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Empathy provides a cognitive and emotional bridge that connects individuals and promotes prosocial behavior. People empathize with others via two complementary perceptual routes: Cognitive Empathy or the ability to accurately recognize and understand others' emotional states, and Affective Empathy or the ability to 'feel with' others. This Element reviews past and current research on both cognitive and affective empathy, focusing on behavioral, as well as neuroscientific research. It highlights a recent shift towards more dynamic and complex stimuli which may capture better the nature of real social interaction. It expands on why context is crucial when perceiving others' emotional state, and discusses gender differences, biases affecting our understanding of others, and perception of others in clinical conditions. Lastly, it highlights proposed future directions in the field.
For readers concerned about LGBTQ rights and the history of U.S. citizenship policies, get the book that Booklist says is "insightful" and "an accessible human story with a happy ending." The January 2018 headline story in the Los Angeles Times was riveting. Andrew from the United States and Elad Dvash-Banks from Israel married in Canada in 2010 when gay couples could not marry in these countries. The couple conceived fraternal twins, Aiden and Ethan, with a Canadian surrogate by means of egg and sperm donation. The two boys were born just four minutes apart. Aiden was conceived with a donated egg and Andrew's sperm cell, and Ethan was conceived with a donated egg (from the same woman) and E...
The visual world is full of detail. This Element focuses on this variability in perception, asking how it affects performance in visual tasks and how the variability is represented by human observers. The authors highlight different methods for assessing representations of variability and suggest that understanding visual variability can be elusive when straightforward explicit methods are used, while more implicit methods may be better suited to uncovering such processing. The authors conclude that variability is represented in far more detail than previously thought and that this aspect of perception is vital for understanding the complexity of visual consciousness.
The human ability to effortlessly understand the actions of other people has been the focus of research in cognitive neuroscience for decades. What have we learned about this ability, and what open questions remain? In this Element the authors address these questions by considering the kinds of information an observer may gain when viewing an action. A 'what, how, and why' framing organises evidence and theories about the representations that support classifying an action; how the way an action is performed supports observational learning and inferences about other people; and how an actor's intentions are inferred from her actions. Further evidence shows how brain systems support action understanding, from research inspired by 'mirror neurons' and related concepts. Understanding actions from vision is a multi-faceted process that serves many behavioural goals, and is served by diverse mechanisms and brain systems.
Der Schlüssel, um häufige Leiden unserer Zeit zu verhindern oder zu heilen, liegt laut Dr. Casey Means in unserem Stoffwechsel. Die Expertin erklärt in ihrem bahnbrechenden Buch, dass unsere Gesundheit davon abhängt, wie gut die Körperzellen Energie erzeugen und nutzen. Dafür müssen sie optimal versorgt werden, um "gute Energie" zu erzeugen – den essenziellen Treibstoff, der jeden Aspekt unseres körperlichen und geistigen Wohlbefindens beeinflusst. Good Energy verknüpft modernste Forschungsergebnisse mit persönlichen Erfahrungen und bietet einen Vier-Wochen-Plan, den man für eine optimale Gesundheit benötigt. Mit diesem Grundlagenwerk erhält man ein neues, modernes Verständnis und optimiert die Gesundheit, um in jedem Alter gut zu leben und gesund zu bleiben.
The econeurobiology of brain development describes the interaction of factors in a child's environment that determine brain plasticity, cognition and learning - by enhancing brain connectivity and through gene expression. These factors shape concentration, learning inside and outside the classroom, social interaction, emotional development and behaviour. Although, brain development is maximal in the first three years if life, elementary school education is a significant determinant of adult health, employment, prosperity and public health. The goal of this research topic is to examine how childhood education may be optimized for individual and public health and to look more closely at the unique interaction of education and health as determinants of social well-being and the health of societies. Emphasis on six factors that form the econeurobiology of brain development: a nurturing environment, sleep, nutrition, exercise, music and teaching and learning strategies in school and the community that enhance brain connectivity among school age children.
Empathic inference, or "everyday-mind reading", is a form of complex psychological inference in which observation, memory, knowledge, and reasoning are combined to yield insights into the subjective experience of others. This comprehensive volume addresses the question of how accurate our "readings" of thoughts and feelings of others actually are, introducing two innovative methods for objectivity measuring this key dimension of social intelligence. Presenting cutting-edge research in this emerging area, the volume offers essential insights into how and why people sometimes succeed, and sometimes fail, in their attempts to understand each other. Leading experts cover such topics as the evolu...