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This book unveils the legendary life and the mystic poems of the iconic Chinese Tang poet Han-shan (known by his pen name “Cold Mountain”) and investigates the dissemination and reception of the Cold Mountain Poems (CMPs) attributed to him. Han-shan and the CMPs are amongst the most legendary literary landscapes and cultural memories in the history of world scholarly exchange. The maniac poet recluse hidden in the Cold Mountains, the delicate poetic realms of Confucianism, Buddhism, Zen and Taoism contained in the Cold Mountain Poems, and the incredible pervasiveness of its text travel and canon construction worldwide, as well as the profound impact of CMPs on comparative literature, wor...
In Politics of Art Zhiguang Yin investigates members of the Creation Society and their social network while in Japan. The study contextualises the Chinese left-wing intellectual movements and their political engagements in relation with the early 20th century international political events and trends in both East Asia and Europe. The Creation Society was largely viewed as a subject of literary studies. This research, however, evaluates these intellectuals in the context of Chinese revolution and elaborates their theoretical contribution to the Chinese Communist Party’s practice of “theoretical struggle” as a main driving force of ideological construction. As this study tries to demonstrate, theoretical struggle drives the ideological politics forward while maintaining its political vigour.
Literature is not all about a play of a language, or a kind of linguistic game. The written pages are not only a representation of the black and the white; the verbal and the visual, but also much more. A writer somehow does not only write a book. He or she – most importantly – lives a book. The text itself does not only represent the condition of language – rather, it does represent the condition of one's own self.
美國詩人作家愛格艾倫坡有一句詩:「我們當下所見和曾經所見豈非祇是 夢中之夢?」此一詩句和本書的書名「遇見最初於未來」,自不免會導引讀者進入一種時間、意識和語言問題的思辯。 的確,這書名與其中的詩作正是涉及語言本質問題的尋思,以及對它神奇迷離的發源之探掘。用這薄薄的詩冊來碰觸這麼一個奧妙艱深的問題,與其說是出於選擇,不如說是命定。2003年視網膜剝離經治療後視力恢復,重新開始我的閱讀生活以來,不知為何偏偏就對於詩和語言問題,以及聖經研讀方面「情有獨鍾」,因而總想要透過寫詩,而且要用兩種不同的語言來寫,似乎才足以呈現這些閱讀,是如何深切感映以及光照在我個人的思索、體驗和生活現實之上。 義大利詩人但丁說:「在神的旨意裡有人的平安」。對我而言,我閱讀什麼想什麼、我的每篇文章、每一首詩、每一本書的完成,可以說都是在神的旨意裡。【秀威資訊科技股份有限公司製作】
本書是依據作者整理90~103年民航特考飛行原理考試科目的考古題所編錄影音課程之教材簡報(ppt)轉製而成的教學教材,全書利用簡報形式呈現,並於簡報下方附有筆記欄,方便讀者撰寫與抄錄。 本書具有強調重點以及便於攜帶的特性,可做為民航特考考生用來備考與考前衝刺使用。【秀威資訊科技股份有限公司製作】
Samantha Lawrence is starting fourth grade at a new school, Casteral Elementary School. On her first day of school, she runs into a bully and, as fate would have it, they are in the same class! How will they truly learn and change their preconception of each other? How will the power of friendship turn them from each other's "most hated person" to "frenemies"?
★ 《星斗集:王建生現代詩選》英譯版本 ★ 作者王建生改以英文為載體,賦予詩集新生命。