăgesc, ci scriu, luând în serios meseria de scriitor. Îmi place să cred că, în felul ei, și proza lor ține lumea pe orbită. Sau, în orice caz, ține pe orbită literatura noastră contemporană. Îmi place să cred că, dincolo de faptul că sunt voci feminine, se află și alte lucruri importante. Vă rămâne bucuria să le descoperiți." Ioana Pârvulescu „Vocea femeilor se face auzită din ce în ce mai puternic, se impune în literatura contem...
This book analyzes the impact of abusive regimes of power on women’s lives and on their self-expression through close readings of life writing by women in communist Romania. In particular, it examines the forms of agency and privacy available to women under totalitarianism and the modes of relationships in which their lives were embedded. The self-expression and self-reflexive processes that are to be found in the body of Romanian women’s autobiographical writings this study presents create complex private narratives that underpin the creative development of inclusive memories of the past through shared responsibility and shared agency. At the same time, however, the way these private, personal narratives intertwined with collective and official historical narratives exemplifies the multidimensional nature of privacy as well as the radical redefinition of agency in this period. This book argues for a broader understanding of the narratives of the communist past, one that reflects the complexity of individual and social interactions and allows a deep exploration of the interconnected relations between memory, trauma, nostalgia, agency, and privacy.
'Deserves to be on the same shelf as Anne Frank's Diary and to find as huge a readership' - Philip Roth Mihail Sebastian was a promising young Jewish writer in pre-war Bucharest, a novelist, playwright, poet and journalist who counted among his friends the leading intellectuals and social luminaries of a sophisticated Eastern European culture. Because of Romania's opportunistic treatment of Jews, he survived the war and the Holocaust, only to be killed in a road accident early in 1945. His remarkable diary was published only recently in its original language and is here translated into English for the first time. Sebastian's Journal offers not only a chronicle of the darkest years of Europea...
La o conferință de la Institutul Francez de pe bulevardul Dacia, Mirona face cunoștință cu „un bărbat impunător, greoi, cu părul ca zăpada“, care, când află că scrie literatură, o invită la cenaclu să citească ceva. „Maestrul“ e, desigur, E. Lovinescu, surprins dintr-o singură trăsătură de condei, cu spiritul său curios și generozitatea față de începători, dar și cu mania – nevinovată – de a-i „boteza“ cu pseudonime convingătoare: „Mirona? repetă maestrul mirat. E ingenios, dar prea căutat, neverosimil... Să vii să-mi citești ceva. Lasă că-ți găsesc eu un alt pseudonim. Și, potrivindu-și ochelarii, ca un profesor care nu se decide să...