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In the context of our increasingly VUCA world and with the proliferation of modern crises, crisis management has evolved into a key task area that is no longer critical only to the energy, aviation, and security sectors and neither is it only the work of appointed crisis managers. Beyond the traditional acute crises, there are creeping crises, looming crises and black swan events, and also crises that have multiple, differentiated and non-linear trajectories. What then are the structures and capabilities necessary for organisations and leaders to be prepared to face this diverse range of modern crisis situations?The book presents several key competencies that crisis leaders and managers shou...
This book offers both theoretical and practical examinations of the psycho-criminology of criminal justice in Asia, with particular emphasis on the Hong Kong and Singapore contexts. It is designed to present the current state of the field, which addresses key topics in three major sub-areas – policing and legal system, offender rehabilitation and treatment, and research and future directions. Written by academics with extensive research experience in their respective topics and senior ranking practitioners in their fields, topics include psychologists’ involvement in different aspects of forensic investigation, police emotional reactions to major incidents, the application of psychologic...
When it comes to sizing up America’s public schools, test scores are the go-to metric of state policy makers and anxious parents looking to place their children in the “best” schools. Yet ample research indicates that standardized tests are a poor way to measure a school’s performance. It is time—indeed past time—to rethink this system, Jack Schneider says. Beyond Test Scores reframes current debates over school quality by offering new approaches to educational data that can push us past our unproductive fixation on test scores. Using the highly diverse urban school district of Somerville, Massachusetts, as a case study, Schneider and his research team developed a new framework t...
"The chapters in this book reveal that police education, training, and practices are now closely tied to collaboration between police, academics, professional practitioners, and community agencies, and such collaboration is described and evaluated." Dilip K. Das, PhD, Founding President, International Police Executive Symposium (IPES) and founding
While aspiring to escape from the drudgery and alienation which seem to be the fate of manual workers, professionals have long realized to their distress that their professionalism and work commitment by no means reduce the stressfulness of their work. Such an awareness of the impact of work on their physical and emotional well-being has led the professionals to make efforts to maximize their person-environment fit and to enhance their coping and adapation, knowing, sometimes helplessly, that society, bureaucracy, and work organization continue to be a potent source of work stress. This book offers deep analyses of work stress and coping among professionals by a multidisciplinary research te...
Is it possible to rewire your own negative emotions? Can you reprogram your self-limiting beliefs or behavioral patterns? This book will argue that it is possible for you to unplug from your own mind, identify its patterns, and become the architect of your own enlightenment. A bold and fascinating dive into the nuts and bolts of psychological evolution, Designing the Mind: The Principles of Psychitecture is part inspiring manifesto, part practical self-development guide, all based on the teachings of thinkers like Marcus Aurelius, Lao Tzu, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Abraham Maslow. The ideas and techniques it offers are all woven together into a much-needed mindset to help people lead better, ...
How can we use psychology and the behavioural sciences to aid law enforcement to better identify violent extremists? What can we learn from past attacks to ensure that our society is more prepared? How can societies deal with tension after these attacks?Violent extremists are evolving, constantly honing their strategies to out-manuever the 'good guys'. Faced with the quandary, challenges, and responsibilities of ensuring the safety of the society, practitioners and policymakers have to take decisive steps to respond and mitigate the impact of an attack. However, the daunting task of countering violent extremism is still plagued by the lack of basic understanding of the phenomenon.This book, ...
O grande livro sobre a arte de reprogramar a sua mente. Um livro ambicioso e fascinante, que nos ensina a treinar a nossa capacidade de evoluir e criar novas formas de pensar. Com uma parte filosófica e uma parte de guia prático, este livro vai buscar os ensinamentos de pensadores como Marco Aurélio, Lao Tzu, Friedrich Nietzsche e Abraham Maslow, e ajuda-nos a criar novas molduras de pensamento para os dias de hoje. Ancestral e futurista, Desenhar a Sua Mente integra a sabedoria de antigos pensadores, filósofos e combina-a com a dos cientistas disruptivos dos dias de hoje, numa abordagem e método modernos e racionais para reprogramar o seu próprio cérebro. Embora a maioria das pessoas...
«Todo hombre puede ser, si se lo propone, escultor de su propio cerebro». Santiago Ramón y Cajal El clásico de culto inmediato sobre el arte de reprogramar tu propio software psicológico. Una inmersión audaz y fascinante en los entresijos de la evolución psicológica, Diseña tu mente: los principios de la psiquitectura es en parte un manifiesto filosófico y en parte una guía práctica; todo ello basado en las enseñanzas de pensadores legendarios como Marco Aurelio, Lao Tse, Friedrich Nietzsche y Abraham Maslow. Todas las ideas y técnicas que ofrece están integradas en una teoría vital para ayudar a las personas a escalar las cumbres del autodominio y llevar una vida mejor. Esta...
În spatele furiei stă, de cele mai multe ori, o durere profundă şi veche care îşi are originile în copilărie. Lucrarea îl invită pe cititor la o reflecţie asupra furiilor conştiente şi inconştiente care împing spre alegeri greşite, indiferent că este vorba de domeniul sentimental, profesional sau social. Consecinţele nefaste ale furiei ne pot distruge (vorbim aici despre dependenţe, tentative de suicid ori automutilare) sau pot răni anturajul persoanelor care au dificultăţi în a-şi gestiona furia (în această categorie includem violenţa conjugală sau hărţuirea psihologică). Dacă vrei să afli care este sursa emoţiilor tale negative şi ce mesaj vor ele să-ţi...