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  • Language: en
  • Pages: 297


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-03-12
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

This book describes isolated actinobacteria from different environments, and how these can be used to bioremediate heavy metals and pesticides in contaminated sites. It also describes how free-living actinobacteria acquire the capability to produce nodules in plants and how this factor could be important for accelerating the degradation of pesticid

Toxicity of Aquatic System and Remediation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 302

Toxicity of Aquatic System and Remediation

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-03-29
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

The eco-friendly remediation technologies for the degraded environment are indeed the “need of the hour”. Even though the regulatory mechanisms are in place to control the discharge of untreated contaminants into the natural environment, still, we could see a different picture; hence, remediation and restoration of the environment becomes an ardent requisite. The present-day fast pace of industrialization without proper disposal planning is impacting the water bodies adversely, generating the need for green management technologies. It is worth mentioning that these environment-friendly technologies are most cost-effective as well. The advancements in biotechnology have paved the way to m...

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 299


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-03-12
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

This book describes isolated actinobacteria from different environments, and how these can be used to bioremediate heavy metals and pesticides in contaminated sites. It also describes how free-living actinobacteria acquire the capability to produce nodules in plants and how this factor could be important for accelerating the degradation of pesticides in soils or slurries. Some chapters show how actinobacteria can be used to produce industrial enzymes and metabolites under different physicochemical conditions for use in the food industry. This book will interest professionals involved with waste management, environmental protection, and pollution abatement.

Patogeny w mikrobiologii
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 234

Patogeny w mikrobiologii

Często mówi się o całym gatunku bakterii jako chorobotwórczym, gdy zostanie zidentyfikowany jako przyczyna choroby. Jednak współczesny pogląd jest taki, że patogeniczność zależy od całego ekosystemu drobnoustrojów. Bakteria może uczestniczyć w zakażeniach oportunistycznych u gospodarzy z obniżoną odpornością, nabywać czynniki zjadliwości przez infekcję plazmidem, przenosić się w inne miejsce w gospodarzu lub reagować na zmiany w ogólnej liczbie obecnych bakterii. Na przykład zakażenie węzłów chłonnych krezki myszy Yersinia może utorować drogę do dalszego zakażenia tych miejsc przez Lactobacillus prawdopodobnie przez mechanizm "blizn immunologicznych". Za...

  • Language: zh-CN
  • Pages: 637


病原體可以通過幾種途徑侵入宿主。主要途徑具有不同的事件發生時間框架,但是土壤具有最長或最持久的潛在病原體潛藏潛力。由傳染原引起的人類疾病被稱為致病性疾病。人類微生物組是所有 microbiota 的集合 microbiota 駐留在人體組織和生物流體上或內部以及它們所處的相應解剖部位,包括皮膚,乳腺,胎盤,精液,子宮,卵巢濾泡,肺,唾液,口腔粘膜,結膜,膽道和胃腸道。本書的內容:病原體,Pri病毒,病毒,病原細菌,真菌,病原真菌,人類寄生蟲,原生動物,寄生蟲,人類寄生蟲清單,臨床微生物學,宿主-病原...

Smittefarlige organismer i mikrobiologi
  • Language: no
  • Pages: 229

Smittefarlige organismer i mikrobiologi

Det er vanlig å snakke om en hel bakterieart som sykdomsfremkallende når den identifiseres som årsaken til en sykdom. Imidlertid er det moderne synet at patogenisitet avhenger av det mikrobielle økosystemet som helhet. En bakterie kan delta i opportunistiske infeksjoner i immunkompromitterte verter, skaffe virulensfaktorer ved plasmidinfeksjon, bli overført til et annet sted i verten eller svare på endringer i det totale antallet andre bakterier som er til stede. For eksempel kan infeksjon av mesenteriske lymfekjertler hos mus med Yersinia gjøre det mulig å fortsette infeksjonen på disse nettstedene ved Lactobacillus, muligens ved en mekanisme for "immunologisk arrdannelse". Innhold...

Mikroorganisma patogen
  • Language: ms
  • Pages: 233

Mikroorganisma patogen

Adalah umum untuk membicarakan keseluruhan spesies bakteria sebagai patogen apabila dikenal pasti sebagai penyebab penyakit. Walau bagaimanapun, pandangan moden adalah bahawa patogenik bergantung pada ekosistem mikroba secara keseluruhan. Bakteria boleh mengambil bahagian dalam jangkitan oportunis pada host imunocompromised, memperoleh faktor virulensi oleh jangkitan plasmid, dipindahkan ke laman web lain di host, atau bertindak balas terhadap perubahan jumlah keseluruhan bakteria lain yang ada. Contohnya, jangkitan pada tikus kelenjar getah bening mesenterik dengan Yersinia dapat membersihkan jalan untuk meneruskan jangkitan laman web ini dengan Lactobacillus, mungkin dengan mekanisme "paru...

  • Language: ja
  • Pages: 511


病原体が宿主に侵入することができるいくつかの経路があります。主な経路は、一時的な時間枠が異なりますが、土壌には、病原体が潜伏する可能性が最も長く、または最も持続する可能性があります。感染因子によって引き起こされる人間の病気は、病原性疾患として知られています。人間のマイクロバイオームはすべての集合体です microbiota 皮膚、乳腺、胎盤、精液、子宮、卵巣の卵胞、肺、唾液、口腔粘膜、結膜、胆道、およびそれらを含む対応する解剖学的部位とともに、ヒトの組織および生体液の上または中...

Patógenos em Microbiologia
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 237

Patógenos em Microbiologia

É comum falar de uma espécie inteira de bactéria como patogênica quando identificada como a causa de uma doença. No entanto, a visão moderna é que a patogenicidade depende do ecossistema microbiano como um todo. Uma bactéria pode participar de infecções oportunistas em hospedeiros imunocomprometidos, adquirir fatores de virulência por infecção por plasmídeo, ser transferida para um local diferente no hospedeiro ou responder a alterações no número geral de outras bactérias presentes. Por exemplo, a infecção das glândulas linfáticas mesentéricas de camundongos com Yersinia pode abrir caminho para a infecção contínua desses locais por Lactobacillus, possivelmente por u...

의료 미생물학 I: 병원체 및 인간 미생물 군
  • Language: ko
  • Pages: 850

의료 미생물학 I: 병원체 및 인간 미생물 군

병원체가 숙주를 침범 할 수있는 몇 가지 경로가 있습니다. 주요 경로는 서로 다른 에피소드 시간 프레임을 갖지만 토양은 병원체를 보유 할 수있는 가장 길거나 가장 지속적인 가능성이 있습니다. 감염원에 의해 발생하는 인간의 질병은 병원성 질환으로 알려져 있습니다. 인간 마이크로 microbiota 바이 옴 은 모든 microbiota 의 집합체입니다 microbiota 피부, 유선, 태반, 정액, 자궁, 난소 모낭, 폐, 타액, 구강 점막, 결막, 담도 및 신체 조직을 포함하는 해당 해부학 적 부위와 함께 인간 조직 및 생체 액 내에 또는 그 안에 존재하는 것 ...