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Food Packaging
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 216

Food Packaging

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-04-18
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  • Publisher: MDPI

Because of the increasing pressure on both food safety and packaging/food waste, the topic is important both for academics, applied research, industry and also for environment protection. Different materials, such as glass, metals, paper and paperboards, and non-degradable and degradable polymers, with versatile properties, are attractive for potential uses in food packaging. Food packaging is the largest area of application within the food sector. Only the nanotechnology-enabled products in the food sector account for ~50% of the market value, with and the annual growth rate is 11.65%. Technological developments are also of great interest. In the food sector, nanotechnology is involved in p...

Conversational Italian Dialogues
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 430

Conversational Italian Dialogues

Is conversational Italian turning a little too tricky for you? Do you have no idea how to order a meal or book a room at a hotel? If your answer to any of the previous questions was ‘Yes’, then this book is for you! If there’s even been something tougher than learning the grammar rules of a new language, it’s finding the way to speak with other people in that tongue. Any student knows this – we can try our best at practicing, but you always want to avoid making embarrassing mistakes or not getting your message through correctly. "How do I get out of this situation?" many students ask themselves, to no avail, but no answer is forthcoming. Until now. We have compiled MORE THAN ONE HU...

The Czechoslovak Film
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 94

The Czechoslovak Film

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1987
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Engineering of Computer-Based Systems
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 312

Engineering of Computer-Based Systems

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, ECBS 2023, which was held in Västerås, Sweden, in October 2023. The 11 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 26 submissions and present software, hardware, and communication perspectives of systems engineering through its many facets. The special theme of this year is ”Engineering for Responsible AI“.

Physics and Technology of Amorphous-Crystalline Heterostructure Silicon Solar Cells
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 588

Physics and Technology of Amorphous-Crystalline Heterostructure Silicon Solar Cells

Today’s solar cell multi-GW market is dominated by crystalline silicon (c-Si) wafer technology, however new cell concepts are entering the market. One very promising solar cell design to answer these needs is the silicon hetero-junction solar cell, of which the emitter and back surface field are basically produced by a low temperature growth of ultra-thin layers of amorphous silicon. In this design, amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) constitutes both „emitter“ and „base-contact/back surface field“ on both sides of a thin crystalline silicon wafer-base (c-Si) where the electrons and holes are photogenerated; at the same time, a-Si:H passivates the c-Si surface. Recently, cell efficiencies above 23% have been demonstrated for such solar cells. In this book, the editors present an overview of the state-of-the-art in physics and technology of amorphous-crystalline heterostructure silicon solar cells. The heterojunction concept is introduced, processes and resulting properties of the materials used in the cell and their heterointerfaces are discussed and characterization techniques and simulation tools are presented.

La sfida
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 97

La sfida

  • Categories: Art

Simona è una giovane donna molto bella, che attira l’attenzione di Ivan e di Corrado, i suoi due compagni di lavoro. Tra i due uomini si accende una sordida sfida. I due sfidanti sono accomunati dall’amore verso Simona e verso le moto da corsa. Si susseguono momenti altamente drammatici sull’asfalto di strade occupate da sinistri personaggi e da splendide centaure. Tra paesaggi sublimi e notti buie tagliate dai raggi luminosi di moto roboanti, prosegue una sfida che vedrà un inatteso finale. L’autore riesce a ricreare un clima rarefatto ricco di altissima tensione, proponendo teatrali colpi di scena illuminati, come in una sequenza cinematografica, da luci ora taglienti ora rarefat...

Fii linistit, suflete!
  • Language: ro
  • Pages: 124

Fii linistit, suflete!

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2006-10-01
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  • Publisher: Scriptum

„Noi obisnuim sa complicam mult conceptele crestine, iar Elisabeth reuseste sa le simplifice cu multa gratie.” —Ruth Bell Graham Viata ta poate parea mult mai complicata decat a altora, dar elementele ei de baza sunt aceleasi. Te confrunti cu masini de spalat care se strica, cu fripturi care se ard, cu facturi care trebuie platite si cu ore de varf la care traficul este blocat. Poate ca ai probleme financiare, poate ca ai un copil bolnav sau poate chiar tu Insuti trebuie sa faci fata suferintei. Poate ca de curand ai esuat Intr-o relatie sau poate ti-a decedat cineva drag. Necazuri, tragedii, lipsuri, Ingrijorari. Durere. Dumnezeu foloseste durerea sau necazul in viata ta. Acestea au u...

A Catalogue of Ecosystem Services in Slovakia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 259

A Catalogue of Ecosystem Services in Slovakia

This book provides the first comprehensive assessment of ecosystem services (ES) for the territory of the Slovak Republic. Although the ES approach is widely used for the evaluation of the benefits of natural capital and biodiversity for people, this book has a unique character. It provides an assessment of 18 individual ES, which are divided into three main groups - provisioning, regulatory/supporting and cultural ES. For each of ES, a brief theoretical and methodological overview is given, followed by spatial assessment based on own original methodology and dataset of 40 map layers. Besides, an evaluation of main ES groups and overall ES assessment is realized. This book emphasizes the key role of nature protection areas, large areas of forest ecosystems and mountain and sub-mountain areas, for the preservation of the various functions of the healthy landscape and ecosystems. The complexity of the book guarantees its usefulness - not only as the knowledge base for the territory of Slovakia but also as the methodological tool for worldwide researchers.

Kamenní andělé
  • Language: cs
  • Pages: 182

Kamenní andělé

Blíží se Velikonoce a Simona se těší, že je stráví u své babičky v Ahusu. Když k ní přijede, něco je jinak než obvykle - v domě panuje zvláštní atmosféra a babička je unavená a zamyšlená. Z Pokoje vzdechů se ozývají podivné zvuky. Čtyři kamenné sochyv zahradě pořád někdo přesouvá a ze starého kazetového magnetofonu se ozývají tajuplné rozzlobené hlasy, které ji varují, aby si pospíšila, než bude pozdě. Navíc babička upadla a skončí v nemocnici, takže Simona zůstane v jejím domě úplně sama. Dokáže společně s kamarády Billiea Aladinem záhadu vyřešit?

Puterea rugaciunii unui bunic
  • Language: ro
  • Pages: 230

Puterea rugaciunii unui bunic

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-02-09
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  • Publisher: Scriptum

Rugaciunile unui bunic sunt pretioase inaintea lui Dumnezeu! Rugaciunea pentru nepoti este cel mai mare dar pe care il poti oferi. In inima ta se petrece un fenomen uimitor cand iti vezi pentru prima oara nepotii. Desi nu seamana cu experienta pe care o traiesti la nasterea propriilor tai copii, ea este o experienta unica, ce iti schimba viata in mod irevocabil. In mod instant se realizeaza o conexiune profunda si ia nastere o dragoste neconditionata, de neinchipuit pana atunci. Nepotii sunt daruri asezate literalmente in poala ta. Iar rugaciunile tale sunt un dar pentru ei, care-i poate influenta o viata intreaga – chiar si atunci cand tu nu mai esti prin preajma ca sa vezi toate rezultat...