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Virtually unstudied until the 1980s, discourse markers have gone on to become a growth industry. Research on markers is central to comprehensive theories of the synchronic linguistic system as such, of the use of language in communication, and of language change. From the very beginning, linguists working on Romance languages have been at the forefront of research on discourse markers. Including among its contributors many of the foremost experts in the field, this volume not only offers substantial state-of-the-art introductions to the diverse facets of contemporary research on discourse markers, with a focus on Romance, but it achieves added value by including in each chapter original and ...
Language Change in the 20th Century: Exploring micro-diachronic evolutions in Romance languages examines the distinctive features that set the study of the 20th century apart from preceding periods. With a primary focus on Romance languages, including Spanish, Italian, French, and Portuguese, the book advocates for the adoption of innovative methodologies to enhance the nuanced retrieval of research data: the use of speaker’s attitudes questionnaires, apparent time constructions, and S-curves. Additionally, new materials are addressed as diachronic data sources: mass-media recordings from radio and TV, colloquial conversations, and sociolinguistic corpora. Results focus on the evolution of discourse markers, address terms, as well as on the influence of specific processes such as colloquialization or external mechanisms on the language changes developed during this period. In sum, the 20th century is presented in this book as a new strand in diachronic studies, rather than another time span.
Spoken by millions of people on four continents, Portuguese remains a lesser studied language. To help improve the linguistic understanding of this pluricentric language, the present volume brings together ten studies about different grammatical phenomena observed in Portuguese varieties – from suffixation to intercalated temporal clauses and non-concatenative verbal inflection, among other topics. Focusing on two main axes – usage and cognition –, these studies draw on the theoretical frameworks of Functional Linguistics and Cognitive Linguistics, but build a cohesive whole insofar as they all offer usage-based language approaches. By presenting an overview of recent research on Portuguese and its varieties, the book paves the way for the inclusion of Portuguese in the set of Neo-Latin languages best known to the general public.
Beyond Grammaticalization and Discourse Markers offers a comprehensive account of the most promising new directions in the vast field of grammaticalization studies. From major theoretical issues to hardly addressed experimental questions, this volume explores new ways to expand, refine or even challenge current ideas on grammaticalization. All contributions, written by leading experts in the fields of grammaticalization and discourse markers, explore issues such as: the impact of Construction Grammar into language change; cyclicity as a driving force of change; the importance of positions and discourse units as predictors of grammaticalization; a renewed way of thinking about philological considerations, or the role of Experimental Pragmatics for hypothesis checking.
The present volume is dedicated to the phenomenon of pragmaticalization in the context of the theory of grammaticalization. While, in recent decades, the growing interest in the analysis of pragmatic phenomena within grammaticalization research was triggered, amongst others, by studies in the field of subjectivity and intersubjectivity in language, we still lack a model for a broad understanding of how changes on the discourse level come about and face a lack of information which provides a conclusive theoretical framework to systematically record the emergence of an entire layer of discourse units in language. The book is one of the first comprehensive collections contributed to the topic o...
Though positioning has been addressed in social psychology and in identity construction, less attention has been paid to the specific linguistic markers which are drawn upon in discourse to position the self and other(s). This volume focusses on address terms, pragmatic markers, code switching/choice and orthography, the indexicalities of which are explored in different communicative activities. The volume is unusual in: i) the range of languages which are covered: Bergamasco, Brazilian Portuguese, English, Finnish, French, Georgian, Greek, Italian, Latin, Russian, Spanish and Swedish; ii) the inclusion of different communicative settings and text-types: workplace emails, everyday and institutional conversations, interviews, migrant narratives, radio phone-ins, dyadic and group settings, road-signs, service encounters; iii) its consideration of both synchronic and diachronic factors; iv) its mix of theoretical and methodological approaches. The volume illustrates some of the linguistic means speakers draw on to position themselves and others and hopes to stimulate further research studies in this vein.
The relation between pragmatic markers and the peripheries of clauses, utterances and/or turns has been a topic of linguistic interest for the last few decades. Many issues continue to be debated, however, such as “how should the notion of periphery be defined?”, “to what extent do pragmatic markers in the left versus the right periphery fulfill different functions?” and “which factors determine the order of multiple pragmatic markers in a periphery?”. This volume brings together a number of studies addressing these and other questions. It presents new data from a diverse range of languages – including less researched ones in this context like Ainu, Latvian and Lithuanian – and on a variety of types of pragmatic marker – including emoji. The volume as a whole offers new insights into, among other things, the subjectivity intersubjectivity peripheries hypothesis, the idea of left-to-right movement and the matrix clauses hypothesis.
Cette étude contrastive a pour but de dévoiler, dans un premier temps, l’étymologie, les dénominations et les définitions de pour ainsi dire et por decirlo así, ainsi que déceler les travaux faits jusqu’à nos jours sur ces deux expressions. Dans un deuxième temps, l’évolution de ces deux expressions et de leurs variantes, leurs différentes valeurs en français et espagnol contemporains, leurs propriétés linguistiques, spécialement leurs propriétés morphologiques, ainsi que leurs équivalents dans l’autre langue (français/espagnol/français) seront analysés. Ce travail vise à identifier les valeurs de chaque expression en tant que marqueurs discursifs afin de fourni...
La estructura y la función del discurso oral son incomprensibles fuera del prisma de la pragmática. La oralidad, como medio primario de la expresión humana, es la base de la comunicación que los hablantes establecemos en diferentes contextos, desde los más cotidianos hasta los más controlados. ¿Cómo hablantes con diferentes perfiles y retratos siguen las leyes pragmáticas para construir sus discursos orales, desde conversaciones cotidianas y entrevistas hasta charlas y conferencias? Este libro ofrece un conjunto de trabajos empíricos que exploran cómo la naturaleza pragmática del discurso oral se manifiesta en su estructura y en la construcción del significado y su ordenación en discursos tan diversos como es el discurso público y el discurso privado, el discurso político y el discurso clínico, el discurso de hablantes no nativos o el discurso estudiado desde la perspectiva diacrónica. Gracias a ellos, este volumen ofrece una renovada base teórica para el estudio del discurso oral, una panorámica envidiable de métodos y técnicas para su estudio y, de modo particular, una gran aportación al conocimiento científico sobre cómo la pragmática rige la oralidad.
The Manual presents the state of the art of the research about discourse and communication within the Romance languages. It offers introductory articles which explain in a simple and clear way the current research topics of a broad variety of disciplines like Linguistics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis, Communication Theory, Text Linguistics and Philology. The authors of the Manual collectively explain complex theoretical problems concerning communication and discourse, and texts as its products. The contrastive descriptions contain examples in different Romance languages which show the outreach of the theoretical approaches and address a public with interests in a variety of disciplines and languages. Furthermore, it shows possibilities of application and transfer of the research about communication in different professional contexts.