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Siapapun yang meneliti etnik Tionghoa Indonesia, dipastikan pernah membaca karya-karya Leo Suryadinata, setidaknya mengenal namanya. Dengan publikasinya dalam berbagai bahasa, pria kelahiran Jakarta ini telah memberikan pengetahuan mengenai etnik Tionghoa dalam berbagai aspeknya. Terlebih di masa Orde Baru, tulisan Leo berkontribusi memberikan perspektif yang berbeda dari versi penguasa. Pada 2021, peneliti senior ISEAS Singapura ini merayakan ulang tahunnya ke-80. Keluarga besar NGGOTIO (Nggosipin Tionghoa, Yuk!) tidak mau melewatkan momen istimewa ini. Hasilnya adalah festschrift yang berisi persembahan dari 12 penulis sebagai bukti penghormatan untuk Leo Suryadinata.
Penulisan sejarah di Indonesia selama ini lebih menitikberatkan pada kelompok-kelompok kelas bawah pedesaan dengan fokus utama pada pemberontakan petani. Rakyat miskin kota dengan ini seakan-akan terlupakan, padahal sejak awal abad ke-20, kota-kota di Indonesia telah beranjak menjadi kekuatan tersendiri yang turut andil dalam menggerakan sejarah Indonesia. Buku ini secara komprehensif mengulas dinamika aksi rakyat miskin kota Surabaya—salah satu kota besar terpenting semasa Hindia Belanda maupun Indonesia pascaproklamasi—dalam memperjuangkan hak atas ruang hidup mereka di kota. Bayang-bayang perebutan ruang selalu terjadi dari waktu ke waktu baik antara pendatang dengan penduduk setemp...
In June 1985, a symposium, "Changing Identities of the Southeast Asian Chinese since World War II" was held at the Australian National University in Canberra. This volume includes many of the papers from that symposium presented by ANU scholars and those from universities elsewhere in Australia, North America and Southeast Asia. Participants looked at the current thinking about the parameters of identity and shared their own research into the complex issues that overlapping categories of identity raise. Identity was chosen as the focus of the, symposium because perceptions of self - whether by others or by the individual Chinese concerned - appear to lie at the heart ' of the present-day Chi...
Annotation Focusing on the English language, this comprehensive and accessible introduction to semantics explores how languages organize and express meaning through words, parts of words and sentences. This title available in eBook format. Click here for more information. Visit our eBookstore at:
Indonesia is a remarkable case study for religious politics. While not being a theocratic country, it is not secular either, with the Indonesian state officially defining what constitutes religion, and every citizen needing to be affiliated to one of them. This book focuses on Java and Bali, and the interesting comparison of two neighbouring societies shaped by two different religions - Islam and Hinduism. The book examines the appropriation by the peoples of Java and Bali of the idea of religion, through a dialogic process of indigenization of universalist religions and universalization of indigenous religions. It looks at the tension that exists between proponents of local world-views and indigenous belief systems, and those who deny those local traditions as qualifying as a religion. This tension plays a leading part in the construction of an Indonesian religious identity recognized by the state. The book is of interest to students and scholars of Southeast Asia, religious studies and the anthropology and sociology of religion.
This book addresses one of the most central, yet criticised, solutions for international tourism promotion, namely translation. It brings together theory and practice, explores the various challenges involved in translating tourism promotional materials (TPMs), and puts forward a sustainable solution capable of achieving maximum impact in the industry and society. The solution, in the form of a Cultural-Conceptual Translation (CCT) model, identifies effective translation strategies and offers a platform for making TPM translation more streamlined, efficient and easily communicated. Using the English-Malay language combination as a case study, the book analyses tourism discourse and includes a road test of the CCT model on actual end-users of TPMs as well as tourism marketers in the industry. Guidelines for best practices in the industry round out the book, which offers valuable insights not only for researchers but also, and more importantly, various stakeholders in the translation, tourism and advertising industries.
This proceedings volume gathers together selected peer-reviewed papers presented at the second edition of the XXVI International Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IJCIEOM), which was virtually held on February 22-24, 2021 with the main organization based at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Works cover a range of topics in industrial engineering, including operations and process management, global operations, managerial economics, data science and stochastic optimization, logistics and supply chain management, quality management, product development, strategy and organizational engineering, knowledge and information management, sustainability, and disaster management, to name a few. These topics broadly involve fields like operations, manufacturing, industrial and production engineering, and management. This book can be a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in optimization research, operations research, and correlated fields.
(Accordion). This great collection presents 23 favorite songs immortalized in movies arranged for accordion, including: Footloose * I Will Always Love You * A Million Dreams * Mrs. Robinson * Theme from "New York, New York" * Over the Rainbow * Shallow * Singin' in the Rain * and more!