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Bagaimana agar UMKM kita - Mampu mengelola SDM dan arus keuangan hingga sukses berdaya saing dan berkelanjutan? - Mempertahankan dan menambah pelanggan pada masa pandemi yang penuh ketidakpastian? - Menjamin bisnisnya, baik bisnis makanan maupun homestay tetap beroperasi aman dengan protokol kesehatan ketat? - Memanfaatkan teknologi dan sistem digital agar roda operasional bisnis berjalan efektif, efisien, bahkan bertumbuh maksimal? Buku berjudul UMKM Sintas Pandemi ini memuat berbagai kajian dan pemecahan masalah yang dapat diterapkan UMKM dalam menghadapi pandemi, bukan hanya bertahan, tetapi juga bertumbuh. Sebanyak 20 artikel hasil pemikiran dan penelitian para akademisi disusun ke dalam tiga bab, yaitu perihal adaptasi pelaku UMKM, strategi menyongsong era Kenormalan baru, dan peran digitalisasi dalam menghadapi pandemi.
Pendidikan kewirausahaan menjadi salah satu isu menarik, mengingat masih banyaknya pendapat bahwa seorang wirausaha dilahirkan dan bukan dibentuk sehingga mereka sangat meragukan keberhasilan pendidikan kewirausahaan. Hasil dari suatu pendidikan kewirausahaan, tidak hanya di Indonesia, masih sering dipertanyakan. Setelah melalui proses pendidikan kewirausahaan, siswa akan menjadi apa atau menjadi bagaimana? Pertanyaan tentang hasil yang dapat diukur dari suatu proses pendidikan adalah hal yang wajar, karena menyangkut penggunaan sumber daya yang tidak sedikit, dan waktu yang cukup banyak dialokasikan oleh para siswa di dalam program. -PrasetiyaMulya-
Kenaikan kelas (graduation) Indonesia menjadi bagian kelompok ekonomi pendapatan tinggi pada tahun 2045 (Centennial Pertama) patut dijadikan sebagai komitmen politik nasional sekaligus sarana penghimpunan momentum akselerasi. Jika targetnya adalah lunak untuk menyentuh batas bawah pendapatan tinggi, pertumbuhan total harus dipacu menjadi 5,6% per tahun selama 29 tahun atau sama dengan tingkat pertumbuhan dewasa ini. Namun, kecepatan sedang seperti itu rentan terhadap deselerasi. Pada waktu itu, Indonesia perlu menduduki setidak-tidaknya bagian tengah kelompok pendapatan tinggi. Oleh karena itu, pertumbuhan GNI total harus dipacu menjadi 9,1% per tahun. Gagasan buku ini menggarisbesarkan sala...
This book contains 74 selected papers presented at the 5th International Seminar of Contemporary Research on Business and Management (ISCRBM 2021), which was organized by the Alliance of Indonesian Master of Management Program (APMMI) and held in Jakarta, Indonesia on 18 December 2021. This online conference was hosted by the Master of Management Program of Indonesia University. This year, ISCRBM focused on research related to driving sustainable business through innovation. Business has had to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic, so a new approach towards managing business to survive competition is indispensable. Innovation is the key for all organizations in surviving in the new normal and bey...
Charting the intersection of technology and ideology, cultural production and social science, Fatimah Tobing Rony explores early-twentieth-century representations of non-Western indigenous peoples in films ranging from the documentary to the spectacular to the scientific. Turning the gaze of the ethnographic camera back onto itself, bringing the perspective of a third eye to bear on the invention of the primitive other, Rony reveals the collaboration of anthropology and popular culture in Western constructions of race, gender, nation, and empire. Her work demonstrates the significance of these constructions--and, more generally, of ethnographic cinema--for understanding issues of identity. I...
The book contains diverse topics such as stock valuation, risk management, gender diversity, work place spirituality, consumer behaviour, etc.
In Silico Drug Design: Repurposing Techniques and Methodologies explores the application of computational tools that can be utilized for this approach. The book covers theoretical background and methodologies of chem-bioinformatic techniques and network modeling and discusses the various applied strategies to systematically retrieve, integrate and analyze datasets from diverse sources. Other topics include in silico drug design methods, computational workflows for drug repurposing, and network-based in silico screening for drug efficacy. With contributions from experts in the field and the inclusion of practical case studies, this book gives scientists, researchers and R&D professionals in t...
Anaerobic digestion is a major field for the treatment of waste and wastewater. Lately the focus has been on the quality of the effluent setting new demands for pathogen removal and for successful removal of unwanted chemicals during the anaerobic process. The two volumes on Biomethanation are devoted to presenting the state of art within the science and application of anaerobic digestion. They describe the basic microbiolgical knowledge of importance for understanding the processes of anaerobic bioreactors along with the newest molecular techniques for examining these systems. In addition, the applications for treatment of waste and wastewaters are presented along with the latest knowledge on process control and regulation of anaerobic bioprocesses. Together these two volumes give an overview of a growing area, which previously has never been presented in such a comprehensive way.